How many inches of hair should everyone be able to grow minimum???


New Member
Just thinking about the different phases of hair growth, is there a minimum amount of hair everyone should be able to grow before the hair falls out of the follicle?

I hope my question makes sense....

depends on how long your anagen phase lasts. i imagine the only way to know for sure is to stop trimming. i don't have any split ends, so sometimes i am tempted avoid trimming until i reach my goal. but that's quite a few years away. i reckon most people should be able to reach bra strap at the very least.
I'm not 100% on this but wouldn't that depend a few factors including: the length of the two phases before the follicle goes through the shedding phase and rate/speed of hair growth?

With each person it's going to be different so someone who has a long growth cycle (and/or fairly rapid hair growth), they're going to be able to realize longer hair (if they don't cut or have breakage), where as someone who has a shorter growth phase with slower growing hair is going to have shorter hair as their 'maximum'. :ohwell: I guess there are a lot of variables that come into play on this.

My question is: is there an AVERAGE length of time for the growth phase?

If you new that, I reckon you could guestimate your growth potential by taking your growth measurement per month and multiplying it by 12 and that would give you your growth for a year. So for me...I average about 1/4" to 1/2" a month (we'll go with 1/2" it looks better) the end of twelve months, if my hair hasn't shed, broken or been cut, it should be 6" longer.

Now, if my growth and resting phases last 3 years, I should have about 18" of hair on my head before it falls out.

At least, that's how I understand it. :confused:
I heard it was 6 years (minimum for everyone). But I'm too lazy to look it up right now.

ETA: at an average rate of .5/month that's a whooping 36 inches.
I found this:

Hair Growth Cycles:

Histological features of the human hair follicle vary greatly during the growth cycle. All hair, terminal and vellus, goes through a growth phase (anagen), a regression or transitional phase (catagen), and a resting phase (telogen).

Anagen hair bulbs are located in the subcutaneous fat, catagen bulbs are in the dermis, and telogen bulbs are in the mid-to-upper dermis. The anagen phase for vellus hairs is much shorter than that for terminal hairs.
The hair growth cycle in different regions of the body varies, and the duration of anagen, catagen, and telogen phases differs according to body site. While the entire cycle duration for the eyelashes is 4 months, the scalp cycle requires about 3-4 years to complete.

In the normal human scalp, the anagen phase duration averages 2-3 years (occasionally much longer); the catagen phase, 2-3 weeks; and the telogen phase, approximately 3 months.

Hair located on other body sites (eg, eyebrows, trunk, extremities) is characterized by longer telogen phases (up to 9 months) and shorter anagen periods (4-7 months). The catagen phase remains constant at 3-4 weeks.

Absent a disease state, 85-90% of all scalp hair follicles are in the anagen phase, 10-14% are in the telogen, and only 1-2% are in the catagen. Estimates place daily scalp hair shedding at about 100 hairs per day. Scalp hair grows at an average rate of 0.4 mm/day (approximately 0.5 in/month). At any particular time, not all human hair follicles in any given anatomical location are in identical growth stages; some are in the anagen, while others are in the telogen or catagen. This phenomenon is referred to as the mosaic pattern and is in contrast to some animals whose follicular units all are synchronized. This explains some animals' ability to shed winter coats when the ambient temperature becomes warm, while humans do not go bald during the follicular rest period

On another site:
The Length Of The Hair

The maximum achievable length of a hair depends directly on the length of the growth phase (anagen). All body hair grows at a rate of about 0.33 mm per day. However, whereas for instance eyebrows end the anagen phase after one month, i.e. hardly become longer than 1 cm, the hair on the scalp continues to grow over a period of years (for hip-length hair about 6 years).
I found this information about the average length of each cycle:

Hair Growth
Hair growth is comprised of three different phases which are as follows:
The ANAGENIC Phase (Growth)
Hair is produced by dermal papilla cells.

The CATAGENIC Phase (Shedding)
In this second phase, the papilla ceases secreting and hair falls out.

The TELOGENIC Phase (Rest)
The papilla reaches a dormant state.

The human head has approximately 100,000 hairs and on average loses 20 to 80 hairs a day. The growth phases (anagenic) lasts approximately 1000 days while the rest phase (telogenic) lasts 100. We can therefore easily say that 10 to 15 percent of all hairs are in a state of rest at any given time.

