How Many of You Would Relax if...

Would you relax if you were guaranteed thickness?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 29.2%
  • No

    Votes: 97 70.8%

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  • Poll closed .


New Member
You could be guaranteed that hair THICKNESS would ensue..

I'm not a natural 'nazi' but one of the reasons why I transitioned back to natural is -- my hair appears much thicker! I know we all love our curls but isn't shrinkage a beast? I'm nearly BSL but my hair still rests on my damn shoulders! Sorry to get all irate, but not seeing my hair's truth length really annoys me. I know some ladies don't mind, but this is the LONGhaircareforum, not See-me-with-shorthair-but-once-a-year-I-straighten it-to-show-its-true-length

I'm just venting Ya'll. It just hit me that I will probably have to be WL/or tailbone length before my hair can reach BSL unstretched.
i wouldn't want to relax because i freak out when it rains lol.

but seriously, i'm over it now. natural or relaxed, i want healthy hair to my shoulders. that's my goal and i'm sticking to it.
You could be guaranteed that hair THICKNESS would ensue..

I'm not a natural 'nazi' but one of the reasons why I transitioned back to natural is -- my hair appears much thicker! I know we all love our curls but isn't shrinkage a beast? I'm nearly BSL but my hair still rests on my damn shoulders! Sorry to get all irate, but not seeing my hair's truth length really annoys me. I know some ladies don't mind, but this is the LONGhaircareforum, not See-me-with-shorthair-but-once-a-year-I-straighten it-to-show-its-true-length

I'm just venting Ya'll. It just hit me that I will probably have to be WL/or tailbone length before my hair can reach BSL unstretched.


I agree on that point:look:

Right now I am going natural for the option to wash and go again. I just wear my hair straightened and enjoy my length often.:yep:
Well, you'd have to guarantee me thickness and 0 breakage/damage. And even then I'd have to seriously think about it....

I agree on that point:look:

Right now I am going natural for the option to wash and go again. I just wear my hair straightened and enjoy my length often.:yep:

i agree as well. don't people get tired of the PS thing all the time?
My hair is pretty thick now. I just don't want to have to go to the salon for touch ups or have to do them myself so based on that alone I'd have to say no to relaxing again.
The shrinkage amazes me. I think it's pretty cool but I'm a new natural so give me a few more months ... lol
Umm..I wouldn't. I like the idea of removing chemicals from my overall hair regimen.
I also prefer volume over length.
I'm going back to relaxers soon. The only thing I will miss is the thickness. I'm hoping texlaxing will preserve most of it.
You could be guaranteed that hair THICKNESS would ensue..

I'm not a natural 'nazi' but one of the reasons why I transitioned back to natural is -- my hair appears much thicker! I know we all love our curls but isn't shrinkage a beast? I'm nearly BSL but my hair still rests on my damn shoulders! Sorry to get all irate, but not seeing my hair's truth length really annoys me. I know some ladies don't mind, but this is the LONGhaircareforum, not See-me-with-shorthair-but-once-a-year-I-straighten it-to-show-its-true-length

I'm just venting Ya'll. It just hit me that I will probably have to be WL/or tailbone length before my hair can reach BSL unstretched.


I sooooooo get where you are coming from! I dont like the shrinkage either. The whole point of me growing my hair is so that I can enjoy the length. But how am I supposed to enjoy my length when it still looks like I don't have any hair on my head in the first place. I will say this, I find it funny when I go places with guys and it rains and they ask "aren't you concerned about your hair?" And I reply with a cool smile and say "Nope!" and walk right next to them enjoying the conversation and their company. I will never get tired of that look! :grin: :grin: :grin:

Once my hair gets longer, I will decide what I am going to do...
I'm going back to relaxers soon. The only thing I will miss is the thickness. I'm hoping texlaxing will preserve most of it.

It really will..

