How often do you Henna / Indigo?

Hey ladies.

I've been using henna and indigo for years and never have a problem with dryness. I think having my hair clarified and well moisturized beforehand helps. Also I add VCO, honey and SAA to the henna mix for moisture and slip.

Stay away from adding acidic stuff to the mix like lemon juice and ACV. I did that the first time I used henna and didn't like the way it made my hair feel so I never added a terp again.

I like to rinse the mixture out with Suave or one of the other cheapie conditioners to help get it all out and soften the hair for the indigo application or for DCing.

It is also suggested that the hair is well oiled prior to using Ayurvedic powders.

Just to make sure--are you all putting plastic over the hair to keep it moist while the henna is "processing"?

I really want to try henna and indigo if you don't mind I have a few questions

Where do u buy you henna
What is vco and ssa
Does it really cover the gray and do you get that jet black shine
I use it every two weeks with no problem to cover grays. I learned too not to add lemon or ACV to my mix. I could see where the lemon was actually eating my hair away inbetween the strands plus it was way to drying. Now my mix is henna, avj,egg, conditioner and water. I tried adding cocoa which gave me a darker brown color on my black hair but did nothing tone down the orange on the grays. I was too lazy to appy the indigo so next time.

CA*Nappy--I've heard of this happening when using a strong acidic liquid. I would imagine that a teaspoon or so would be okay but I've read where some people are using 1/2 cup and more of lemon juice or ACV. It makes me cringe at the long term negative affects this could have. I don't want to risk it. Especially with the length of time that henna is left on the hair.

I really want to try henna and indigo if you don't mind I have a few questions

Where do u buy you henna
What is vco and ssa
Does it really cover the gray and do you get that jet black shine

danniegirl--I will PM you where I bought my henna
VCO=virgin coconut oil
SSA-I meant SAA=silk amino acid
Yes, henna covers the gray and makes it a vibrant orange or reddish color, it depends on the henna and how well it stains. The more you use it the more the hair will absorb and the color will deepen.

I make my hair black by using indigo over the henna. The first app. of indigo turns the orange/red former gray hairs brown, and each app. of indigo will make the hair blacker and blacker.

So, my color seems to be fading already.
What's going on?

Whimsy--I don't know how many applications of henna you have done, but it is normal for the color to settle (darken) a little, after a few days. I usually wait 3 or more days before I wash after applying henna so that it soaks in well. But the more you use henna the more vibrant and multi-dimensional your hair color will become if you have natural highlights or grays.
@Whimsy--I don't know how many applications of henna you have done, but it is normal for the color to settle (darken) a little, after a few days. I usually wait 3 or more days before I wash after applying henna so that it soaks in well. But the more you use henna the more vibrant and multi-dimensional your hair color will become if you have natural highlights or grays.

I have only used it once, on saturday, and i may or may not have cowashed twice since then :look: so ummmm..... yeah....

I'm going to use my henndigo every other week until my hair is bliggedy black as night!