How much do you plan to spend on hair in 2011?

miss stress

Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!

Well as we all know, 2011 is upon us and in an effort to be more econimically minded next yr. I made a list of everything I want to buy and how much all of it will cost plus shipping.

I started my Hair Journey just this yr and I bought like everything yall mentioned :nono: nd quite frankly at this rate, I'll be in the poor house by 2012 so this yr I will spend $645.27 and not a penny more. I know some of yall spend tht in a day but its pretty manageable for me.

I'll be getting a regular Mizani rhelaxer from for 25.49
a few products from for 87.27
a new upa clip for 126.44 a bunch of beemine products for 154.00
hairveda stuff for 90.69
and Mason Pearson combs and a brush for 161.00 from

what abt u divas? How much r u willing to spend on your hair in 2011?
Oh man, good post OP! All I know is that it better be less (a lot less) than it was this year!!! Not only did I buy a whole bunch, once I found the things I loved, I bought more of them so I have a well stocked hair pantry!
Less than half of what i spent this year. Now that i have found staple products it shouldn't be that hard. As long as i can keep this pj monkey of my back.

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About $1000- i want a good flat iron ($100), will be buying nexxus humectress every 3 mnths for $30 ($120), ntm every 2 months (about $50), other conditioners (possibly $100), get hair braided in cornrows (possibly $100), curling iron ($30), Other hair products like detangler, serums, shampoo, heat protectant, leave in condish, sulfur, olive oil, coconut oil, miconazole, essential oils, hair bags, clips ect ($250), vitamins ($150 at least), possibly more wigs ($75). Im ok with spending this much because i dont really shop alot or buy much of anything else (except skin products, which i dont spend nearly as much on skin as i do on hair lol)
Ok, my goal is no more than $200 for the entire year. Really it should be a lot less than that.
Way less than this year..I wont be buying any expensive products or devices..If I spend 200 this year that will be alot..being natural (for me) is way cheaper than when I I'm a minimalislt..I use gel ($3.50), shampoo ($1.00), conditioner ($1-5 a bottle..depending on which one I buy), and Olive oil ($7 a bottle)..and these aren't monthly purchases..Oh I may continue to buy Cantu Shea Butter ($2-3 a jar)..thats it..gel lasts me 2 the only things I buy regularly are conditioner and olive oil (cause I cook with it too)...and I only shampoo once a I stock up and may not have to buy again for 4-6 months..
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Probably more than this year. I will be buying natural hair products which are more costly than my drugstore brands.
Seriously, I don't add up the $$$ but my pantry is stocked and I'll probably re-stock my favorites, then there is trying new stuff, that keeps life interesting, so I'm giving myself a budget of about $1,000 for the coming year, that includes the price of a really good blowdryer/diffuser and hair trims.
$0 i plan on purchasing everything this year for experimentation in 2011. All I need is a diffuser and I want some Miss Jessies and "probably" full size Komaza Care. I may get a few sprays (Care Free Curl or Sta Sof Fro) at the drug store. Otherwise, I don't need or want anything else. Y'all got me at LHCF in 2010!

I may get a Eating Well magazine subscription for help with a Healthy Diet and a Elliptical for exercise and to help stimulate hair growth. But no more products!
I don't have figures like OP, but I plan on spending a lot less than in years past.
Next year I will only purchase things I can find in a store; no more online purchases unless it's a black friday sale :look:
And no more bandwagons. I've yet to find my holy grails by jumping on bandwagons....that's a solo journey.
No more than 30 with Gods help. I have enough products to last me to the summer and another 30 will carry me the rest of the year. I don't need to unnecessarily spend money with my infrequent pj splurges. I'm actually gonna give myself a $30 spending limit and keep track of how much I spend.

Lekair Cholesterol-$2 each and I have 2 new ones. I can get AT LEAST 4 uses. Let's say I'll need 4 more for the year so that will be = $8

Vo5 and Suave conditioner- $.77-$1.75 maybe I'll need 4 more after I finish what I have. I'll give myself $5

Vo5 and Suave shampoo- $.77 or $2- I think I have enough to last throughout the year but I may need a couple so I'll give myself 2 more= $3

Softee Indian Hemp- $1 I should need no more than 4 to get me through the year =$4

TRESemme Moisture Rich- $4 only used when I use heat. I have a full one and shouldnt need more but just in case I'll give myself the extra $4.

That's $24 dollars so I have an extra 6 to spend!

ETA: Oh yeah, and I use gel which is a dollar but I rarely use it so will only need 1 if any.
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What I do now. I get my profess.done once or twice a month with that I have my touch ups done every 12-16 weeks. I have two staple products now which is JBCO and KeraCare Moisturize creme. I am good.
If I spend $200 - $300, I'll be surprised. I got EVERYTHING I wanted this year (steamer, natural/handmade and raw products, tools, ayurvedic products, etc.) I ordered from several companies and tried out a lot of products. Found my staples and settled on a regimen and my cupboard is now filled. Since I stocked up from some good FALL sales, I have very little I need to add to my stash during the BF sales.

