How many weeks post-relaxer are you..

I'm still hanging on. I see my natural waves/curls and they are beautiful, but I need my hair much longer before I'm satisfied. Plus now I have a set back because I went to a salon and the lady cut my hair to even it I'm at NL :(
I'm still hanging on. I see my natural waves/curls and they are beautiful, but I need my hair much longer before I'm satisfied. Plus now I have a set back because I went to a salon and the lady cut my hair to even it I'm at NL :(

You are not a lone. I also am going through a set back. I am trying to get the left side of my hair to grow back as well as stop my relax ends from breaking off. However I am transtioning but I am tired of seeing the break off and making my hair harder to style.

Checking in - 23 weeks! But wishing I had more new growth than I do :( Not even two inches.

My hair grows slow too and it doesn't help that I am anemic and having been struggling with keeping it under control. I know right now I am having some health issues which is making it harder but I am determine to be natural and to get my problem area to grow and be healthy.

Also would like to say that I will be 33 weeks post on Saturday.
I'm 8 weeks post. This is my first time trying to stretch. I want to stretch until I have my baby at the end of August. But we shall see.
7 wks, going for 8 at least. This is the point where I normally struggle but wearing this phony pony is really helping me stretch. I know, 7-8 wks isn't much of a stretch but it is for me LOL.
I was 30 weeks as of yesterday and got my relaxer. I usually stretch for that long with no problem, but I think this time with my graduation and Boards I didn't pay enough attention to it, because I have so much shedding and pretty much ZERO progress after this relaxer :ohwell:

All the newgrowth is thick and full, even after relaxing, but the relaxed ends are really pitiful. I need to be more attentive with my stretch next time, or maybe reduce the length of time because this seems like a step backwards for me.