The limp, thin look is mostly from overprocessing and stylist techniques.. they stay flat ironing and curling hair within an inch of its life.
I can honestly say that I will NEVER relax my hair again.

Don't miss the constant straight hair at all. If I get the urge, I'll plop on a Kim K wig for a spell. Otherwise, I think I'm good :yep:
If you could guarantee that I didn't go bald, and that the relaxer wouldn't eat through the skin of my scalp, I would consider it. But for now I've chosen to have hair when I'm 70. So relaxing again is a No.
I went back to relaxed on Saturday - more so because of the ssk's and the little balls of hair forming at the end of the hair all the time - I'm going to stretch relaxers and see if I can maintain some amount of thickness - its nice having untangled hair again and not having the burden of plaiting before bed or shrinkage. It wasn't worth me straightnening with heat cos I go to the gym regularly...

It's mostly a trade-off but people with dense hair still have thickness when relaxed, its harder for those that don't.
I agree that it sucks to not be able to show length but I can't go back to looking and feeling rough while stretching relaxers.
I think since I've been on this board and other blogs, etc. I would be a healthier relaxed head then before but even though, I still would not relax. I like being natural!
You could be guaranteed that hair THICKNESS would ensue..

I'm not a natural 'nazi' but one of the reasons why I transitioned back to natural is -- my hair appears much thicker! I know we all love our curls but isn't shrinkage a beast? I'm nearly BSL but my hair still rests on my damn shoulders! Sorry to get all irate, but not seeing my hair's truth length really annoys me. I know some ladies don't mind, but this is the LONGhaircareforum, not See-me-with-shorthair-but-once-a-year-I-straighten it-to-show-its-true-length

I'm just venting Ya'll. It just hit me that I will probably have to be WL/or tailbone length before my hair can reach BSL unstretched.

0live0il I understand. I had a major freak out a few days ago because I found out that my hair is almost WL in the back. I deep conditioned it with heat for the first time in over a year and had forgotten how stretchy it makes my hair. I was brushing it out to prepare it for my bun, and noticed that it just kept going and going. For the longest time I seriously thought that it was BSL creeping up to MBL. That would never happen to a realxed head.

You emphasized that this is LONG Hair Care Forum meaning that it's for anyone who has or wants long(er) hair. It's not you-must-consistantly-display-that-your-hair-is-long-otherwise-your-presence-is-pointless. Just knowing that it's that long makes me feel good. I'll be taking a "pull picture" the next time I wash my hair, using it my icon, and keeping it moving. I was saying in another thread that I've just adopted a victorian approach to my hair - most people will never see me with it down. That's just the way it is. I look forward to finding more undo's that I can do that still protect my hair.

ETA: Like someone else said, I don't miss relaxed hair. It just took too much maintenance. I see pictures of my with relaxed hair as a teen and I just can't fathom sporting that look ever again.
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:nono: I wouldn't, I don't miss relaxed hair.

I don't either. Don't even straighten my hair much. Last time I did was April 2009.

I didn't stop relaxing because of damage or thinning. Yes my hair was damaged from overprocessing when I transitioned but my plan was to grow a new "crop of virgin hair" so I could relax it anew. My main reason for relaxing in the first place was because I thought that having straight hair would make for smoother comb gliding so less breakage and therefore long hair. I did not know any better than to comb my kinky natural hair dry and have it breaking all over the place.

So I relaxed to let my hair grow long and it was my reason for planning to relax again. But when it grew long while natural after my transition--longer than it had ever been before--relaxing became unnecessary. I also learned not to comb it dry so the breakage was minimized.

So for me, there isn't anything I can think of that would make me want to relax. I can't even stand to have straight hair when I straighten for more than one week. I can do all the things I thought relaxed hair had in store for me with my natural hair without all the risks of overprocessing point of demarcation, underprocessing, reacting to chemicals, burns, etc.

