Do Black Women Really Spend That Much Time On Their Hair?

Wash day yes for sure.

Makes me wish I could have individual braids.
Flat twists are God sent though.

Im trying to figure out how to make 2 wks between washes without my scalp going haywire.
Girl please, your "friend" is rude af. :lol:

Umm I think it would be up to me to say how rude someone is in MY conversation...I love how you can catch a tone by reading text... The manner in which my BEST friend and I speak to each other you don't know and as stated very clearly before the question was mine to the forum. Sooooo.... Girl please go pass judgement somewhere else.
Umm I think it would be up to me to say how rude someone is in MY conversation...I love how you can catch a tone by reading text... The manner in which my BEST friend and I speak to each other you don't know and as stated very clearly before the question was mine to the forum. Sooooo.... Girl please go pass judgement somewhere else.

:lol: I understand feeling protective of your bf. What I don't understand is why you would expect that same treatment from other people. She was demanding, petulant, and dismissive of your time constraints. And when she didn't get her way, she turned her anger on all of us,

By this time she's going off she asked "Seriously do all black women spend that much time on their hair?" She was really mad that I don't want to spend part of my rare weekend helping her roll her hair. :lol:

Her tone was quite clear. :look:
I'm really not here for either of you.. The response for how long you take on your hair would have been suffice. You don't know my friend or me so the nature of our conversation you really can't speak on. Have a blessed day ladies. :look:
No offense intended, but you're not the arbiter of responses here, despite being the op.

That said, the question is irrelevant. She only asked it to make you feel guilty. That you decided to ask us reflects more on you than it does her, actually, because it shows that her barb struck a sore spot.
IMO I think black women spend less time overall doing their hair then other women.

We spend more hours in one sitting doing our hair than most women but these are for styles that last longer and take up less time to do daily.

Example: In college I would go and spend 8-9 hours at the braid shop getting my hair braided but that lasted for 6-8 weeks while my other roommates 1 Portuguese and 2 German would wash, condition, blow dry and flat iron daily or every other day (the Portuguese roommate) which takes about an hour. I just wash my hair while in braids every one to 2 weeks so overall spending way less hours on my hair then them.
I guess we spend a lot of time at one session but as others have said not daily. However what I have found myself spending a lot of time doing in recent years is looking at YouTube and blogs and finding what has and has not worked for women with similar hair types. That type of things seems to be taking up a lot of my time lol
exactly..this part right here took the conv in another direction....umm nah boooo....:confused:

i wouldve politely told her to *** and figure out to roller set your hair via yt or better yet go to the salon....:lachen::look: lil miss india wouldve had a learn today moment...

Her: "Oh, but you would put your hair in these rollers and sit around all day? I've seen you plenty of times before you shaved all your hair off spending hour upon hours on your hair...and let me not get started on your braids and weave install and take down processes. You can't teach me how to set my hair, but you probably could have had a part time job all the time you spent on your hair in the past."

By this time she's going off she asked "Seriously do all black women spend that much time on their hair?" She was really mad that I don't want to spend part of my rare weekend helping her roll her hair. :lol:

Girl please, your "friend" is rude af. :lol:
You can't teach me how to set my hair, but you probably could have had a part time job all the time you spent on your hair in the past."

By this time she's going off she asked "Seriously do all black women spend that much time on their hair?" She was really mad that I don't want to spend part of my rare weekend helping her roll her hair. :lol:

I was insulted on your behalf that ole girl tried to flip game on you and try to pimp her way into getting you to do her hair on your off time for free. The way she approached you in the situation wasn't friendly but if you think it's humorous, ok.

To answer the question, I'm sure that I spend more time on my hair than most non black women, even when I'm wigging it up. That said, I also enjoy doing most of it and the results I get so no harm, no foul.
exactly...the conv def took a lil miss india is an expert on all blk women and our hair practices..ha ha he he..umm nah...:rolleyes:

i wouldve said listen i think it best you go to a salon....and walked away....:look:

indian ppl can be quite interesting... op dont know ole girl shaded her and think its best friend of another race wouldn't have said do all blk women do xyz...she wouldve known her audience with me....and wouldve made sure to phrase her request in a manner that was respectful even if she was "just playn" :cool:

By this time she's going off she asked "Seriously do all black women spend that much time on their hair?" She was really mad that I don't want to spend part of my rare weekend helping her roll her hair. :lol:

IKR? She has WL hair. How could she possibly think it was going to be a short process? Don't want to do the time? Then keep your super straight hair and KIM.
I think some of you may be a overly sensitive whereas I am not... No one's view of my conversation overrules how I perceived it. We all have opinions and we know how that saying goes...
I think you may be a bit under-sensitive. :look: Put it this way, I'd consider her rude if she was black. Any so-called friend who tries to bogart you into using, as you put it, a 'rare' free weekend doing a chore is a bad friend. What makes it even worse is that she then tried to shame you (and all of your 'tribe') for doing this chore for ourselves. :nuts: Chick is bugging.

