How many AA women you know are MBL or WL

I know of several (at least 9 off the top of my head...maybe more). They're all AA (many are in my family). I can think of many more who have, at one point had at least had MBL/WSl in their life before chopping it

You's interesting, because IME, the women and girls I knew with "softer" type 3 textures was dark skinned and had extremely long WSL+ hair. It wasn't until I came here and had a few instances IRL where I found that "light-skin, ""curly" long-hair" were supposed to be synonymous. Although many of the lighter skinned girls I grew up with and longer hair (APL-BSL), their hair was very dense and tightly coiled and not quite has long as the one's with darker skin
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I don't like how he said that a lot of black women don't have hair like Oprah's.
Almost all the black girls at my school have shoulder length - APL or longer hair.
If it's shorter than that, then it's because they cut it. (The hair looks healthy too)
I don't want my sisters from other countries to feel slighted, I just wanted to focus on the problems here in the USA with AA and their hair. Why we don't see long hair.
I can't think of any. But then again, I also don't know any that go to any lengths to care for their hair properly, either.

It's a knowledge thing.
I once knew one (Nigerian) woman who was WL. She cut it down to just below SL to make it more manageable (her words). I knew another one who was BSL. Those are the only 2 black women I have known with long hair. Most of the women whose hair I can see are usually SL or APL (at the very most). The rest are weaved up or braided or wear wigs, so I can't really tell how long their hair is.
I've known too many to count - in childhood. I'm 40 and lived in a rural area where most people didn't relax their hair or their childrens' hair until some time in the mid 1980's. Before then, I knew quite a few women with long hair.
Since adulthood, I've only known 7 or 8 AA women with hair that long and 4 are in the same family. I am not including biracial women I've known. (sorry if that offends anyone)

But those low numbers can be deceiving - I've never TRIED to grow my hair any further than collarbone length, and my sister won't even consider growing her hair out. So I'm sure there would be MANY more sisters with long hair if they didn't keep it cut at a length they think they are comfortable with. I always thought that my hair was long enough at CBL for me to take care of because I had "unruly" hair. It's not until I turned 40 that I decided to grow it out.
Now that I got LHCF I know that it's not "unruly", it just required more care than I was giving it.
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Growing up there were a good number of waist lengthers. In college there were several. Now most wear their hair shorter by choice. Now besides my sis, I don't think I am friends with any. Now at work, I've seen some full MBL. There is one hip length and one tailbone. There is a high concentration of black folk on the job. Neither the tailbone or hipper wear protective styles.

There is a knee length locked lady that I've seen around the neighborhood.
Outside of this broad I only know one girl who was mbl, but she cut it to even apl last year, and now the only other person I know with long hair is my childhood friend who's bsl.
About a dozen ( give or take ). 2 of my closest girlfriends have WL hair not because they are sooo into hair,actually it's the opposite we were tomboys as children level headed as teens and have successful careers as adults.

One buns all the time the other always had a braid, both are naturals and none like to wear their hair out.

I am the "girliest", most hair conscious, relaxed, and wear my hair out all the time.

8= 2(friends)+ 2 (church sisters)+ My Aunt+ 3 of my cousins. About 6 acquaintances.
Do you guys think that if AA women take proper care of there hair, that anyone could reach MBL or WL?? I am very curious.

No. I think only a handful can actually reach MBL or WL maybe less than 1% of the african american population. I think if african american women took care of their hair, the average length might measure SL with the second largest percentage at BSL and the smallest percentage at MBL. I really don't see any african american women with WL hair. They probably would only measure in the 10s or the few 100s. But this is just my theory.
About a dozen ( give or take ). 2 of my closest girlfriends have WL hair not because they are sooo into hair,actually it's the opposite we were tomboys as children level headed as teens and have successful careers as adults.

One buns all the time the other always had a braid, both are naturals and none like to wear their hair out.

I am the "girliest", most hair conscious, relaxed, and wear my hair out all the time.

8= 2(friends)+ 2 (church sisters)+ My Aunt+ 3 of my cousins. About 6 acquaintances.

Are they AA?
Me and that's it. In my case waist length hair is a chore and my hair grows too fast to really get it cut into any style. I know far too many women who say they would do XYZ with WL hair, but truthfully, anything longer than BSL is too long to 'do' anything with.