Even if those risks didn't exist, I honestly have no interest to change my hair texture. I love my naps! I am also the weirdo who loves shrinkage and isn't too bothered with showing length. My own knowledge of how long my hair is matters more to me than showing the world. I actually love being the only one in the know on how long my hair is and shocking people by being able to pull off a TWA as easily as I can pull off longer hair updos.
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@0live0il I understand. I had a major freak out a few days ago because I found out that my hair is almost WL in the back. I deep conditioned it with heat for the first time in over a year and had forgotten how stretchy it makes my hair. I was brushing it out to prepare it for my bun, and noticed that it just kept going and going. For the longest time I seriously thought that it was BSL creeping up to MBL. That would never happen to a realxed head.

You emphasized that this is LONG Hair Care Forum meaning that it's for anyone who has or wants long(er) hair. It's not you-must-consistantly-display-that-your-hair-is-long-otherwise-your-presence-is-pointless. Just knowing that it's that long makes me feel good. I'll be taking a "pull picture" the next time I wash my hair, using it my icon, and keeping it moving. I was saying in another thread that I've just adopted a victorian approach to my hair - most people will never see me with it down. That's just the way it is. I look forward to finding more undo's that I can do that still protect my hair.

ETA: Like someone else said, I don't miss relaxed hair. It just took too much maintenance. I see pictures of my with relaxed hair as a teen and I just can't fathom sporting that look ever again.

@Enyo - Wow! Are you BSL or APL unstretched? Please.. tell me you are at least APL :lol:

I guess.. the reason why I'm so annoyed is because I genuinely look better (I think) with long(er) flowing hair. Curly hair is cute but there's something about long, straight hair that gets me. Maybe I'm just going through a phase? I hope so. Because my relaxed hair was absolutely WACK! I'd never go back to that.

I want to have hair like Princess Jasmine :cry:

I don't either. Don't even straighten my hair much. Last time I did was April 2009.

I didn't stop relaxing because of damage or thinning. Yes my hair was damaged from overprocessing when I transitioned but my plan was to grow a new "crop of virgin hair" so I could relax it anew. My main reason for relaxing in the first place was because I thought that having straight hair would make for smoother comb gliding so less breakage and therefore long hair. I did not know any better than to comb my kinky natural hair dry and have it breaking all over the place.

So I relaxed to let my hair grow long and it was my reason for planning to relax again. But when it grew long while natural after my transition--longer than it had ever been before--relaxing became unnecessary. I also learned not to comb it dry so the breakage was minimized.

So for me, there isn't anything I can think of that would make me want to relax. I can't even stand to have straight hair when I straighten for more than one week. I can do all the things I thought relaxed hair had in store for me with my natural hair without all the risks of overprocessing point of demarcation, underprocessing, reacting to chemicals, burns, etc.

Even if those risks didn't exist, I honestly have no interest to change my hair texture. I love my naps! I am also the weirdo who loves shrinkage and isn't too bothered with showing length. My own knowledge of how long my hair is matters more to me than showing the world. I actually love being the only one in the know on how long my hair is and shocking people by being able to pull off a TWA as easily as I can pull off longer hair updos.

I feel you so much girl! Shrinkage is one of the things that make our hair so special.
I am 24 and natural for 24 years (yes, I've never relaxed my hair and I've never considered doing it)
@Enyo - Wow! Are you BSL or APL unstretched? Please.. tell me you are at least APL :lol:

I guess.. the reason why I'm so annoyed is because I genuinely look better (I think) with long(er) flowing hair. Curly hair is cute but there's something about long, straight hair that gets me. Maybe I'm just going through a phase? I hope so. Because my relaxed hair was absolutely WACK! I'd never go back to that.

I want to have hair like Princess Jasmine :cry:


Was your relaxed hair healthy and wack, or was it damaged and wack?
@0live0il I understand. I had a major freak out a few days ago because I found out that my hair is almost WL in the back. I deep conditioned it with heat for the first time in over a year and had forgotten how stretchy it makes my hair. I was brushing it out to prepare it for my bun, and noticed that it just kept going and going. For the longest time I seriously thought that it was BSL creeping up to MBL. That would never happen to a realxed head.

