How Much Fish Oil Do You Take


New Member
I know that many of you ladies are taking fish oil to improve your skin and hair texture. How much fish oil do you actually take?

I take 2000mg daily. And how has it affected your skin and your hair?
I take 2000mg as well a day. At first it was because my doctor suggested I take it for my heart (high blood pressure runs in my family) but I also take it for my scalp. When I don't take it, my scalp becomes dry, itchy, and flaky. But now its ok.

I take it by capsules, do you take it in the pure oil form?
I take it in capsules also. But I also eat fish about twice a week. But I eat all types of fish and not just the oily kind.
I take cod liver oil, liquid, 2 tsp daily which equals: 1940 mg omega-3 fatty acids. I take the liquid because I was also interested in the higher DHA(640mg in this one)& EPA(1100 mg in this one) levels.
I think it has supported my hair growth & helped in maintaining healthy skin.
i take the triple stength fish oil from GNC which is 900mg i take that once a day my hair is thick and growing fast right now i don't comb threw my hair because it is that thick i only comb with conditoner in my hair or when it is wet.
If you buy it in a capsule form like I do, then you don't have to taste it. However, if you buy it in a bottle form (such as cod liver oil), then you may want to mix it.

But you don't have to? Dscampbell, how much fish oil do you take?
I take one 1000 mg capsule a day and I have been taking it for over 2 months. I'm not sure of its singular effect on my hair and skin because I also take Biotin and a Hair/Nail/Skin vitamin.
I take it daily myself and it (2,126mg a day) really helps with my memory believe it or not. My skin is doing well as a result of taking them also.
I've just started taking Carlson's Very Finest Fish Oil about a week ago. Luckily, it doesn't have the fishy taste or fishy burps ( I have the lemon flavor) but it's hard to swallow. I take a tablespoon daily right now.
Wow a tablespoon? I think that may be too much fish oil. A tablespoon is about 14 grams, and for most people, you should not go over 5 or 6 grams. You might want to try a teaspoon instead.

Fish oil is a blood thinner, and too much of it can cause bleeding.
I take a tablespoon of cod liver oil everyday. I take it straight, no chaser. I just toss it in the back of my throat and swallow. It is lemon flavored. It has really helped to improve my skin. My acne is going away. Yea me!
I take 1 tsp of Carlson's fish oil twice a day at mealtime. Tastes like lemon. It's high in DHA and EPA. DHA at 500mg & EPA at 800mg per teaspoon. So I get 1,000mg of DHA and 1,600mg of EPA daily.

ETA: I don't take fish oil to improve the hair texture just promote healthy hair, consistent growth and natural shine as well as other health benefits.
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I forgot to mention that regular fish oil and cod liver oil are different. Regular fish oil generally has more omega 3.

On the other hand, cod liver oil is about 20% omega 3; it also has vitamins A and D. A teaspoon of cod liver oil has about 900 mg of omega 3.
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I take 1 tsp of Carlson's fish oil twice a day at mealtime.

Ditto. :grin:

I took it originally for my skin and to alleviate my depression. Lately, it's been hard to feel sad since taking it for 2 months now. And my acne is almost nonexistent. Hair's growing like WHOA.

"Fish oil...good stuff."
- That's my motto, hah.
Ditto. :grin:

I took it originally for my skin and to alleviate my depression. Lately, it's been hard to feel sad since taking it for 2 months now. And my acne is almost nonexistent. Hair's growing like WHOA.

"Fish oil...good stuff." - That's my motto, hah.

Just ate it with my Salmon dinner. Mmmm Mmmm It's Soooo Goood! :grin:

Oh I meant to ask you, how long did it take you to notice the effects of Carlsons from the time you first started taking it? How long were you taking it before you noticed increased growth rate, alleviation of depression and skin?
Ditto. :grin:

I took it originally for my skin and to alleviate my depression. Lately, it's been hard to feel sad since taking it for 2 months now. And my acne is almost nonexistent. Hair's growing like WHOA.

"Fish oil...good stuff." - That's my motto, hah.

Ivey have you ever tried taking more than 2 tsp's a day? Also did you every have that WHOA growth before you started your fish oil?
Just ate it with my Salmon dinner. Mmmm Mmmm It's Soooo Goood! :grin:

Oh I meant to ask you, how long did it take you to notice the effects of Carlsons from the time you first started taking it? How long were you taking it before you noticed increased growth rate, alleviation of depression and skin?

Hmm...let me see...:scratchch *trying to remember*

When I received my first bottle, I decided to take it once, every other day for a week. The next week, twice every other day, and then finally, twice every day. From my past experiences with taking vitamins/supplements, I've learned to introduce it gradually to the body. Especially being deficient in omega 3s since birth practically. I did a lot of research of the benefits of fish oil before trying and was aware of potential side effects too. I wanted to avoid "shocking" my body, even if it wouldn't have, I like to keep it safe.

Basically, I think it was the start of the second month that I slowly started to notice changes with skin, such as decreased acne. The hair growth I started to notice as well. I was feeling more carefree and not sad as much too. For example, even when I suffered an allergic reaction to a product I purchased and got tiny rash bumps on my face, I still put some make-up on and went out. The usual me would have curled into a ball and die. :ohwell: Don't get me wrong, I wasn't thrilled about the minor breakout (which cleared in two days after stopping the culprit), BUT it didn't affect me like it normally would. Overall, at least mood-wise, things don't affect me into a depression it seems. When I try to think sad thoughts where I know it should make me sad, my emotions won't get me there. I don't get as much negative thoughts or anything. I feel almost giddy and happy-go-lucky (which is def unusual). It's odd, but I'm LOVIN' IT.

The last week of the second month is when I noticed my skin texture changed. It's MUCH smoother and I have less fine lines. My facial skin looks new and refreshed. Even the rest of my body is soft. My skin isn't as oily, but not dry too. It seems to have normalized. I am now starting my 3rd month and can only hope that things will continue to improve. Just last week I've added zinc and copper because I read somewhere that taking zinc and fish oil at the same time can help with improving your complexion. So it could be the zinc helping out as well. :yep:

But yeah, normally it should take up to three months for things to really kick in.
Ivey have you ever tried taking more than 2 tsp's a day? Also did you every have that WHOA growth before you started your fish oil?

No, I never go above the normal, instructed dosage. The directions are there for a reason (to keep you safe and healthy). And unfortunately, I have never really monitored my growth before I took fish oil. I knew it grew somewhat fast, because I would cut a bit more than half an inch every month and it still seemed to get longer each passing month. But, NOW, it's like growth spurt after growth spurt. It's growing fast enough for me to actually see it before my own eyes every washing! Like today, I washed my hair and I was like, should I be scared and screaming right now? I really feel like something may actually be wrong???

EDIT: I am not in any way saying that fish oil is a miracle supplement. I think my overall success is due to a combination of both internal and external factors working together. (Healthy diet/proper hair care practices).
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I take 2,126 mg a day in capsule format. Like Ivey said, my attitude is 100% better. When I do get down, my mood does not last long at all. I really like fish oil.
I take 1 tsp of Carlson's fish oil twice a day at mealtime. Tastes like lemon. It's high in DHA and EPA. DHA at 500mg & EPA at 800mg per teaspoon. So I get 1,000mg of DHA and 1,600mg of EPA daily.

Same for me. I take this brand and this amount. I have noticed my hair to be softer and more shiny since I started taking this. I do feel more alert and less daytime drowsiness too.