Individuals with above-average hair loss experience a shorter anagenic phase and a longer telogenic phase than the norm. When the telogenic phase lasts too long, the papilla shrinks and is incapable of producing a normal hair. At this point, the hair is thinner and grows more slowly on certain areas of the head (i.e., the temples and on the top of the head).

Up to 50 percent of hair loss in a given area has already occurred before it becomes obvious. In other words, you may lose half of your hair without this fact being too obvious, therefore most individuals tend to be unaware of the problem until hair loss has reached an advanced stage.

So considering they say that the average amount of time for the Anagenic phase is 1000 days (that's 2.7 years), that's approximately 32 months so if you grow .5 inches per month then that's 16 inches total (hair root to hair end) if you were to retain all of it. From the base of my neck (that being my longest layer) is way past bra-strap!!

There are just too many factors that go into hair growth-- heredity, genetics, hair health, how you sleep (yes that affects hair), hair/scalp disease. diet (I could go on and on). There really is no correct or incorrect answer, and there is no ideal because everyone is different.
RabiaElaine said:
Excuse my ignorance...I should know this by now...Which vitamins extend the anagen phase?

Grape seed, grape seed oil
He shou wu, or fo-ti
the average is 6 years give or take a year that's 5 years 30 inches should be waist on most people.
The trick is to extend the growth phase and increase growth in a time period like a month if you think your hairgrowth is slow.
EX: so if w/o vitamins your hair grows 0.5" with 0.75" and you take something to keep the growth phase going longer you can get more length in a little bit shorter time.
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RabiaElaine said:
Excuse my ignorance...I should know this by now...Which vitamins extend the anagen phase?

Hey RabiaElaine, msm (sulfur ie thus anything containing sulfur) and foti extend the anagen phase. These are the ones i alluded when i mentioned you can have faster growth if you manage to extend the anagen phase with vitamins that retard aging. for instance my normal growth rate is 0.25" per month, since adding foti and msm (plus all the other stuff as msm is basically sulfur that s needed in all your cells to grow and feed your body constituents (arteries,cell,blood,hair,skin...) i can hope to grow more hair than my genetic make up allow me too. lets say i reach shoulder length in one year from scratch for another person who makes 1" from taking nothing it s a normal growth but for me that makes 4inches a year i can double or triple the amount so instead of taking 2-3years to be shoulder length i could be in one year.

but mostly the ramifications of taking stuff like fo-ti (he shou wou) or msm is that even if your dont take any other topical aids and keep your growth of 0.5" per month, fo-ti and msm by extending your anagen phase lets say by another year or it varies allow you to grow for 4 years if your regular anagen phase was 3years just meaning you get more time to grow the hair before it goes to the resting phase. i dont know if i m clear

so you have vitamins and aids that have antifungal properties that allow you to better grow your hair by cleaning your scalp, or acting as stimulants and increasing circulation (aminos,mtg,minoval...essential oils,castor oil,peppermint,cade oil,cayenne....)and you have vitamins or ingredients like msm or fo-ti (hou shou wou) that retard aging in cells thus extending your anagen phase.;) i hope i m clearer i did not know how to put it the first time
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ekomba said:
Hey RabiaElaine, msm (sulfur ie thus anything containing sulfur) and foti extend the anagen phase. These are the ones i alluded when i mentioned you can have faster growth if you manage to extend the anagen phase with vitamins that retard aging. for instance my normal growth rate is 0.25" per month, since adding foti and msm (plus all the other stuff as msm is basically sulfur that s needed in all your cells to grow and feed your body constituents (arteries,cell,blood,hair,skin...) i can hope to grow more hair than my genetic make up allow me too. lets say i reach shoulder length in one year from scratch for another person who makes 1" from taking nothing it s a normal growth but for me that makes 4inches a year i can double or triple the amount so instead of taking 2-3years to be shoulder length i could be in one year.

but mostly the ramifications of taking stuff like fo-ti (he shou wou) or msm is that even if your dont take any other topical aids and keep your growth of 0.5" per month, fo-ti and msm by extending your anagen phase lets say by another year or it varies allow you to grow for 4 years if your regular anagen phase was 3years just meaning you get more time to grow the hair before it goes to the resting phase. i dont know if i m clear

