How often do you detangle between washes?

How often?

  • I detangle every day.

    Votes: 3 2.7%
  • Once a week.

    Votes: 23 20.9%
  • Twice a week.

    Votes: 4 3.6%
  • Three or more times a week.

    Votes: 4 3.6%
  • I do not detangle apart from wash day(s).

    Votes: 76 69.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Is this good or bad for a low manip reggie? I'm wondering if it will cancel out detangling on wash day i.e. what will result in less breakage in the long run.

Also please include how frequently you have wash days, if you only detangle on wash days.
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I want to know the answer too! I notice that my hair knots and even dreads by itself (I'm relaxed) since I don't detangle my hair hadn't done this ever.
I'm 4b natural. I wash my hair every 5/6 days and detangle on washday. If i try to go longer than that my hair starts to lock, regardless of what style it's in. I haven't worn braids since i've been natural so i'm not sure how a braid take-down would go.

I really wanted to stay at least two weeks with twists but nope :nono:

Sent from my GT-I5500
I don't at all. When I wear my hair out I only finger detangle on wash day. Haven't combed in 3 years

Sent from my PC36100
I've pretty much stopped detangling. I wash 2-3 times a month, but I only detangle once a month, and lately I've been leaving that for the stylist to do when I go to the salon. It has made my life so much easier and I haven't had any issues with matting or locking.

Sent from my HTC Evo
i'm relaxed and i detangle twice a week, since i wash/cowash my hair 2x a week. when i was natural it seemed like everyday i had to detangle. i had a bad reaction to some color and i believe it caused a lot of major shedding.
my hair locks easily as well. i don't have a regimen yet tho. i'm currently experimenting with no combing. it's been maybe 3mths or so? it goes well so far. Only minor setback was when i tried tiny twists. that was a huge b!tch. i kept them in only about 2wks and i had matting.

one of the new things i've tried tho is dry clearing. so instead of clearing/detangling on wet hair i try it with hair well lubricated with product (so far only qhemet some things) and it's actually easier.

one thing i've noticed tho is that as long as i do not do small twists (plaits ok) and keep my ends moist, i can minimize detangling and matting. i wash frequently but i wash in twists or whatever stretched style my hair is in so washing isn't the determining factor.

my next step is to determine a regimen. i need to figure out the best frequency of washing and dry-clearing. it's a learning process.

(ps: apologies for rambling even more than usual. i'm sorta distracted ;o)
I usually wash 1x a week. I can't really say I detangle in the way that you mean. I remove shed hairs in the shower by pulling my hair through my hands while wetting it. And if I am retwisting my hair for any reason during the week I do the same to each section to remove the shed hair. And even when my hair is twists I pull my twist through my hands to remove the shed hair from the root. Hope that makes sense.

If I remove the shed hair on a regular basis then I don't really detangle. I found by removing the shed hair regularly my hair no longer tangles or matts.
I only detangle on wash day, once a week. I think anymore than that is too much for my hair
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Basically, I don't. There are a few exceptions to that so I thought to say "once a week." But that is rare, indeed. Frankly, I probably only moisturize and seal once during that time, too. Low mani is the name of the game for me.

ETA: Wash day once a week.
Like prettypithy, I try to only to detangle on wash days although there may be an exception.

Wash days are usually 2 weeks but have gone as long as 3 1/2 or as short as 1.

As long as my hair is in a reasonably stretched style (which is 99% of the time anyway), I find it's not necessary. Just give me my bottle of v05 or pantene and a water supply and I'm good. :grin:
I manipulate my hair very little, I like to keep it up and away so what has worked best for me is detangling only once a month with a comb, and then finger detangling the rest of the time. I finger detangle, which is during my shampoo wash day, during my co-wash day, and when I moisturize my hair (always in sections.) I shampoo-wash, then co-wash 3-4 days after, and then shampoo & d/c 3-4 days after, repeating with no specific day of the week. I have no breakage or matting, just normal shed hairs that I regularly pull out before I moisturize/wash to keep them from tangling in with non-shed hairs.
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I CW 1-2 times a week so I detangle then otherwise I fingerstyle my hair it's sort low manipulation but i cant go to long for me 2 weeks is too long without water in my hair or detangling it. When I wore sew ins my hair became a matted mess in 2 months and detangling was a long torture session
QUESTION: when ytou ladies do twist-outs, how/ do you detangle that night before re-twisting? I can't imagine not detangling when i'm doing a twist-out.
QUESTION: when ytou ladies do twist-outs, how/ do you detangle that night before re-twisting? I can't imagine not detangling when i'm doing a twist-out.

I just pull the shed hairs out and retwist that section. If I place a section of hair between my thumb and index finger and run them down the length of the hair, the shed hairs just comb out. Any remaining come out while I am doing the twist.
QUESTION: when ytou ladies do twist-outs, how/ do you detangle that night before re-twisting? I can't imagine not detangling when i'm doing a twist-out.

I just use my fingers and separate as many sections as needed; anywhere between 2 and 4; and retwist or rebraid, sometimes I'll even dampen my fingers or water spritz to soften the hair and moisturize if it seems dry.

Unless there's a snarl or obvious hair ball, I don't recomb or brush at all. Loose shed hair can just be pulled down and out.

Unless the hair's in twists or braids, can't get much more lo-main than that :grin:
I voted once a week but don't detangle on wash day. I don't like too many hair steps on any given day and I have to DC after washing so I'll detangle with a comb, on dry hair a couple days before or after washing.
I only thoroughly detangle during wash days. Mid week retwists are hairs that came out during the low manipulation with my fingers. Wash days usually with some type of detangling tool.
I detangle only on wash days. However, if I am wearing a twist-out, especially from a wet set, then I'll gently remove/separate any "united" coils I see that appear to be fighting against one another.:lachen:

Gently is the key word.:yep:
I am natural 3b/3c and I only detangle on wash days which is once a week on sat or sun. Other than that whatever style I do my hair in in the between time is usually a bun, an updo or some kind of twists so it's still detangled.
I usually wash 1x a week. I can't really say I detangle in the way that you mean. I remove shed hairs in the shower by pulling my hair through my hands while wetting it. And if I am retwisting my hair for any reason during the week I do the same to each section to remove the shed hair. And even when my hair is twists I pull my twist through my hands to remove the shed hair from the root. Hope that makes sense.

If I remove the shed hair on a regular basis then I don't really detangle. I found by removing the shed hair regularly my hair no longer tangles or matts.

faithVA, I think I may have to try your method.

Currently, I only detangle on wash days, which used to take a really long time but now I only detangle enough to keep matting at bay. I think that over detangling causes unnecessary hair loss for me.
@meesch, how do you define detangling? Is combing part of detangling?

I ask because to me "detangling = removing tangles" which means the tangles need to exist first for them to be removed. So for someone like me who never allows tangles to exist, I never detangle.

Now if "detangling = removing shed hair, or combing" then I do it daily if wearing my hair out...and just whenever I undo a twist to redo no set schedule or frequency--just when I feel like it.

Washing really has no effect on when I remove shed hair. I just do it when I feel like it...and since hair is shed daily, if I'm wearing my hair out loose, then I will remove shed hair EVERY SINGLE DAY.
I only detangle on wash day. Wash days are generally twice a week. I keep my hair stretched and PS these days so it eliminates chances for knots and excessive tangles.
usually wash day is once a week my hair is out every day of the week i dont stretch my hair and only comb/brush once a week sometimes longer :look: