How often are you intimate with your mate (not nec. "coloring")?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
How often are you intimate with your mate? And I don't necessarily mean "coloring" (do we still say that in this forum :look:) I mean anything from holding hands, to sweet kisses, to ... Just about anything. Do you find that it occurs on a regular basis or only when y'all are in the mood/getting ready to color?
I don't let a day pass that I don't hug SO sincerely and kiss him. That's a must, no matter how busy and tired we are.
That is a hard question to answer if you're including kissing, holding hands etc.. lol!

When I meet him after he gets back from work (weekdays) we get into bed and cuddle/kiss/hold hands for an hour. Just catch up with each other etc...:)

We go to walk the dog later and hold hands, spontaneous kisses and hugs.

Hold hands, kiss, "I love you" while watching TV.

Hold hands intermittently when we're driving somewhere.

We still eye gaze a lot too.

Quite a lot basically :lol:. Its not connected to foreplay. We're both tactile in general. Its weird because me and my exes weren't like that:perplexed
Every time we are together. When we walk together we walk with our arms interlocked. We hold hands. Kiss. Whatever. Sometimes to annoy each other we'll lick each others faces or noses. He calls me sweet name and I do the same. When we drive, we hold hands or I have my hand on the back of his head. We just like to touch each other. LOL!
Awwww this is all so sweet. I seeing a new guy and so far we are both very affectionate. I am hoping that it doesn't go away just because we get more comfortable with each other. I am really into affection.
SO and I are very touchy/feely in private. Lots of kisses, hugging, hand holding, snuggling. We always fall asleep spooning and holding hands :cloud9: It would feel unnatural NOT to do those things with him!

In public, it's just hand holding and a quick peck before we get out of the car. No one wants to see our mush mush! :lol:
Awwww this is all so sweet. I seeing a new guy and so far we are both very affectionate. I am hoping that it doesn't go away just because we get more comfortable with each other. I am really into affection.

It's been 2.5 years for us now and it seems to be getting worse lol

If both of you are naturally affectionate it should carry on :)
Always. We hold hands or link arms wherever we are. We kiss and hug no matter where we are.

Together for 3 years.
All the time. When he drives, his hand is on my thigh or holding my hand. He drives a stick and he'll take his hand off the wheel before letting go of me. I brush my hand over his butt when I pass him. Ruffle his hair. Kiss his eyebrows and cheekbones. He tugs a few strands of my hair, runs a hand across my midsection, etc. We tone it down in front of the family and in public out of respect for children and elders. So it will be stuff like hip bumps, hand holding, quick "pinches"
dh's hand/s are always on me---alwayssss...he won't walk without us holding hands---if i am ever behind him he will stop if our hands are not clasped...

sometimes it annoys me other times I'm fine lol--he rubs me to sleep at night time--last night no coloring but that man massaged my lil pre-pms/annoyed/agitated self to bed...lmaooo

i come in he hugs me...we're very affectionate--that is our love language...i dont do cold unemotional types...
We kiss and hug everyday and hold hands often. We also snuggle for at least 20 minutes a night (after that I usually fall asleep then I roll over). We are pretty handsy. But my love language is physical touch so . . . .
Whenever we're together really. A hug, a kiss ... A back run or neck kiss while I'm cooking, holding hands or a leg rub while driving it watching tv. ...just random stuff throughout the day.
Cool thread.

It's really interesting how many people IRL can't picture intimacy without involving sex. I think intimacy is much more important than the actual intercourse. Sex is the cherry on top of the pie after all the mixing, baking and frosting which occurs during intimacy.
The last guy I was with, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. We were always touching in some kinda way (non-sexual). I've never had that before and it was amazing. I felt so connected to him. In the past I would be annoyed by that type of affection.

I really hope to have that type of affection with my future SO.
The last guy I was with, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. We were always touching in some kinda way (non-sexual). I've never had that before and it was amazing. I felt so connected to him. In the past I would be annoyed by that type of affection.

I really hope to have that type of affection with my future SO.

Same here... I like it. I need to have this type of affection and attraction going on in my relationship.
I hug him every morning. We kiss each time we part ways, we hold hands or cuddle on the sofa daily and we color a few times a week.
We are always touching. He holds me every night. We are always kissing, touching, hugging, rubbing, and cuddling. We sit up under each other all the time, to the point we can't work on our computers lol. We hold hands or fingers. When we are in public, sometimes we rub on each other discretely. I love it. My last relationship wasn't as touchy.
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We've been together for almost a year. We hold hands when we're walking together all the time. We are not big PDA people but he will usually hug me tight or kiss me on the head or cheek at random when we are out and about. We're always touchy/feely. In private-- definitely always holding each other on the couch watching movies or arm around me, kisses, etc.

All couples are different and you can't compare though. We know a couple who's been together for a while and they're always grabbing each other and open mouth kissing in public, at the table, etc.... It's like "get a room!". But hey, they're happy. Lol.
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Every day. We give lots of hugs and massages when we see each other during the day. We always cuddle when watching tv. He holds my hand or touches my leg when we are in the car driving. We hold hands walking down the street. We randomly grab each other's body parts in passing. We play a lot of footsies at night in bed. Nothing has changed in 8 years of being together.