This has always left me stumped.:lol: I'm wondering how these reports of "lengthening growth cycles/phases" on the scalp are actually proven :ohwell: (Not saying they aren't-- just trying to figure out how they'd actually go about proving it?) How would you really be able to gauge the length of a growth phase unless you have followed a single hair from "birth" to its final "death"? That seems to me to be nearly impossible and would take years. And how would you be able to determine that a certain vitamin/supplement lengthens someones life or slows down aging? Just seems like there would be waaaay too many variables/factors to control for in an experiment like that--no two people are alike... and no two people will age the same way, even in the same family. Does anyone know how they actually determine these claims?

With the hair thing Anky said... there are just too many variables to control for. Many of us do not know how long our actual growth phases are to begin with since they are predetermined by genetics and hormonal. The average is 4-6 years give or take- and to add to that, we don’t know how long a particular hair has actually been in its growth phase. Could be 4 years in, or 4 days in for all we know. Each hair runs independently of the hairs around it- so it really becomes difficult to know. Either way, your ultimate hair potential will always be years in the making- so enjoy the ride! .:lol:
CookieLAD said:
Lucia said:
Grape seed, grape seed oil

How do you use this to extend?
It's supposed to extend the growth cycle phase, just like fo-ti does, it comes in pills/caps but it's sometimes harder to find and not as effective as fo-ti=he shou wu.
Sistaslick said:
This has always left me stumped.:lol: I'm wondering how these reports of "lengthening growth cycles/phases" on the scalp are actually proven :ohwell: (Not saying they aren't-- just trying to figure out how they'd actually go about proving it?) How would you really be able to gauge the length of a growth phase unless you have followed a single hair from "birth" to its final "death"? That seems to me to be nearly impossible and would take years. And how would you be able to determine that a certain vitamin/supplement lengthens someones life or slows down aging? Just seems like there would be waaaay too many variables/factors to control for in an experiment like that--no two people are alike... and no two people will age the same way, even in the same family. Does anyone know how they actually determine these claims?

With the hair thing Anky said... there are just too many variables to control for. Many of us do not know how long our actual growth phases are to begin with since they are predetermined by genetics and hormonal. The average is 4-6 years give or take- and to add to that, we don’t know how long a particular hair has actually been in its growth phase. Could be 4 years in, or 4 days in for all we know. Each hair runs independently of the hairs around it- so it really becomes difficult to know. Either way, your ultimate hair potential will always be years in the making- so enjoy the ride! .:lol:

Hey Sistaslick i know it sounds weird but fo-ti has been used for ages in China to retard aging not only for hair but specially the body. more info on it:) (who knows Chinese people are known to have the faster growing heads, the longest lengths and youthful appearance i know it mostly genetics involved but if you look at china's diet it helps wonder too)

Fo-ti, He-shou-wu
Called the "Elixir of Life," Fo-ti tonic is said to produce longevity, fertility and vitality. Taking Fo-ti is said to keep one vigorous and extends one's life span. It is a vine plant that grows well in a shady bed.

He Shou Wu (also called Fo-Ti) is commonly used in China, and has been for many centuries. Originally, it was used to turn aged, greying hair back to it's youthful darker color. In time, it was also found to regrow hair in some users. It has also been found that He Shou Wu is very good at lowering LDL cholesterol and is also used as a tonic for the kidney's and liver to aid excretion. (Combined with the abilities of modern science, He Shou Wu has been blnded into the proprietary formula available as Shen Min: Advanced Hair Nutrients.)

Medicinal Uses: It's reputation as a tonic has been touted as a substance to produce longevity, fertility and vitality. Today, many use it as an effective tool against high blood pressure and hardening of the veins and arteries. The component of Lecithin which is contained in Fo-ti helps to reduce arterial plaque and blood pressure. It has also been used for years as a folk remedy for darkening pre-mature gray hair.