The only thing slated to run out next year is henna, kalpi-tone, amla, and some other powders. Maybe towards Oct or Nov 2011, I'll have to re-up Christine Gant and some oils. But for the most part, I can wait on sales.)

The thread about the bases and how these "handmade" companies use pre-mixes helped me decide who to cut from my vendor list and use the pre-mixes they use to mix up my own. (e.g., green tea butter from Won't have to purchase this from Hairveda anymore. Castor and Moringa Softening serum from Qhemet; bought these oils and made my own for pennies compared to her prices - $10 for 2.5 oz.)

My money will go towards vitamins and supplements more than products to put on my hair/scalp. I want to try a few things to increase my growth rate from within.
I dont plan to spend much other than replacing staple cowashers.

Im stocking up on black friday/cyber monday
I have cut my spending way down from last year, and next year it will be even lower. If i had to take a wild guess on the amount. Maybe $150-$200. I find most of the stuff i need on the ground and i only order about 2 or 3 things online.
aww damn! I forgot to factor in my cornrows for underneath my wigs too! That will add atleast another few hundred dollars to my amount. Thanks for mentioning tht cause I only added up the products

About $1000- i want a good flat iron ($100), will be buying nexxus humectress every 3 mnths for $30 ($120), ntm every 2 months (about $50), other conditioners (possibly $100), get hair braided in cornrows (possibly $100), curling iron ($30), Other hair products like detangler, serums, shampoo, heat protectant, leave in condish, sulfur, olive oil, coconut oil, miconazole, essential oils, hair bags, clips ect ($250), vitamins ($150 at least), possibly more wigs ($75). Im ok with spending this much because i dont really shop alot or buy much of anything else (except skin products, which i dont spend nearly as much on skin as i do on hair lol)
Okay so dang no wonder I am always broke...

Monthly Supply (Staples):
1 160z of Raw Shea butter $7
1 Coconut oil $7
1 Castor oil $5
2 Large bottles of HE Hello Hydration Conditioner $12 (will try to get them on sale)
2 Bottles of Suave Conditioner $4 (will try to get on sale)
1 Bar of Dr Bronners Castile Soap $4

Comes to $40 a month x 12 months a year = $480.00

Miscellaneous Items (That I may buy once a year or every 3-6 months because I barely use them)
1 Heat Protectant $8
1 Serum $8
2-4 Protein Treatments $14
3-4 Tubs of Gels $12
2-3 Packs of Hair Goode Tie Bands $20
1 Bottle of Aphogee Green Tea Reconstruct or $7
Combs/Brushes $20
2 Hair Cutting Shears $10
1 Bottle of Porosity Controller $7
1-2 Henna and Indigo Applications $40
PLUS I want a Split-Ender (from EBay) estimated $40
PLUS money for an emergency if my Flatiron or Hooded Dryer breaks $100

This all comes to estimated $800.00 Give or take a few bucks if there is sale or not! *faints*

Dang that’s a lot of money! But I mean if you think about it I NEED all that stuff! It doesn’t seem like a lot but when I write if all!
If I spend $200 - $300, I'll be surprised. I got EVERYTHING I wanted this year (steamer, natural/handmade and raw products, tools, ayurvedic products, etc.) I ordered from several companies and tried out a lot of products. Found my staples and settled on a regimen and my cupboard is now filled. Since I stocked up from some good FALL sales, I have very little I need to add to my stash during the BF sales.

The only thing slated to run out next year is henna, kalpi-tone, amla, and some other powders. Maybe towards Oct or Nov 2011, I'll have to re-up Christine Gant and some oils. But for the most part, I can wait on sales.)

The thread about the bases and how these "handmade" companies use pre-mixes helped me decide who to cut from my vendor list and use the pre-mixes they use to mix up my own. (e.g., green tea butter from Won't have to purchase this from Hairveda anymore. Castor and Moringa Softening serum from Qhemet; bought these oils and made my own for pennies compared to her prices - $10 for 2.5 oz.)

My money will go towards vitamins and supplements more than products to put on my hair/scalp. I want to try a few things to increase my growth rate from within.