You emphasized that this is LONG Hair Care Forum meaning that it's for anyone who has or wants long(er) hair. It's not you-must-consistantly-display-that-your-hair-is-long-otherwise-your-presence-is-pointless. Just knowing that it's that long makes me feel good. I'll be taking a "pull picture" the next time I wash my hair, using it my icon, and keeping it moving. I was saying in another thread that I've just adopted a victorian approach to my hair - most people will never see me with it down. That's just the way it is. I look forward to finding more undo's that I can do that still protect my hair.

ETA: Like someone else said, I don't miss relaxed hair. It just took too much maintenance. I see pictures of my with relaxed hair as a teen and I just can't fathom sporting that look ever again.

This was a harsh reality to me. But as it turns out, many people and I think I look much better without my hair in my face and out. So maybe buns and updos will be my signature look.

To answer the question, I don't miss relaxed hair as I just miss the look of "done" or "styled" hair. But alas, you can't have it all,lol.
LOL!!!!! @ the % of NO's. That tickled me. My hair is thick enough as a relaxed head so if I was a natural w/ curls....*yummy*.

Haircrush on YT has my dream natural hair. Sigh... A girl can dream though.

LOL!!! also at the comment about running from the rain. LOL!! Who does that?! loloo that tickled me too. ;) I thought girls w/ freshly done weaves ran from the rain; not relaxed haired ladies. But I digress....
@Theresamonet - Damaged and wack :lachen: But my hair isn't very thick when straightened. People think it's thick right now because my curls can give that illusion. I would defo relax in a heartbeat if my hair was thicker.

I asked because I was thinking about my past relaxed hair the other day, and I was like :nono: "oh no... I don't want that". But then I realized that I went straight from unhealthy relaxed hair, to healthy natural hair when I found this forum. So my perception of relaxed hair is a bit distorted. After over 5 years on this board, I surely wouldn't turn out the same damaged, wack :)lol:) relaxed hair I had before... Right? :look:
@Enyo - Wow! Are you BSL or APL unstretched? Please.. tell me you are at least APL :lol:

I guess.. the reason why I'm so annoyed is because I genuinely look better (I think) with long(er) flowing hair. Curly hair is cute but there's something about long, straight hair that gets me. Maybe I'm just going through a phase? I hope so. Because my relaxed hair was absolutely WACK! I'd never go back to that.

My hair just gets bigger and bigger, so it barely sits on my shoulders when it's left alone. It is, however, between 6-8 inches away from either side of my head. When people see me, they often comment that my hair is long. I occasionally get a white or Asian person who isn't used to ethnic hair who call it "big", but most people see how large it is and translated that into being long. Regardless of what terminology they use, I think it's cool that people notice that I have lots of healthy hair on my head. But I guess that's because quality and quantity is more important to me than visible length. When I was relaxed, my hair was healthy but never grew past my shoulders.

I used to want long straight hair when I was a child, but I got into history as an adult and started seeing lots of period movies where women didn't cut their hair. Once, I saw one set in the early 1800's where a woman got into an argument with her husband while preparing to get ready for a party and had not put her hair up yet. She was standing in the doorway yelling at him, but all I could pay attention to was her her wavy/curly hair that was almost to her waist. It looked almost exactly like this (minus the modern color, of course)...


...and that's how I want to wear my hair. I can easily get that curl pattern with extra long/wide curlformers and henna can help thicken my hair a bit. I figure I need at least WL hair so that when it's curled, it still has that long and romantic feel to it. I have a big head, so big hair does not suit me at all. I would encourage you to find a goal that's realistic but still suits your personal esthetic. Please don't use a fictional character as a point of reference.
no. Relaxers make the hair thin but even if they didn't...I don't know what those chemicals are doing to my scalp...