How often are you deep conditioning?


New Member
I'd like to know how often everyone is doing this. I have to say that I'm slacking in a MAJOR way in this area. I couldn't even tell you the last time I've deep conditioned. I know it was sometime in the summer of 2003. I know I need to get back at it, because my hair is looking kinda dull and I think that may be the culprit. I used to faithfully deep condition 2x a week. Since that time I've seriously simplified my routine. But maybe it's too simple. I'm gonna start back deep conditioning once a week. How about you guys?
Yes me too. I deep cond once a week but I do it for 2 days in a row. My hair is rather fine but thick so I do it again that 2nd day for kindof insurance I guess you can say.
I try to at least once a week, I have been doing it twice a week lately though, because I love the results, and I am trying to prevent color damage.
I deep condition every week, with heat (electric heating cap for 20-30 mins.)
I even do my creamy protein with heat too.
2x a week with heat for about 1/2 hour. Although, last night I seriouslyu contemplated not using any conditioner to see how it would turn out.
I went through a good 2 month period of just doing conditioner washes without deep conditioning which although convenient I grew to hate. Now, as of 2 weeks back, I'm deep conditioning a good 2 times a week. Just did one last night for 30 mins with Kenra

I've noticed my hair thrives better and looks better when I stick with the twice weekly deep conditioning instead of daily conditioner washes.
I used Elasta QP creme conditioning shampoo and really like how soft my hair felt afterwards so I didn't want to condition. My hair felt worse after conditioning anyway. I used Dudley's hair mask.
Thanks everyone. I'm seriously slacking here. I plan to deep conditioning on Friday and weekly thereafter.
Every time I shampoo without heat.
I also started back with my hot oil treatments. I haven't been doing them like I used to:(
1x/week...I'm getting lazy about it so I do it with no heat, just with a plastic cap on for about 30-60min. I may go back to using heat for 30min.
Every time I shampoo -- once a week.

I don't know where I got this tip from, but whoever suggested warming the conditioner, thank you because that is DA BOMB!!!!
I deep condition once a week for 15-20 minutes with a plastic cap and warm towel wrapped around my head.
brownrelaxedhair said:
I went through a good 2 month period of just doing conditioner washes without deep conditioning which although convenient I grew to hate.

[/ QUOTE ] Until this thread, I hadn't noticed that I have been slacking on my deep conditioning. It's true, CO washes alone aren't enough.