How many...........

This is a cute / fun thread. :)

-Shampoos? 2

-Conditioners? 3

-Leave-ins? 2

-Moisturizers? 4

-Oils? 1

-Growth aids? 0

-Other (greases, gels, serums, etc)? 2

NOW HERE'S THE KICKER-How many do you actually USE?

-Shampoos? 2

-Conditioners? 3

-Leave-ins? 2

-Moisturizers? 4

-Oils? 1

-Growth aids? 0

-Other (greases, gels, serums, etc)? 2
Ok, Now this is not fair:ohwell:. You just had to rub it into us PJs faces didn't you?:lachen::grin:
^^^^^^I'm with you Mandy, I don't even come thisclose to the others who've admitted it. But then again, I just started here, and not trying to get too much until I'm completely natural, but I do so love the product reviews!!
I officially pronounce myself reformed:notworthy. :lachen::lachen:From the look of things, I was not even a PJ to start with :smirk::lachen::lachen:.
Girl how do you explain 25 conditioners?:lachen::lachen::lachen:

I actually have more than 25:blush: I forgot about like 9 of them that I had and if you count ones that I have stockpiled:nono::nono: I mean I have lik 7 jars of pantene mask and about 15 bottle of VO5 etc... I should be shamed :lol:
I am literally sitting here cracking up crying.:lachen: Not at the amount people don't use but at having to face the issue. People honestly shouldn't feel bad about being PJs, you have to find what works best and if that means opening up your own BSS to sell what you don't use....then be it. :lachen:

Im just starting but I am on the verge of becomming a PJ.
I am literally sitting here cracking up crying.:lachen: Not at the amount people don't use but at having to face the issue. People honestly shouldn't feel bad about being PJs, you have to find what works best and if that means opening up your own BSS to sell what you don't use....then be it. :lachen:

Im just starting but I am on the verge of becomming a PJ.

Ummmm I'd like to be the first person knocking on gymfreak's BSS telling her to "Open UP!!!":grin:
Tiffers, You had to start this thread the day I get back from buying all of my Herbal Essence stuff, a couple of conditioners, the leave-in. Oh, of course, I also just received my package from Ariva and I'm awaiting another order.:blush:

Wow, I notice some ladies don't use moisturizer and we all seem to really luv us some conditioner. That's where I lose my mind:spinning:

Ok, I'm going to post my inventory later...just too weak to go through all of that stuff right now.
I though this would be a fun reality check for all of the pj's. Please fill in the form below with your answers.... How many do you own?:

-Shampoos? five

-Conditioners? nine

-Leave-ins? two

-Moisturizers? one

-Oils? five

-Growth aids? none

-Other (greases, gels, serums, etc) ten

NOW HERE'S THE KICKER-How many do you actually USE?

-Shampoos? Two (Diametress & Aloe Rid)

-Conditioners? two

-Leave-ins? One

-Moisturizers? one

-Oils? all depending on what my hair needs

-Growth aids? None

-Other? 1 for now (I have stuff I'm planning to use)

I do have a lot of junk!
-Shampoos? Two

-Conditioners? Two

-Leave-ins? One

-Moisturizers? One

-Oils? Two

-Growth aids? None

-Other? Two (Vaseline, Hair Gel)

NOW HERE'S THE KICKER-How many do you actually USE?

-Shampoos? One

-Conditioners? Two

-Leave-ins? One

-Moisturizers? One

-Oils? One

-Growth aids? None

-Other? Two (Vaseline, Hair Gel)

Yeah, I'm rather simple