How much is too much vitamins for hair growth?


Nubian Girl
Ok I have been meaning to askthis questions for awhile. I want to add other vitamins to regime but my mom recommends that it is not a good idea.
Currently I am taking:
Biotin 2000mcg
MSM 500mcg
B-100's (time released)
I would like to add maybe Flaxseed oil, GNC Hair, skin, & nails or the Hair Nourisher. What do you ladies think..:confused: I'm not overdoing it am I? If anything I wanted to antiup on the mcg's that I am taking now.
I used to do the same thing (take too many vitamins) but my mom told me I needed to choose maybe one or 2 vitamins and stick to that because it could have a negative effect on me. (She's a RN)

So I say, take either the Ultra Nourishair or Hair Skin and Nails. You don't need to take the extra biotin or msm if you take those. You could still take the B-100s though.
Thanks Candibaby!:grin:
I had a feeling my mom was right... well I guess I'll be doing that when I run out of my supply. It would be too much if I took them all huh?