How MUCH product do you USE?


Well-Known Member
I just got Oyin's Hair Dew and BSP. I used it last night but I didn't know whether to be heavy handed or if a little goes a long way.

How do you know when you first get a product as to how much to use? I don't want to use too little and think it's a bad product if using more is the answer.

Which products do you a use a lot of and which just a little? Do certain ingredients or nature of the product (pomade, leave in, etc.) clue you in as to how much to use?
I realized that no one product will be my holy grail product, that high porosity hair needs just as much water as product, and protective styles are the key to hold in the moisture and ensure that the product holds in the moisture. With densely packed hair, you have to ensure an even amount throughout your hair but slathering it with too much product is also not the answer because that can cause breakage too. In my past transitions, I would slather on heavy amounts of product and I always had lots of hair in my comb and in my hair.

Right now my hair is still about three inches. At first, I was trying out a few new things but then I realized that my hair felt the same level of moisture without product as with product as long as I could not braid it up which is why I rinse and massage it daily with warm water and detangle in the shower with my comb to bring the sebum down. When my hair gets longer, I plan to continue to saturate my hair with water (maybe not daily), braid it up and concentrate on my ends in terms of oiling and perhaps some grease. And if I want to have a more curly look, I will use some kinky curly knot today along with a mild cream moisturizer or s curl but I wouldn't use that combo on a regular basis because the stickiness of gel and some cream products don't do well with finer hair textures.

I think you have to figure out what works for you but a little goes a long way.

Almond Eyes
Basically whatever I leave in my hair I don't use much (leave ins, cream moisturizers/stylers, gel,pomades). The rinse out (regular conditioner, co wash), I use a lot of it excluding shampoos. I used to use a ton of moisturizer & leave in but now since I properly condition my hair it doesn't need much. My hair used to still feel rough after conditioning so I piled on creams and sealed. Now that my hair is soft, detangled and pliable after rinsing conditioner out, I get a half dollar size of leave in then seal with a little pomade. My hair is a bit past Apl if that helps
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Conditioners - probably more than a salon would use on my head but my coily head is thick so I like to coat every strand if I can so I use alot

Leave Ins/ Daily Moisturizers - not very heavy handed with these. Don't want to overload my hair after just washing or on a daily basis

Refreshers spray - Again probably more than average due to my dense coily hair.

Butters/Oils/Gels - I'm light with these since they are thick and heaviest.

I use Oyin Hair Dew as a daily moisturizer, so average amount used daily, and I have used BSP to twist with and seal with so light use whenever I did use it.
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A ton. I want every strand of my hair to have conditioner, leave in, oil, whatever else I'm putting on it. I've always thought the amount of product I put on my hair has helped with my retention over the years.

When I deep condition or cowash my hair is white. When I'm applying my leave ins and curl creams I don't apply so much that it dries white, but I make sure that every strand feels like there's product on it.