How many weeks post-relaxer are you..

Exactly 4 weeks post relaxer today. I just finished my first 10 week stretch and pushing for 12wks this time. My relaxer months are January, April, July and October.
Going into 13 weeks and I swear this happened by accident. I thought I would be doing big things if I waited 10 weeks and here I am considering another 7 without a weave. What am I thinking?? :spinning:
302 weeks.

:P hehe.


actually, i lied...

302 weeks was from when i chopped my hair off.

my post relaxer would be...

318 weeks.
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:) I'm about 59 weeks post, i suppose.

transitioning, cutting off 2-3 inches every few months instead of a huge BC. gettin a sew in (Hopefully!!) in a few weeks!!
8 weeks and struggling! my new growth is about 1inch long and coarse. I'll only be able to make another week as i'm beginning to see breakage from coming from the new growth to the relaxed hair. I haven't been using the steam room at the gym to do my deep conditions and so this has limited my stretch.
7 weeks but it feels like 14. I am trying to at least make it to 12 weeks but I don't know if I can hold out that long.
I'm going to relax again. I put in the braids because I experienced a setback while relaxing. I didn't want to wear short hair so I decided to wear box braids for two years until it grows back.