You're loyal and that's a great quality, but don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. :lol: She's rude. And that's okay, but don't deny the simple fact of it. Remember, I formed my opinion based on your own account of the event, colored by *your* perceptions.
I think some of you may be a overly sensitive whereas I am not... No one's view of my conversation overrules how I perceived it. We all have opinions and we know how that saying goes...
OP, if you didn't want us to rake your friend over the coals, you should've kept the story to yourself. A proper way to word this post is to ask the question and attach a poll.

Apparently you can tolerate someone treating like this. Most of us will not. People post stories like this normally to vent and get support from our black sisters after experiencing another day of backhand racism. Now that you know, just let the thread cool down by ignoring it. It will die a natural death, like all heated post. You can try again in a week or two when people have forgotten.
the irony of this is :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:...this is a predom blk women forum...Im not sure how op thought posting this with this audience would go

so ladies my indian aka lil miss henna friend asked me seriously do blk women spend alotta time on our hair? like huh? how did op think this was gonna go?????? lmaooooo:censored:
We do spend more time on our hair and there is a reason for it - we don't have wash and wear hair. White women can wet/wash their hair, step out the shower and shake it or blow dry it or leave it along to dry naturally and it returns to the way it was yesterday - straight. Black women and many women of color just can't do that. Our hair has texture and has to be combed.

I don't find the question or the OP offensive, BTW.
We do spend more time on our hair and there is a reason for it - we don't have wash and wear hair. White women can wet/wash their hair, step out the shower and shake it or blow dry it or leave it along to dry naturally and it returns to the way it was yesterday - straight. Black women and many women of color just can't do that. Our hair has texture and has to be combed.

I don't find the question or the OP offensive, BTW.

The question in itself isn't offensive. It's the context in which the question was asked of the OP
The question in itself isn't offensive. It's the context in which the question was asked of the OP

I get that some of you find the context of the question offensive. I don't. I'm not privy to their relationship, therefore I have not real context in which to place the question, save for the fact that the OP was/is not offended by it. And it's not like the OP asked "is this question offensive?". She's very clear in her feeling about it. Therefore, I'm not offended either.

I have many friends of different races. If some of you heard our conversations, you'd find them offensive too. But I don't, and that's what matters. Besides, I don't have time to sweat someone else's situation.
I'm wash 'n wear. I just can't see spending all day doing hair. Dunno how people do it for the patience factor. I think a lot of Black women from the Caribbean to where ever, just spend forever on styling/conditioning. If it works, fine. I'm like a man when it comes to hair and shopping for specific items. In....OUT. LOL.

But for your friend, you should have just told her to put in hot rollers and call it a wrap.
Sticking to the point....
"By this time she's going off she asked "Seriously do all black women spend that much time on their hair?"

Nope. I don't spend time doing what I consider to be time intensive styles because I just don't want to. When I was younger I would spend time doing mini twists on my hair, attempting to rollerset it. I bought curlformers maybe two years ago and I used them once. I just don't want to bothered. There's times when I have detangling sessions that take entirely too long IMO but detangling is a necessity not a choice. in college I've had roommates and friends of different races and I think they spend more time on their hair than I ever did. My wash day may take several hours but after that I'm done for the next 1-2 weeks. Whereas they had to wake up way earlier than me to wash, blowdry and flatiron/curl their hair. That was a daily routine for them so in the end I spent hours less doing my hair than they did.
Even my roommate from Hong Kong who had super straight hair still blowdried it every morning and the blowdrying alone took at least 20 mins.
I preferred having black roommates because who really wants to wake up to hearing their roommate blowdrying their at first thing every morning... I'm so not a morning person.
Umm I think it would be up to me to say how rude someone is in MY conversation...I love how you can catch a tone by reading text... The manner in which my BEST friend and I speak to each other you don't know and as stated very clearly before the question was mine to the forum. Sooooo.... Girl please go pass judgement somewhere else.

Chille, this is why I never mention hair conversations with my relatives or friends anywhere on a black hair forum. Some naturals are eagerly waiting and willing to drag folks for any comment about natural hair that ain't praise and glory.
Chille, this is why I never mention hair conversations with my relatives or friends anywhere on a black hair forum. Some naturals are eagerly waiting and willing to drag folks for any comment about natural hair that ain't praise and glory.
Lol... Lesson duly noted. It really wasn't that serious :rolleyes:
India is not in the Middle-east, it's in Asia. In fact, the Middle-east is also in Asia but they are not interchangeable (pet peeve). Did Op mention her friend is Indian? No. Anyhoo, why did OP mention her origins and hair type if she didn't intend upon anyone extrapolating to a perceived culturally insensitive remark and then get snarky? Some stated that they felt sorry/angered in proxy. And considering that the friend is M.E., well, she's culturally using guilt to get what she wanted.
I just cut my relaxed APL hair back to a bob because I want to take a break from the amount of time I was spending on my hair. So, I would say yes; the longer my hair the more time I spend on it.