How many uses do you get from Patene Relaxed and Natchal Mask?

3 to 4 uses sounds about right to me. I love to pack it on and there's not very much in that container, but I love it!!!:grin:
Before I cut my hair I got 2 uses out of that jar. Now more like 4.

I wrote them last week and asked them to make this in a bigger size.
I caught the 2 for $7 sale last wek at target and bought two. So I thought that I was ahead of the game. I have used it twice already and I was a littled POed that the jar is almost empty. I used enough too make sure that all my hair is coated, but jeez. I need a much bigger jar!!!!!!!!!!!! It goes way to fast.:nono:
I got some a few weeks ago and I've used it about 4 or 5 times. I haven't scratched the surface. I'm like 1.5 cm deep into the jar, I think I'll have it till june at this rate. Maybe when I'm natural I'll need to use more?
I get about 10 DC's out of mine but then a few times I mix mine with another conditioner like Keracare Humecto. That might be why I get so much out of it.
10 or so? maybe more.

That's about how much I get, but I cheat :look: I realized that that stuff is REALLY THICK, so I add water to stretch it out. Not too much water to dilute its effectiveness, but enough water to get the consistency that I want, so it isn't so thick. It still works the same!

I get another empty conditioner bottle that's about 16 oz. I half it with water (8 oz. of water), then put some of the R&N in there (about 4 oz.) Shake, shake, shake...

Sometimes I put some oil in there for shine, sometimes honey for moisture, sometimes some Nexxus Emergencee for some protein/strength.... once I even mixed some coconut milk! Whatever I want :grin:

One more tip...I realize it works best when my hair is not towel-dried. So I only apply it to soaking wet, drippy hair. I also get more uses out of it this way.

Oh, and I am also very heavy-handed; my hair is very thick, even when wet. But I try to keep in mind about what Macherie said about less is more. Your hair will absorb as much as it needs, so don't glob it on. I save a lot of the conditioner following this advice.
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