Yes, it's an upscale salon.
I ended up cancelling that appointment and going to the Walmart salon which created
So I think I'll be a self-stylist again.....just with better care. I'll make sure to consult with you all beforehand.....hmmm. It always turns out that when I go to the salon, they end up doing things that I certainly could have done myself. SSo yesterday I got a mild relaxer on my natural hair by a hair professional.........NOTHING HAPPENED TO MY HAIR! I still have an afro!
Now, some may be saying that I should have used a regular from the get-go. But I've done this to my own previously natural/virgin hair before with a mild (last summer)....and it took!
Here are some catches to that though:
1. I used a lye perm while the haircare prof used a no-lye
(I used Motions Oil Moisturizer Relaxer and she used an Affirm Mild....supposeably they didn't have
any lye perms there!
2. It did take me a few applications before I got the mildly texturized texture that I wanted.
But I called myself going to the haircare prof thinking she'd be better at determining when to take the relaxer off. I guess I keep thinking that they have this gift where they can just look at the hair and see that it's at the texture that I want........well hell.....I can do what she did to my own hair!!!
So, the question:
I plan to just do the relaxer myself again. Should I use a mild again like she used and I used back over the summer and just leave it in longer? Or should I switch to a regular....and run the risk of getting it too straight?
(Note: This is my second time going natural. So when I put on a mld relaxer on my virgin hair last summer, it was my "first set" of natural hair.)ople have said that I expect too much, but I don't consider it a high expectation for a hair-care professional to know alot more than me about my hair...u know?