How often are you supposed to Henna???


Well-Known Member
I notice many ladies here on LHCF henna at least twice a month. Is it neccessary to henna twice every month. I'm just asking so I'll know what to do once I henna my hair.
I'm thinking about Henna it once amonth also ..even though my hair is natural I would like to track my growth a little better and henna could help me define the old hair agaist the new growth
I buy mine from local Indian stores
I have the 5 5 henna from Egypt and Zarqa Henna from Pakistan.
they are both less than 60 pence a packet
When I first started using henna, I did treatments nearly every week for a few weeks to reach color saturation. I now use henna once a month. I get my henna from FNWL usually but recently bought some from Henna Sooq. :)
I henna once a month - my hair is too fine to be able to handle it more often than that.

I get my henna from - it's my favorite (cheap too!)
Cichelle said:
When I first started using henna, I did treatments nearly every week for a few weeks to reach color saturation. I now use henna once a month. I get my henna from FNWL usually but recently bought some from Henna Sooq. :)

Cosigning (and I :love: your hair cichelle)... except I get my henna wholesale from
On my henna box it says every 4 to six weeks. If you have Neutral (no color) henna every 4 weeks. It also suggests three to five shampoos before using henna after a chemical process.