He Shou Wou (Polygonum multiflorum)
The use of He shou wou for the hair emanates from an ancient story of a famous Chinese military officer who was condemned to death by confinement in a remote cell with no food or drink. He was able to survive by consuming the leaves and roots of a common vinelike weed (polygonum multiflorum). After one year his keepers went back to dispose of the remains of the condemned military officer, that found him fully rejuvenated with his lustrous black hair color fully restored. Since that time, the herb that General He Shou Wou consumed while incarcerated for a year has been named in his honor.

He shou wou, commercially misnamed in recent times, fo ti tieng, contains lecithin, anthraquinones, chrysophanic acid, emodin, rhein, and chrysophanic acid anthrone. Normally He shou wou has been cured by cooking it with black beans. It is bitter, sweet, astringent and slightly warm.

It is used as a tonic for the liver and kidney and also to nourish the blood, benefit the essence, and kidney and liver yin. It is therefore used for deficient yin and blood conformations including dizziness, blurred vision, prematurely gray hair, weak lower back and knees, soreness in the extremities and insomnia. All of these are basic signs and indications for adrenal depletion included under the signs of kidney yin deficiency. As it contains some anthraquinones it also possesses some demulcent and detoxifying properties making it useful for lubricating the intestines and promoting bowel movement especially in anemic individuals.

One of the most remarkable effects of He shou wou is its effects on lipid metabolism. It is believed that the lecithin in He shou wou is responsible for preventing the accumulation of cholesterol in the liver and the retention of lipids in the blood stream and finally the penetration of lipids into the arterial endothelium, hence reducing arteriosclerosis. (14)

The lecithin, besides being good for the hair, is found in He shou wou as a main component of nerve tissue, particularly of the brain and spinal cord. It is also an important raw material for the membranes of erythrocytes and other cells, promoting their growth and developement. (15)

One of the most commonly available and effective forms of He shou wou is in a Chinese patented formula called "Shou Wou Chih". It is a liquid extract containing Shou wou along with Dang gui, Ligusticum, Polygonatum, Rehmannia root and other herbs that aid circulation and digestion. It is used as a liver tonic, tonifying, warming and invigorating the blood, nourishing the liver and kidneys, benefiting the eyes and tendons, strengthening the bones and tendons of the back, relieving joint pains and depletion caused by sexual excess, childbirth, or illness. Shou Wou Chih is suitable to take daily for a long period of time (3 months or more). The daily dose is 2-3 tablespoons, 3 x daily.

Another good remedy for restoring hair color is Black sesame seeds. Chinese medicine finds that herbs and foods that are black colored are usually particularly good for the TCM kidneys. Black sesame is rich in certain oils and is taken regularly, about one tablespoon daily, to prevent greying and help restore normal hair color. Black sesame seeds can be dry roasted and ground with a little salt to make a delicious condiment that can be sprinkled on rice and other foods. I have also combined about a thrid portion of ground he shou wou with the black sesame gomasio to increase its benefits. A delicious sweet version can be made by mixing the ground black sesame with honey or dry powdered pure sugar cane juice extract."
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Wow thanks for the info ladies!!!

I'm already taking MSM, I didn't realize it extended the growth phase. I've heard of Foti in the past but never reseached it.

What brand of Foti are you taking?
RabiaElaine said:
Wow thanks for the info ladies!!!

I'm already taking MSM, I didn't realize it extended the growth phase. I've heard of Foti in the past but never reseached it.

What brand of Foti are you taking?

Hey RabiaElaine , many chinese people take it for health reasons mostly to stay young. dont take my word for it but i just turned 34 yesterday but my cousin when she saw me and havent seen me in 10years and my whole fam said i look 10 years younger lol if you compare my pix like 10years ago and oldest i strangely look younger now than before hahahahah:lachen: people mistake me for still being in my 20s i m ot but i take Solaray Fo-ti ho shou wu from Vitamin shoppe.
The first reason i was taking it was cause Den1 hipped me too it and i remember when she used to grow a lotta hair and had a regimen that impressed me that included a lot of fo-ti. She got 1inch in 2weeks and my jaw fell on the floor. I was still lurking at the time was it 2004 or before i dont remember and i was in awe by her natural mane. i directly subscribed to LHCF and then researched fo-ti and at my age i m already looking for anti-aging products:lachen: :grin: :lol: i wanna age with grace hihi
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ekomba said:
Hey RabiaElaine , many chinese people take it for health reasons mostly to stay young. dont take my word for it but i just turned 34 yesterday but my cousin when she saw me and havent seen me in 10years and my whole fam said i look 10 years younger lol if you compare my pix like 10years ago and oldest i strangely look younger now than before hahahahah:lachen: people mistake me for still being in my 20s i m ot but i take Solaray Fo-ti ho shou wu from Vitamin shoppe.
The first reason i was taking it was cause Den1 hipped me too it and i remember when she used to grow a lotta hair and had a regimen that impressed me that included a lot of fo-ti. She got 1inch in 2weeks and my jaw fell on the floor. I was still lurking at the time was it 2004 or before i dont remember and i was in awe by her natural mane. i directly subscribed to LHCF and then researched fo-ti and at my age i m already looking for anti-aging products:lachen: :grin: :lol: i wanna age with grace hihi

First Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Second....:eek: you're 34?!!!! I've looked at your definitely don't look like it, I thought you were in your 20s.

I hope I look like you when I'm 34! How long have you been taking Foti??

One more question I just read the Solaray Fo-ti label online...

As a dietary supplement, take two or three capsules two times a day with meals or a glass of water.

Are you taking it this often?
RabiaElaine said:
First Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Second....:eek: you're 34?!!!! I've looked at your definitely don't look like it, I thought you were in your 20s.

I hope I look like you when I'm 34! How long have you been taking Foti??

Oh thank you RabiaElaine! i dont remember my age when people ask me lol i m stuck to the 20s i think it s a habit:lachen: i never remember my age and always say to hubby how old am i u sure:lol: maybe that s why i only attract younguns my hubby is 26 we have 8years difference:eek: hihi oh i have been taking it for 1 year and plan to take it for the rest of my life. and for the face i just use my mexican sulfur soap (yeah i know sulfur and foti do miracles for me) i m telling you my whole family is amazed and ask me what is in the nyc water you take to stay young lol:grin:
RabiaElaine said:

One more question I just read the Solaray Fo-ti label online...

As a dietary supplement, take two or three capsules two times a day with meals or a glass of water.

Are you taking it this often?

no RabiaElaine i take one a day cause i already take msm among other things so i dont want to overdo it
Originally Posted by ekomba
Hey RabiaElaine , many chinese people take it for health reasons mostly to stay young. dont take my word for it but i just turned 34 yesterday but my cousin when she saw me and havent seen me in 10years and my whole fam said i look 10 years younger lol if you compare my pix like 10years ago and oldest i strangely look younger now than before hahahahah:lachen: people mistake me for still being in my 20s i m ot but i take Solaray Fo-ti ho shou wu from Vitamin shoppe.
The first reason i was taking it was cause Den1 hipped me too it and i remember when she used to grow a lotta hair and had a regimen that impressed me that included a lot of fo-ti. She got 1inch in 2weeks and my jaw fell on the floor. I was still lurking at the time was it 2004 or before i dont remember and i was in awe by her natural mane. i directly subscribed to LHCF and then researched fo-ti and at my age i m already looking for anti-aging products:lachen: :grin: :lol: i wanna age with grace hihi

Happy Belated Birthday Ekomba :Flahsssss wow you look younger than your age, definitely:yay: :yay: :alcoholic :birthday2

keep up with your regime vitamin intake and MTG useage....
you are truely an inspiration, The "naysayers" just need to take a look in your album to know the truth!

also Keep up with the MIGHTY fast hair growth and knowledge:lol: ;)
wantlonghealthyhair said:

Happy Belated Birthday Ekomba :Flahsssss wow you look younger than your age, definitely:yay: :yay: :alcoholic :birthday2

keep up with your regime vitamin intake and MTG useage....
you are truely an inspiration, The "naysayers" just need to take a look in your album to know the truth!

also Keep up with the MIGHTY fast hair growth and knowledge:lol: ;)

lol Thank you Wantlonghealthyhair!:p hopefully i be waistlength or past mid back end of 2007 thanks to all the aids and vits and the regimen. everything helps to growth and retain hair, taking better care, cowashes, protective styles, topical aids, vitamins... hopefully anyone can grow healthy hair with diligence, care and a good regimen:D
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