How much do you tell your closest friends about your relationship?

Hmmmm, this is a good question. Now in my life, I'd be selective of what I share. I wouldn't overshare and honestly, the funny thing is it's not even a matter of how long I've known the person. It's their intentions, if I find them to be level headed and well grounded, not too judgmental but honest.
Nothing. I have come to learn that many women are happy to see others single and dealing with relationship issues. I cut out the bugs in my ear so that I personally can see and hear what I personally need to see and hear when it comes to my SO and I. I don't need any white noise or snowy picture added to such an important viewing, when it comes to my life. Not only that, I'm a private person and I like to keep my relationship to is my SO. We like it that way and so far it has been working.

I don't even seek advice from married folks. That's what reading books is for, lol. I don't seek the advice because people do indeed get mad when they tell you something and you don't follow it. Not only that, if you have been married 20 years, what can you possibly tell me, a "technically" single woman about the dating game and how brothers move and such in 2015?! This aint the '90's!! Things are waaay different.

And, what can I, a single woman tell you about marriage?! I have come to the conclusion that I can only trust my own intuition and the Most High. Those two have never let me down, unlike people who I thought cared about seeing me the end they were only worried about their own happiness and nothing else.
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Generally, we resolve our issues on our own! However, we are friends with a much older couple that has been married for over 35 years. The wife is the only person that I would share things with. I admire her wisdom and honesty! She gives good unbiased advice, so she's more like a "relationship mentor."

I don't share anything with my best friends, because some friends tend to get upset when you don't take their advice or they become overly involved in your relationship. Family members are way out of the question! After witnessing how my SIL's marriage ended (It was basically controlled by my MIL and her sisters), I've opted completely against that!

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Im not one to trust people easy. Rumors, man; they spread faster than wildfires. Ive been learning to really assess people and what pieces of information they can and cannot handle. And there are instances where I'm convinced some folks just don't want to see others be great. Don't need those kind of folks as friends.
It depends on the friend... One of my friend is like my sister but she talks too much...I don't tell her the most private parts because she would run and tell it