How much do you follow your parents in terms of hair texture?

How many of you take directly from your parent's texture?

  • My hair is exactly like my mom/dad's.

    Votes: 49 47.6%
  • My hair is nothing like my parents!

    Votes: 54 52.4%

  • Total voters
I am more of my dad,

My mom was a 2a-2b god bless her soul, and my dad was a 3c I believe god bless his soul.
Both beautiful heads of hair.
I guess I'm somewhere in between my mom and dad. I don't know all the hair typing numbers/letters but my dad's hair is very dry, kinky, w/o a curl pattern. My mom's hair is big, loose, silky waves, and is very coarse. My hair is kinda in a world of it's own and is hard to describe.
My mom and I are both 4s. My dad its too hard to tell because he turned completely gray at 21. I thought my hair would be like my mom's. But now that we are both natural and pass the twa stage, our hair is not even similar. My hair is dense, and tightly coiled especially at the ends. And it is easy to twist and stays twisted. My mom's hair is straighter and doesn't easily twist if at all. We can't use any of the same products or styling techniques. There are too any differences to list.
I've been relaxed since elementary school, but based on my new growth during my stretches, my hair texture is nothing like my mom's and dad's. My dad's hair is like 3c and my mom's is closer to 4a. I'm WAY more kinky than they are. What's odd, all of my kids' hair are 3 something. :lol:
My mom's hair has changed so much over the years. She had beautiful 3A curls but now her hair is thinning and straight. I hope that doesn't happen to me when I hit my 60's. I can tell it makes her sad.

My father.. hmm I'm not sure cuz he keeps it short. My guess is 4A/4B.

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my mom has fine mostly 4a/3c hair with low-medium density and a tiny silky 3b-ish patch in the back. my dad (and most of my family on his side) has 4b hair.

i have alot of fine mostly 3c/4a strands.

my sister has thick, coarse 4b/4a hair
when my brother needs a hair cut it looks like its medium-coarse 4a
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my mom is relaxed but her hair is very dense, thick, wire like, course and probably a 4b. my dads hair is thin, fine and probably a 2 something or 3a. my hair is fine, not dense at all but not as thin as dads and a 3c 4a.
I've been thinking about this a lot lately, for a few reasons. For one thing, seeing people identify what looks like the same texture by different numbers. Then, I thought I had it down from Naturally Curly, but when I checked out Hairveda's site this week, their descriptions made it sound like I had 3c, since my curls are either dense waves or defined coils, not Z pattern.

I always assumed I had about the most coarse/densely curled hair there was, from what hair stylists told me and all the "you don't look mixed, look at your hair." But when I think back to some of the black boys I knew growing up (since girls were mostly pressed, relaxed or jherried) and my own natural hair from 1995-2004, it wasn't the same. I remember Eddie Murphy had a bit about getting teased for having "peas" in the back. I didn't have peas, but I had tight, springy coils.

It was only after the BC that I learned I had different textures, because stick straight hairs would stick out of my TWA. My dad's half sister BC'd a few years before me and I wondered why my TWA didn't look the same. I only found out a few years ago that her father was light skinned, so she has what was referred to as mixed hair when I was growing up, 3b/c, pencil-sized coils that are shiny and smooth. I remember my hairdresser not wanting to relax my aunt's hair in the '80s, because she was convinced it had already been relaxed. Now that all makes sense. Her half brother has wavy hair that kind of curled up at the ends. I never saw a photo of her with her natural texture, only pressed or relaxed, so it looked a lot like 4abz hair that's been relaxed.

Mom has THICK, wavy 2a hair (though one side's gone stick straight in recent years, to her dismay). It's kind of coarse. Her dad had wavy blond hair that no one inherited, her mom had thick, wavy/curly black hair. I'm quite convinced they were Jewish or Italian and passing as Irish. In more fanciful moments, I wonder if my grandmother was actually part black and passing. I just see pics of her from the '40s with other teenagers and she looks really "ethnic" in comparison. Even my mom is olive-skinned and tans well --not generally an Irish trait!

I'd say dad was 4a (defined coils), fine and thin. His parents were, I think, both 4a/b, with the fine/thin hair running on his mom's side.

Mine seems like a mixture of mostly dad's texture and mom's super thickness with some of her textures all over, not concentrated in certain sections. I thought the type 1 hairs were just up top with the fine, wavy hairs that I barely relax, but yesterday I pulled a fine, silky, stick straight hair out of "the kitchen."

My brother has my mom's hair color (darkest brown, she gets offended when people say it's black). It was 3b/c bouncy ringlets when he was a kid, it got coarse during puberty, but I think the curl pattern remained the same. Not sure, since he inherited our uncles' receding hairline and shaves it close.
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My mom is a type 2, yet she relaxes :perplexed.

I'm not sure what type my Dad is since he keeps his hair cut short. In old pics when he had an afro, it was always picked out. I'd say he's about a 4a. I'm a type 3/4 mixture so I guess it's more of taking after my Dad.
Mom- 3a ( APL natural)
Dad-4a ( has mid back dreads)
Me -3C/4a.

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no idea. my mother has no curl pattern and my maybe if his hair was longer it would have been a 4a?

This is my moms hair, my hair is thicker and a looser curl, bigger ringlets.... She has about 3 different textures in her hair and I have about 4....

I don't know how my biological fathers hair is, when I've seen him, he's been bald...everyone on that side of my fam has between 2a-3C hair...
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Father: 4a

Mother: 4z

Me: 3c/4a hairline

Interestingly, my maternal grandfather: 3b, maternal grandmother: 4z, my paternal grandmother 3b, paternal grandfather 4a
I think I am a hybrid of my mum and dad's hair type. My dad's hair was close to BSL before he passed away and was between 2A/3C. I would definitely classify him as wavy and not curly with a silky fine texture. My mum was more 4A fine without curl definition.

I am mostly 4A, with 3'ish sides and nape ( the front of my hair has much more curl) definition). During my super long stretches, I am able to see the different textures better through-out my hair. I want to transition, but the crown of my hair is what keeps me in the texlaxed group. :lachen: It's getting harding and harder to detangle up there.
Mom: 3c in the front, 4a in the back, 4b at her temples

Dad: Going back on memory since my dad shaved his head bald awhile ago, I'm going to say 4b

Me: looser 4a in front, tighter 4a coils in the back, 4b in the middle.