How many inches do you retain in a year?


I am getting excited about growing my hair!

It's about a year since my last relaxer and it has been 4 months since my BC. I noticed after all the trims, I retained 6 inches of growth in a year! In this period I have only wore braids/weaves 4 times. I no longer wear braids/weaves because they were making me bald! I have been wearing wigs as a protective style.

I want to try things that could speed up my growth rate and hopefully in 5 years, I would retain about 30 to 35 inches by God's Grace!

I will be updating my album soon.

How many inches do you retain in a year?
How long do you think your hair could get in 5 years without set backs?
Come on let's dream of our future hair!
I've retained about 5.11 inches since september 2005 (minus 1.18 inch cut in april) = 4inches !
EDITED to answer your second question Brandy: in 5 years without setback I will keep my hair by mid back after reaching it (God willin) by july 07.
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I also retain about 4 inches a year after trims. It has been this way for the 3 years that I have been growing, so I've gained about 12 inches since then.
Kitten, your hair is pretty!

I've retained maybe 2. I have been trimming since December. Next year I hope to retain 3/4 of all that I grow.
Hmm..lets see. Id say about 5. I really just started taking better care of my hair within the last 6 months so it probably will be abot 6 Id say.:ohwell:
i think i retained near five inches between last year and now...i usually retain 6.5 to 7 inches per year.....oh well.
How many inches do you retain in a year?
6 inches

How long do you think your hair could get in 5 years without set backs?
IDK Hip Bone Length maybe, yeah I'm dreaming! :p
By the end of the year? 3 inches. I cut 1.5 in March and I'm planning to cut another 1.5 in December. :(
I probably retain 4 inches per year, but I probably didn't retain any this year, because I cut my hair twice and trimmed at least 4 times.
From the beginning of my transition to now (17 months) my hair grew 10-11 inches long, but I took off 1 1/2 inches due to heat damage (from my transition) and my stylist took off about the same to even up my self cut. I'm hoping that with care I can retain all my length, save 1 inch for trims.
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