How Much Have You Spent On Hair Products/Appliances Over The Past Year?

How much have you spent of hair products/appliances?

  • $0-$500

    Votes: 48 57.1%
  • $501-$1,000

    Votes: 25 29.8%
  • $1,001- $5,000

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • $5,001-$10,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $10,001- +++++

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I don't know too much to estimate

    Votes: 3 3.6%

  • Total voters


including trips to the beauty salon.

When I first joined LHCF I was a HUGE PJ! I was spending sometimes more than $200 per month. Now I spend no more than $30.00 per month.

How much have you spent over the past year?
MzTami said:
including trips to the beauty salon.

When I first joined LHCF I was a HUGE PJ! I was spending sometimes more than $200 per month. Now I spend no more than $30.00 per month.

How much have you spent over the past year?

Ohhhh maaaan......
I plead the fifth...
I selected the $0-$500 option. I spend very little each year on my hair. Some of my products are more costly but the quality is good and they last me a long time. I never to go a hair salon for haircare, which is where it can really add up for many ladies.
Well, I haven't been to the beauty salon in over a year;) Over the last 12 mos I would guestimate I have spent somewhere from $300 - $500. Once I figure out what really is going to work I should be able to cut that down some.
In the past year I probably have spent close to $1000.
$79 -maxiglide here<===>$40- dryer there
This and that shampoo and conditioner cuz they are on sale

I'm sure it added up, but I have my staples now so while I may leisurely peruse the beauty supply- I don't really buy that many new products now.
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I would say around $150-$200 this year so far. I don't go to the salons-so that money is spent on products and dryers.
MzTami said:
including trips to the beauty salon.

When I first joined LHCF I was a HUGE PJ! I was spending sometimes more than $200 per month. Now I spend no more than $30.00 per month.

How much have you spent over the past year?

Too much :look:

I didn't want to come into this thread b/c i knew it would get me thinking of all the money i have spent.

let me see, considering i've only been at uni and living in my accomodation since september and i have seemingly more products than the beauty store i figure it has to be alot. Im going to add just how many products that are STILL LEFT that i have brought since september.

edit: 58 products :eek: minus 2 (the shampoo and conditioner i came here with:ohwell: )

i need help, serious PJ problem :perplexed
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I've spent a lot... and I don't really want to think about how much. Funny thing is two of the best things for my hair -- coconut oil and castor oil -- cost me about 3 bucks each.

I just can't seem to stop buying stuff ... help me... :perplexed
I have spent far to much. Plus the trips to the salon can really add up. I will try to stop buying so much stuff.
i calmed down a lot-before i was trying every gel, leave in and whatever else in my hair only to find that the stuff usually did not work for me. so now i have my bare basics and leave it at that,
maybe $800 in the past 12 months.....this includes salon trips, weaves, hair products, dome dryer, chi curling iron
oh lordy lord! too much. i just started my regime in Feb 2006 so i spent a lot of money to get it off the ground so to speak. i use Nexxus which is not a cheap line as you all know. so i'll say around $300 so far. right now, mosty on shampoos and conditioners though.
I chose between $501-$1000 :perplexed

I have really cut back though. I think since I'm beginning to really settle on a regimen and staples.

I've cut back on hairdressers. From last June to now I've gone to the salon 4 times (just to get my relaxer). Cutting down on this has really helped me save mucho dinero! I'm planning on cutting out the salon altogether for my next touch up.

I would like to further cut back on my spending on hair. However I don't think I'll ever get below $500 mark...but we'll see.
I choose $0-$500...this is my breakdown...

I havent gotten my hair styled at a salon in about a year so no money there...but I did invest in a flat iron and hooded dryer earlier this year which was about $100 altogether...and maybe about $30 in products...

I think that since joining LHCF I have spent about $100 on products...but I am pretty much close to completing my staples list :grin: SIMPLICITY is key...brief PJ..but I cut that out quick!

I will probably spend another $100 to get everything else I need like silk pillowcase, seamless combs, denman brush, the final products I Elucence MB..I cant wait to order!!

I spend $30 about every six weeks to get my hair cornrowed so thats about it...I think that puts me at around $ its worth every penny to get started on my hair journey and to learn to love my kinks and coils...

After I get all my staples...I am limiting myself to $20 in products per paycheck or less ;) Just to keep up my stock of staples and to occasionally try a new product...I think thats reasonable and I will be able to stick to it...
MzTami said:
including trips to the beauty salon.

When I first joined LHCF I was a HUGE PJ! I was spending sometimes more than $200 per month. Now I spend no more than $30.00 per month.

How much have you spent over the past year?

Mz Tami why you always trying to start something! :grin: Us PJ'ers were doing just fine until you had to bring up how much money we are spending. Dang you just a little bored in Texas. :D :lachen:
Prince3 said:
Mz Tami why you always trying to start something! :grin: Us PJ'ers were doing just fine until you had to bring up how much money we are spending. Dang you just a little bored in Texas. :D :lachen:
I know...I'm going to BSS today! shhhh...
A good and realistic estimate would probably be around $1200 but that is because it was my first year with hair knowledge and LHCF and i was trying every product that was recommended. but i think i've purchased all my major appliances and alot of products that work so i doubt if i'll spend more than $500 this year, (including $280 for a salon relaxer 4x a year)...
Since Oct 2005, I've probably spent around $400 for products/supplements/appliances.

Help meeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :eek:

MzTami said:
including trips to the beauty salon.

When I first joined LHCF I was a HUGE PJ! I was spending sometimes more than $200 per month. Now I spend no more than $30.00 per month.

How much have you spent over the past year?
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I said $500-$1000 largely because:

I just bought the T3 Tourmaline Blow Dryer and a Flat Iron which for the two put me at about $215.

I haven't been to the beauty salon in FOOOOORRRREEEEEVVVERRRR. I need to find a new one, cuz I don't trust 'em anymore - scissor happy suckers. :)

But I've been good on cutting back. No more experimenting with new products - the only products I've bought in the past 3 months have been re-fills...ooh wait, I did buy a night time treatment that I haven't tried yet.

Damnit. PJ'ism is a $(@&%!!!! :lol:
ravenmerlita said:
I've spent a lot... and I don't really want to think about how much. Funny thing is two of the best things for my hair -- coconut oil and castor oil -- cost me about 3 bucks each.

I just can't seem to stop buying stuff ... help me... :perplexed
I'm with you. My Favorites are Jojoba Oil which is 6 oz for $2.49 and Elasta QP's Recovery Oil Moisturizer which is like $3.

I was able to buy 1 L bottles of my shampoo and conditioner for $12 each which was FABULOUS, cuz usually 8 oz bottles are $13.50.
I'm about to get a whole house water softener. Although there are other benefits to having one, my primary reason is my hair. That will be the single most expensive purchase I've made for the sake of my hair. Actually, that will be the single most expensive purchase I've made for my house! :ohwell: