How many people had successful growth using phony ponies and phony buns?


Well-Known Member
For those of you guys hair that wasn't long enough to fit in a bun yet. How many of you had great growth with phony ponies and phony buns?
(If you want to explain) What technique did u guys us?
I did and will start wearing my phony pony again in June to take me to APL and BSB. I just wash deep condition gel and put on my phony pony. Here are pictures of my progress from my BC.


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I did get great growth and help me go from NL to SL in about 4-5months. The only problem I had was my nape broke off due to my tight ponytails I did before I applied the bunds. I love those prism buns
i plan on wearing buns and phony ponies more often...i think the most important thing is making sure the ponytails arent too tight (including your own hair underneath), and making sure your hair is properly moisturized
I used the phony pony until I got past shoulder length. I had moisturize and seal and placed hair under the ponytail in a bag to kept the end moist. It worked! I had no problem pasting shoulder length with this method.
Thanks for posting OP and thanks ladies for answering. I'm getting ready to invest in a few ponys (especially since I'll be co-washing often this summer and I think that's the perfect opportunity to PS in the process.) :yep:
I think I'm about to go back to them. I wore them the winter before last as a PS and stopped when I could make my own bun. But I like them and I think it'll help me retain a few more inches before this wedding in July :yep:.
I did in h.s. long before I found hair boards. I would wave up every morning, select a ponytail and go. I did that most of the 10th grade. It helped me get over the SL hump to APL. Before then, I had been SL 2 years.
Phony ponies and phony buns allowed for decent retention, but gave me weird uneven breakage. I wouldn't use them again.
I had great success in growing out my hair with a phony afro puff. I had texlaxed my hair in November 2009 and I did it a little too straight and my hair started to break off something terrible. My first thought was to cut off all my hair and start all over again, but I hated when I bc the last time so I searched for a phony afro puff and wore it for a year. I slowing cut off the texlaxed ends durning the process and my hair is almost telax free and I have my healthy thick hair back. In the beginning I was having breakage in my nape area, but I stop that by not pulling my hair into a ponytail that was too tight and by dipping my ponytail holder in olive oil so that it did not pull out my hair. I still wear my phony afro puff when I am tired of doing my hair.
I have had success with this method when I was relaxed. I use a regular dollar store phony pony. My Hair grew really fast with it. I wish I could do this with my natural hair. Unfortunately my natural hair is a victim of super shrinkage.:nono: I'd be too afraid to try and force a pony tail. There are some things even I won't do until I can successfully start heat training to stretch my hair in 6 -8 months.
Works for me everytime! :yep: It's because it's a low manipulative, protective style for me. I usually start wearing one when my hair is neck length (I keep getting it cut into these short styles) and my hair grows closer to shoulder length like wildfire. It almost seems like I start getting an inch per month. I'm going to start back wearing them again this summer while I let this latest short style grow out. This time I'm wearing them until I reach a full shoulder length.
I understand that you shouldn't pull ur hair too tight underneath but do you use special products on your hair during that time and do you have any special 'styles' TIA
I definitely did as well, stunk when I couldn no longer fit my hair underneath :cry3:

I would Wash my hair, BD, Gel it up and put a Scrunchy small little on it or elastic band, put it gently and fan out my combs on my pony tail to make it wider then place it on my hair, use a spray bottle to clean up any residue. BEING HONEST HERE, I'd rock that for a week and then towards the end of the week I'd need oil sheen to give it some shine and loosen up my gel helmet.

End of the week, severe wash and break down, I did this weekly and went from basically APL to WL. Not over night but I didn't even notice I was WL until my pony was misbehaving. I'd place it on sticking the combs up front then go to do the back the darn combs from the front shot out :nono: It worked forcefully for a while but eventually there was no packing it in.

Great Protective style that allows you not to be stuck for so long in or under anything. You can decide at any time to say what the hay, I am wearing my hair.

I Love Phony PonY's THey are Cheap CUte and great for a gal on the GO!!!! Like So.

Ends her babble!
I understand that you shouldn't pull ur hair too tight underneath but do you use special products on your hair during that time and do you have any special 'styles' TIA

I swooped my bangs in the front, I wore it straight back, I put a part down the middle. It is kinda limited to a handful of ways you can wear it but they look different with each different Pony. :)
I did this early on in my HHJ when I was SL. I could (barely) make a ponytail, but it was so tiny and sad looking :nono:. So I used weave hair to make a phony bun...I would put my hair in a ponytail, wrap the weave hair around and pin it down with a bobby pin. I did this everyday from September 2009-March 2010 and in that time, went from SL to APL.

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Ok sooo...I went out and bought a phony bun and ponytail. I wore the pony to my aunts house and when she hugged me it came off. My cousin (he's Hispanic and white) goes "whaaat???!!! I thought that was your real hair!!!" lol! I just saw him in December and my hair was barely grazing my shoulders. But the pony wa past my shoulders and set high on my head. Some ignorance is a lot more fun. I'm totally motivated. APL here I come!!

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF...I'm addicted!!
I used a phony bun for a long time. More for convenience but also for retention. I was kind of addicted to it because it was so quick and easy. My front and sides retained really well, but in back where the bun sat I had uneven breakage. Now I am desperately searching for a way to make this work. There is no way I'll get to APL without this PS option.
Now, I'm at a point where I am absolutely tired of styling my hair almost everyday with braidouts or twistouts. I'm a natural that cannot get away with not rebraiding or retwisting every night. Whenever I do not rebraid or retwist at night, my hair is frizzier and not as neat. Right now, my hair is in flexirods to put curls in my hair. But I'm not sure if I can see myself putting flexirods in my hair every so often.

With saying this, I'm thinking about wearing drawstring ponytails in order to achieve mid-back length and then waist length. I've been stuck at APL for way too long due to trims and hair cuts from using the flat iron ever so often. If these flexirod curls don't last as long as I want them to, I will be going to the drawstring ponytail regimen.
I used the all the time when I was working out heavily. I sweat in my head profusely and had to shampoo my hair after every workout. They worked well.