How many uses do you get out of Aubrey Organics conditioners?

How many uses do you get out of Aubrey Organics conditioners?

  • 1-2

    Votes: 5 10.9%
  • 3-4

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • 4-5

    Votes: 16 34.8%
  • 6-7

    Votes: 6 13.0%
  • 8-9

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • 10-11

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • 12-13

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 14-15

    Votes: 3 6.5%
  • 16-17

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 18+

    Votes: 1 2.2%

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Well-Known Member
I only get 3-4 uses and my hair is only CBL.
That's not good enough.
I spend £10.51 on conditioner and I'm spending like £3 something on each use.
I'm wondering if I'm being too heavy handed?

It would be handy if you put your hair length and texture in addition to the amount of uses you get.
Man, this is a GREAT question. I love, love, love AOHSR and AOGPB and I use them to steam (I steam instead of deep condition). Unfortunately it's so thick that I have to use a lot. I end up buying it after 4 or 5 uses. Yes, it sucks... but after searching for the best conditioner for my hair and being lucky enough to find it, I can't just STOP using it NOW. lol

In LA it's about $9-$10, which can add up since I buy it so often. However, the fact that most of the rest of my products are super cheap (Aussie Moist, CON shampoo, etc) makes me not care too much.
greenandchic said:
About 4-5 and I use it alone. My hair is not super duper dense though.

This goes for me, too.
Length: layered Chin-APL, medium density.

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I only get 3-4 uses and my hair is only CBL.
That's not good enough.
I spend £10.51 on conditioner and I'm spending like £3 something on each use.
I'm wondering if I'm being too heavy handed?

It would be handy if you put your hair length and texture in addition to the amount of uses you get.

I forgot to mention my hair texture: I have fine strands.

How do you apply it melissa-bee? I think it's easy to use too much unnecessarily if you just apply it to your hair en masse since you won't get it to all the parts of your hair so will have to get some more. I find applying conditioner relaxer style not only ensures that your hair is meticulously covered but also seems to prevent waste.
I think I get over 20 uses per bottle. I'm just hitting my one year anniversary of using nothing but Aubrey once per week (plus mixing w/weekly spritzers). I'm still on the same three bottles I started w/. I'm almost done w/them all. 1-2 uses left. I spread Chicoro's pre-poo on my hair or water and evco before I apply the Aubrey deep conditioner. I've never spread it on completely dry hair.
I have medium density, SL hair I get between 4 and 6 uses. I apply it relaxer style on wet hair. I have recently started diluting it but haven't used it diluted enough to know how far it will stretch.

I pay 7.99/8.99 on line and usually get a 20% discount at The Vitamine Shoppe. So after diluting it I will probably get 8 uses out of it. I am good with that. I don't see myself switching. I use GPB and White Camellia. I like the way they work on my hair.
general use, I can get 4-5 uses out of a bottle. On dry hair.

I also add oil(alot of oil) to the dregs in the bottom, and use that for oil rinses. Or for co washes.
Sounds like most of us are in the same boat!:lol: I only get about 4-5 uses out of their conditioners too!:ohwell:

We've been JIPPED!:shocked:

ETA: I am APL, natural with medium-dense hair.
I also get 4-5 uses from the regular sized bottle. I am natural, BSL, medium density, fine strands. I use AO for steaming on wet and dry hair.
I get about 7-8 uses. I am nat. bsl, med. density. Used on wet hair, relaxer method. I mix aowc w/ oils. Gpb straight about 5 or 6 uses.
I have the AO Honeysuckle Rose, and I have used it at least 7 times (as a pre-poo, and/or a moisturizer) and have at least half a bottle left. I tend to use a lot of this product on my short hair. I haven't used it in a few months, but I still have at least half a bottle to sixty percent left. On average, I use about .05 to1oz of conditioner type of products on my hair
I forgot to mention my hair texture: I have fine strands.

How do you apply it melissa-bee? I think it's easy to use too much unnecessarily if you just apply it to your hair en masse since you won't get it to all the parts of your hair so will have to get some more. I find applying conditioner relaxer style not only ensures that your hair is meticulously covered but also seems to prevent waste.

I was hoping you would answer.
After shampooing I normally bunch my hair of in to four, then I break each piece in to two and sometimes another that's about 8 to 10 pieces I apply my conditioner. I think it's because I like to see the conditioner on my hair. Like it's not on enough until I see white on it. I need to change.
I know most times less is more, but not with conditioner :perplexed
I think I get over 20 uses per bottle. I'm just hitting my one year anniversary of using nothing but Aubrey once per week (plus mixing w/weekly spritzers). I'm still on the same three bottles I started w/. I'm almost done w/them all. 1-2 uses left. I spread Chicoro's pre-poo on my hair or water and evco before I apply the Aubrey deep conditioner. I've never spread it on completely dry hair.

Wow, I'm shocked. I thought I was being silly adding anything above 10 uses giving the "hairographics" on this forum.
I use mine on damp hair after shampooing, I've never tried it on dry hair either.
:perplexed Gimme your hands.

eta: how long is your hair now? You look to be a similar texture to me but your hair is longer.
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I'm relaxed and have never counted but I suspect that I get a fair number of uses upwards of the 18+. I always apply on hair dampened with AVG though...and when I use it for co washing my hair is wet and I use about the size of a quarter.
I get maybe 6-7 uses. The HSR is very thick so I have to add oil/AVJ to thin it some. My hair is WL and extremely dense, and I'm very heavy handed with conditioner, so adding oils or other ingredients allows me to stretch it. Otherwise I'd probably only get 2 uses per bottle.
I have no idea. I've never counted, but when the bottle is near empty, I sure do put some water in there and shake that bad boy up. :yep: I use it to dc on dry hair. I know I get way more than 3 to 4 uses out of a bottle.
I was hoping you would answer.
After shampooing I normally bunch my hair of in to four, then I break each piece in to two and sometimes another that's about 8 to 10 pieces I apply my conditioner. I think it's because I like to see the conditioner on my hair. Like it's not on enough until I see white on it. I need to change.
I know most times less is more, but not with conditioner :perplexed

@melissa-bee, did you see how white my hair was after I apply about an ounce of AO GPB? (Pic) And that is no dry hair which means I'd use a lot less on wet hair. And it's not just white, I can squeeze it and get conditioner oozing out of my twists!

Is your hair porous? I'm wondering if that may have some effect on how much one needs to get hair white.

Here's another image of my hair loose with conditioner on it. There conditioner was applied on wet hair, and still I didn't have to use much. When I wash my hair loose, it's usually in plaits, 8 or more like yours. And I will still take each of those section then use a comb to part the sections into narrow strips then apply conditioner the way relaxer is applied. And my hair does turn white when I do this...and I don't end up wasting it, nor is any strand neglected.
12-15 uses.....when the bottle is 1/3 to 1/2 used i add filtered water to it and shake. my hair is natural, dense and layered. the longest layer is bsl.
i never paid attention to how much i use but ill assume i get about 5 uses from my gpb(thats the only AO conditioner i use and its a staple).
my hair is not dense at all and my hair is mbl and i get a good amount of use from it. but then again i only use my gob like 1x every 2 weeks or something like that so it seems like it lasts forever.
I've honestly never counted, but definitely way more than 3 or 4 :shocked: I have the same bottle for months (granted I don't use it every week).
I have natural hair, fine strands, medium-thin density, APL length. I probably use about 1/4 cup each time (kinda guessing), applied to dry, straight hair.
AO used to be one of my go-to lines, and I'd get about 3 uses out of a bottle. But it was so worth it to me. :yep: