How often do you Henna / Indigo?


Well-Known Member
I henndigo-ed for the first time this weekend and LOVE the results.
How often is OK to use henna and indigo?
I'm loving how soft but strong my hair feels, and I want to get it darker and darker....

Would I be overdoing it if I made this an every other week occurrence?
With all my intentions to do it every other week, I generally don't get to it more than once a month. I've known of people online on various forums and blogs that do it that often with beautiful results. As long as you deep condition after each application, I don't see a problem with doing it that often.

The downside for some people is that henna loosens their curls. It doesn't do that to me, but it does happen to some especially if you do it often.
I do it about every 6-8 weeks to cover greys. I agree, it is a cumulative effect. The more you do it, the deeper the results.

I've been doing it for about 2 years. Love the color and the benefits.
I also do it every 8 weeks to cover my greys. Be sure to DC.

I found it toooooo drying to do it every month. I do both Henna and Indigo. I am going to mix Hibiscus with it this time.
I also do it every 8 weeks to cover my greys. Be sure to DC.

I found it toooooo drying to do it every month. I do both Henna and Indigo. I am going to mix Hibiscus with it this time.


I Totally Agree JJ!:yep:

Not sure for those who mix it with Conditioners etc for Conditioning.....but for Coloring Properties I think it would be waayyyy too drying for My Hair.:yep:

I Totally Agree JJ!:yep:

Not sure for those who mix it with Conditioners etc for Conditioning.....but for Coloring Properties I think it would be waayyyy too drying for My Hair.:yep:

I do henna glosses (mixing conditioner with my henna mix) and still get color uptake. Maybe alternate henna alone with henna glosses...
See with the Henna I don't find it as bad as the Indigo because I do mix my Henna sometimes. I will be using only Vatika Oil and Henna This time. Indigo no such luck only water. That is the drying part for me.

You sprinkle some Indigo in the ocean it will just be a crust left. It is sooooooooo Drying but the color is awesome.
See with the Henna I don't find it as bad as the Indigo because I do mix my Henna sometimes. I will be using only Vatika Oil and Henna This time. Indigo no such luck only water. That is the drying part for me.

You sprinkle some Indigo in the ocean it will just be a crust left. It is sooooooooo Drying but the color is awesome.

How much Vatika Oil do you add to your henna mixture?
I intented to do my henna twice a month but I only get around to it every month and half. I have only did henna/indigo once but would love to do it every 3wks
Indigo is also very drying for me. It's my first time using it and it been three weeks now and my hair is shedding and breaking. I even clarified this weekend to see if it will help, not much difference so far. I have used Alta Ego garlic deep con, Elista QP moisturizing con, even did coffee rinse. There have been some improvement but the breakage and shedding hasn't stopped. Any tip on how to combat this will be greatly appreciated.
Indigo is also very drying for me. It's my first time using it and it been three weeks now and my hair is shedding and breaking. I even clarified this weekend to see if it will help, not much difference so far. I have used Alta Ego garlic deep con, Elista QP moisturizing con, even did coffee rinse. There have been some improvement but the breakage and shedding hasn't stopped. Any tip on how to combat this will be greatly appreciated.

I rinsed the mess out of it. Meaning about 30 minutes of rinsing. Then I use a DC for about an hour. It is still blah after. By the following weeks wash my hair feels better. :)

Try putting Vatika Oil on the hair for a few hours afterwards.

Don't give up though, it is a method to this madness.
Thank you for the tip. My hair feels so strange and it doesn't help that after several weeks I still see dark particles in my sink and under my finger nails.

I rinsed the mess out of it. Meaning about 30 minutes of rinsing. Then I use a DC for about an hour. It is still blah after. By the following weeks wash my hair feels better. :)

Try putting Vatika Oil on the hair for a few hours afterwards.

Don't give up though, it is a method to this madness.
Hmmm....I must have gotten super lucky. I didn't get any drying effects, and I didn't DC after (i know, i know) My hair is darker (not dark enough yet) and feels soft.

Maybe it'll start to be drying after multiple uses? I'll be DCing for sure next time I henndigo.
Hey ladies.