I loved tht thread abt the companies using bases and I'm so gonna try that in like 2012 cause were moving sometime next yr and they wont ship my raw ingridients and stuff like that. So hopefully in 2 yrs time I can cut my budget down even more! Thanks for posting
Darn you ladies for making me realize all the things that i forgot to factor in. Gotta whip out the calculator ill be back with my figures. In a jiff.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using Long Hair Care Forum App
This is a great post OP!
This is forcing me to make a hair budget for the year, which is what I was supposed to do last year and didn't!
2 bottles of Johnson's Lavender Baby Shampoo - $10
2 bottles of Donna Marie Superlatherlicious Shampoo - $22
4 bottles of Donna Marie Miracurl Leave-In - $48
10 bottles of V05 - $7
2 jars of Donna Marie Super Buttercreme - $24
1 bottle of Donna Marie Miracurl Curling Gelly - $21
1 jar of Donna Marie Dream Curling Creme - $18
2 jars of Fantasia IC Gel - $8
1 jar of ORS Lock and Twist Gel - $4
1 bottle of Noodlehead Curling Cream (to try) - $6
2 - 33.3 oz bottles of perilla seed oil - $18.30
1 - 33.3 oz bottle of castor oil - $5
1 - 16.6 oz peppermint oil - $23.50
2 - 2.2lb containers of amla powder - $40
3 jars of Komaza Care Olive Moisture Mask - $48
2 jars of Komaza Care Intense Moisture Therapy - $36
3 bottles of Sally's Neutral Protein Filler - $18
1 bottle of Sabino Lok and Blok - $22
1 bottle of Aphogee Intensive Two Minute Keratin Reconstructor - $9.50
1 bottle of Jane Carter Solution Wrap & Roll - $9
Annnnnd... I think that's it!
It better be anyway!
Total is $397.30
With shipping from DM, NDA, and Komaza, it'll probably be close to $450ish.
That's not too bad at all. That's only $1.26 a day, or $38 a month. I bet if I added up all the stuff I bought this past year with jumping on bandwagons and all of the raw materials I purchased trying to make all of my products, I already know I easily doubled (or probably tripled) that amount.
Now I know I can clear out my collection, get everything I need for the year all at once, and be done with it!
I loved tht thread abt the companies using bases and I'm so gonna try that in like 2012 cause were moving sometime next yr and they wont ship my raw ingridients and stuff like that. So hopefully in 2 yrs time I can cut my budget down even more! Thanks for posting
miss stress
I was so surprised to see that I could get the green tea butter for $12.75 for $16 oz. (free shipping if I order $15 or more) VS getting it from Hairveda for $7 for 4 oz. and shipping charges, too? It's a no-brainer to go straight to the source since it's the exact same thing!

I hope one of these days, before my stash gets real low, someone posts Hairveda's Sitrillinah mix, beemine bee-u-ti-ful DC mix and Avocado conditioner, JaneCarter nourish and shine, Oyin Handmade Burnt Sugar Pomade and some others. Then I can cut them loose, too.
miss stress
I was so surprised to see that I could get the green tea butter for $12.75 for $16 oz. (free shipping if I order $15 or more) VS getting it from Hairveda for $7 for 4 oz. and shipping charges, too? It's a no-brainer to go straight to the source since it's the exact same thing!

I hope one of these days, before my stash gets real low, someone posts Hairveda's Sitrillinah mix, beemine bee-u-ti-ful DC mix and Avocado conditioner, JaneCarter nourish and shine, Oyin Handmade Burnt Sugar Pomade and some others. Then I can cut them loose, too.

You are a woman after my own heart! You just named ALL of my favorite prods. and the ones I'm hoping to get recipes for as well!
Okay, lets see, I'll be spending $99 for hair to do my box braids for the entire year of 2011;
I don't need anything else because I already have Profectiv Healthy Ends for my edges and Scurl as a moisturizer.

Anytime after December 2011 I intend to relax my hair so I might need to buy 2 boxes of Phytorelaxer Index II which costs $60 per box, a container of Profectiv Healthy Ends, $7, CON Shampoo $8 and some conditioner which probably cost $10.
well for my BC anniversary im treating myself to a i want a FHI or similar iron (even though i never wear my hair straight, i'll use it on my sis) a half wig from Halley's Curls...thats about $ henna and ayurvedic powders oils i want to try...and i wanted to try some higher end lines...i need a new denman and i want the d83...i need hair shears everday things like condishes/shampoo/oils/ etc...i refuse to spend over $1000...but i know i'll probably spend atleast $500...i need a job lol
Three dye jobs $150x3 = $450
Re-up Gallon Jessicurl WDT = $130 (with shipping)
Re-up KCCC = $34 (with Tax)
Re-up KCKT $12x6 = $77 (with Tax)
Kinky Curly Come Clean = $13 (with Tax)
Qhemet AOHC $16.50x2 = $35 (with Tax)
Qhemet BRBC $16.00x2 = $34 (with Tax)
Dudley DRC-28 = $52 (with shipping)
Redken Extreme Line = $100 (with Tax)
New stuff/Other = $75 (with Tax)

All together $1000.00
well it depends if I buy wigs, if I do maybe 100-120 if not around 60
I probably spent like $40 this year on my hair if that...

let's see

suave coconut conditionar -6 x 1 = $6
coconut oil - 4 x 5 = $20
burt's bees raspberry conditionar - 3 x 8 = $24
clarifying shampoo = 3 x 1 = $3
evoo = 1 x 2 = $2
misc = $10

so probably max $65
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