How much water do you add to your Karishma henna?


New Member
Hey all my search function isnt working so I apologize if this has been asked before. I got my Karishma henna and Indigo last week but I'm going to finally use it tomorrow. My question is how much water to you add to it so it has the consistency of pudding/pancake batter? I only want to use water and will let it sit overnight for 12 hours so quick dye release is not a concern. My hair is 4a/b and SL on the sides APL in the back. Also what do you add to it(i.e oils I have(auryvudic(sp), tea tree, eucalyptus, EVOO,EVCO). I have "virgin" hair(never dyed in my 23 years) so do I need to do a strand test? Also should I do the henna and indigo the same day or would that be too much work? All answers/suggestions/tips appreciated. Feel free to give me your henna day routine

Can you tell im a newbie? :lachen: lol

I don't measure, but I make it a thick lumpy paste.


After you let it sit overnight all of the water will soak into the dry lumps and you will be able to mix it and it will smooth out like pudding:


you can add more water then if needed, but if you add too much initally, it will be really messy. I usually add my extras first, then add water to form the paste, but I don't think it matters. My mix is very moisturizing and not drying:


-Lemon Juice (Just a Squirt)--for acidity and color release
-Conditioner--For Moisture
-1 egg yolk--For Softness and Strength
-Honey--For Added Moisture
-Jojoba Oil--For Lubrication
-Peppermint Essential Oil--For the Tinggggle
-Glycerin--For Moisture
-Distilled Water--to form a paste

You can indigo right after you henna. Just don't mix the water with the indigo until right before you apply it. --More info

Hope this helps
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Wow! Your hair looks great! So I initially mix just the henna and water, let it sit overnight, then mix everything right before I'm ready to use it? For some reason I thought I could mix it up all at once and let it sit overnight:rolleyes: