How much time do you spend on your hair in a day?


Well-Known Member
Hi!! I've been lurking on this site for a long time and I've been so inspired by some of the ladies here that I've finally joined and decided to start my own hair journey! Having read through some of the threads, I'm concerned that I may not have enough time to devote to my hair to produce great results - I work really long hours and it seems like a lot of the recommended methods are quite time consuming, such as frequent washing, co-washing, air drying, oiling, sealing, setting etc..., and I was just wondering how much time people generally spend in a day on hair related tasks?

I Co-Wash, Reconstruct, DC'er Dry about 1-2 times a week. That will cut down to once a week as Fall/Winter approaches. It usually takes me about 2 hours for this process.:yep:

My Daily Hair Care takes me about 10 minutes, because I am currently under a Wig. I will Spritz, Moisture, Seal, Tuck under/Pin Up, Put on Wig Cap, Wig and Go.:perplexed

I also Henna/Indigo about once every 6-8 Weeks and it usually takes me all Day.:perplexed I will Co-Wash, then Henna for about 2-3 hours and Indigo for about another 2 Hours, DC for about an Hour and Finish Up.

On the days I Henna, it usually takes me about 6-8 Hours to complete the entire process.:ohwell:

But I'm prepared for that and set time out for that because I know it is time-consuming.:spinning:

Great Thread!:nicethread: & Welcome!:welcome:
The most time I spend is 15 to 20 minutes a day, and that's co-washing. The only time I spend more than that is if I twist or straighten my hair. That's about it. I'm a simple gal!
Daily my hair takes no more than 10 minutes...hmm well I massage nightly because I'm testing this sulfur mix so I guess that's about 10 minutes but styling my hair in the morning takes less than 10 minutes. Most times 5. I only wash my hair once a week and that takes quite a bit of time since I wash in 4 sections. So it takes about 1 hour to wash, condition, finger comb, and braid so I can airdry. I detangle twice a month so on days I detangle, it will add an extra 45 minutes to my wash time. I am transitioning so it takes a while to work through the two textures. I only wash at night so my hair airdries overnight. If I'm going to straighten (which I rarely do), it would take an extra 2 hours to blow dry and flat iron but I haven't personally straightened my hair in almost 2 years so that's just an estimate. I don't co-wash, I don't DC, and I don't M&S.
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In about a week, altogether? I'd say 1 hour and 45 minutes. I'm simple and lazy like that.:spinning:

Monday: Pre-Shampoo (30mins), Shampoo(3mins), Condition(3min), Deep Condition(30mins), Cuticle sealer (8seconds). If I'm chelating/clarifying (monthly), add about 6mins. Apply leave-ins (3mins)

Thursday: Deep Condition(30 mins), Conditoner-wash(2mins), Apply leave-ins (3mins)

These days are the only days I treat and condition my hair.
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I feel like I move in slow motion and be trying to achieve too much perfection with my styles. I work for an African American boss in a very dress code oriented environment so I have self-pressure to ensure my styles are neatly done. A messy bun won't cut it based on work standards. I have to go for neat styles. Morning, I average 15mins with a light m&s and bunning. Night, I average 30mins with m&s in 4 sections to moisturize roots and line of demarcation and then placing scarf on.
I tend to spend 10 mins daily.
Lately I will,
1) wet my hair in the shower whilst it's in two braided ponytails, then add a TIGI BedHead Moisture Maniac conditioner once I've dried it with a microfiber towel (left on for a minute or two).
2) Add Vatika coconut oil to edges and ends, Smooth edges with aloe vera gel and put on scarf until I'm ready to leave house.

At night, I may spritz with aloe vera juice then cover with satin scarf and bonnet!

Weekly, I pre-poo with a protein conditioner and leave it in whilst I do errands around the house, then co-wash out in the shower with 2 VO5 conditioners, dry and style!
Daily I spend about 20 mins on wash day which is Wednesday 45 mins and Saturday when i am off of work so i take my time and i spend about 1 hr to 1 1/2.
If I'm cowashing 15-20..I cowash 1-2 times a week..other days I rinse..So 5-10 minutes...wash and DC days 20 mins....
I spend about 5 minutes moisturizing and sealing my hair before bed. In the morning I spend 5 minutes or less smoothing my hair into a bun. On wash day I spend about 1 hour because I love to take my time with my hair and luxuriate in it in the shower. I only cowash once a week and I don't normally DC. I spend far less time on my hair than I used to when I was relaxed and before I started my HHJ.

Edit: When I do DC, I do overnight treatments or something I can put on and wear all day and rinse out before bed.
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A cowash is worked into my shower time every 3 or so days. Wash day is about a 45 minute shower including in shower DC. Once in a great while i'll do an all day or overnight deep oiling or DC. Daily maintainance is 10-15 mins to grease my parts (i'm usually in twists) and or moisturize my hair. I air dry as I go about my day.

I've got 3 kids and a hubby I really cannot devote alot of time to my hair care. My regimen has to be efficient in every way.
You don't have to do all that stuff daily to have long healthy hair. Actually the simplier the regimen the better. I have a low manipulation regimen and most of the time it takes me around 5-10 minutes a day if that to style and care for my hair.

The only time it takes longer is when I wear twist/braid-outs and that's because it takes time to take the braids/twists out to style for the day and to re-do them at night to prepare for the next day so I'd say that would be the only time consuming style I do....I'd probably say I devote a half hour a day when I do those.

Wash day is where most of my time is spent with my hair. Those can run long sometimes depending on what I'm doing. I only wash once a week when wearing natural styles and every 2 weeks when wearing straight styles so the long wash day is worth it because I don't frequently shampoo or co-wash.
I probably spend about 3-4 hours on wash day to wash deep condition and twist. Daily about 2-5 mins in the morning misting and sealing those twists and the same thing at night.

I think this is comparable to people who are not on a HHJ. You invest a lot of time upfront for a style that lasts. Even if you normally wear braids or weaves or get your hair done at the salon, you take a few hours for something that lasts at least a week.