How often are you deep conditioning?

Everytime i wash, which is usually twice a week. I don't use heat tho (while dc'ing), i just wrap my head in a plastic bag and let my natural body heat do all the work.
balleryna said:
Yes me too. I deep cond once a week but I do it for 2 days in a row. My hair is rather fine but thick so I do it again that 2nd day for kindof insurance I guess you can say.

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I deep condition once a week, my hair is fine and thin. Do you think that conditioning twice a week could help to thicken my hair?
ladydee...I am sooo sorry. i didnt see your response earlier. now I think I should direct your question to the more knowledgable ladies. I thot that whether your hair is thick or thin is just a part of you and you can't necessarily put anything on it to make it other than what it is. can someone jump in pls???

BUT if your hair is thinning due to breakage I think extra gentle care and attentive conditioning will help empty areas fill in and also I blve that some cond. are designed to make your hair appear fuller. another thot that I've heard expressed re overconditioning may make your hair limo and appear even thinner. so u might try experimenting abt a month or so and see what you think. at optimum conditioning for your hair's particular needs I think you will be happy with your hair but I don't think I can tell you that your hair will physically be thicker.
I deep condition twice a week. I usually do a hot oil treatment on the weekend and a deep treatment with conditioner during the week.
Hey CaramelHonee,

I deep condition once a week. I use a plastic cap and sit under the dryer for 15-20 minutes.
By doing this, my hair retains moisture!
ladydee36330 said:
balleryna said:
Yes me too. I deep cond once a week but I do it for 2 days in a row. My hair is rather fine but thick so I do it again that 2nd day for kindof insurance I guess you can say.

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I deep condition once a week, my hair is fine and thin. Do you think that conditioning twice a week could help to thicken my hair?

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I think she meant to say that her strands are thin, but she has so many that overall her hair is thick. As for thickening hair, I believe some people use panthonetic(sp?) acid supplements for this. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
I deep condition once a week with no heat. I use a plastic cap and then I put on a winter hat, so that the natural heat from my body does all the work. I keep this on for an hour.