I've been using henna and indigo for years and never have a problem with dryness. I think having my hair clarified and well moisturized beforehand helps. Also I add VCO, honey and SAA to the henna mix for moisture and slip.

Stay away from adding acidic stuff to the mix like lemon juice and ACV. I did that the first time I used henna and didn't like the way it made my hair feel so I never added a terp again.

I like to rinse the mixture out with Suave or one of the other cheapie conditioners to help get it all out and soften the hair for the indigo application or for DCing.

It is also suggested that the hair is well oiled prior to using Ayurvedic powders.

Just to make sure--are you all putting plastic over the hair to keep it moist while the henna is "processing"?
My hair never had drying problem with henna even though I added lemon juice (the only thing added). Do you also apply oil to your hair before applying Indigo?
NYDee are you saying you use lemon juice and no water to make your paste? or water and a little lemon juice only?

I do clarify and oil my hair and scalp within the week before doing a henna application, but I only use conditioner before the indigo.

I don't use indigo without using henna first as a 2-step process when I have gone months without using, but I do use hendigo treatments to maintain color consistency to my roots.

In other words, I've gone the last 3 months without henna and indigo, so what I'm doing now to get my roots like my ends, is apply 2 separate henna only sessions. I did one a few days ago and I will do another this weekend and I will follow that with indigo only, and after that I will be doing hendigos to maintain the color.
frizzy, I use water of course, I meant I don't add any other thing like oil and conditioner. My mix is Henna, Amla and Brahmi, water and lemon juic. I clarified my hair the day before doing the treatment. I also used Indigo only after Henna. The only thing I didn't do was wash the Henna out with conditioner, I used only water. I added salt to my Indigo, don't know if that matters.
I do mines every month and about to start every 2 weeks but there are people doing it every week. I don't see a problem with it since it is not a chemical. I use conditoner to wash mines out with. and yes the more you use the deeper your color gets I even use the henna on my nails and in order for me to get the color that I want I have to do it like 4 times in a row.
You can use henna every two weeks just be sure to be aware when you need moisture. I got my cassia yesterday so going to do a henna and cassia treatment I should've ordered my indigo at the same time it takes o long to come,

BTW I do the treatment every few months sometimes every two weeks. I want to get a brown colour using henna, cassia and indigo:yep:
NYDee--I thought that was what you were saying, then I started reading too much into it. :look: Your henna mix sounds good! :lick:

When I use my ayur powders, I either use it as a strained tea rinse or I make a paste with water and add a lot of conditioner to it and co wash with it. The latter is what I do the most. Conditioner helps get the little particles out.

How much powder are you using per application? If I were you, I would "overload" on the moisture for a few weeks before using the powders again. HTH
Amla darkens and strengthens your hair. My sister just uses amla oil for DCs and her hair is shiny black
I shampoo my hair the week before I Henna. The night before I co wash and use a lot of EVCO. After I Henna I DC overnight and I use lots of S Curl that week. Depending on the climate your in, your hairs porosity, and other things will determine what you need to do when you use Henna.
frizzy, I use water of course, I meant I don't add any other thing like oil and conditioner. My mix is Henna, Amla and Brahmi, water and lemon juic. I clarified my hair the day before doing the treatment. I also used Indigo only after Henna. The only thing I didn't do was wash the Henna out with conditioner, I used only water. I added salt to my Indigo, don't know if that matters.

The first time I used henna, I added lemon juice and it dried my hair out like crazy. I just use hot water and wait for the dye release.
I think it really depends on what condition your hair is in. I never had a problem with using lemon in my henna. I do it all the time, I just make sure I use conditioner to wash the henna out with and then use a deep conditioner for the final go round.
I am in my henna now for overnight treatment. I think I will do it again next week also.
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I use it every two weeks with no problem to cover grays. I learned too not to add lemon or ACV to my mix. I could see where the lemon was actually eating my hair away inbetween the strands plus it was way to drying. Now my mix is henna, avj,egg, conditioner and water. I tried adding cocoa which gave me a darker brown color on my black hair but did nothing tone down the orange on the grays. I was too lazy to appy the indigo so next time.