how long...?

Spongie Bloom

New Member
hey ladies, im fairly new to the forum and have begun my hair journey im still learning my regimen and each day is a learning curve :look:. I just wanted to know how long did all these great tips about taking care of our hair did it start paying off?? when did you start noticing thickness, overall better health for your hair??


It took me about a year just to figure out what works for me...mainly because I tried just about everything that was mentioned. After curbing my PJ'ism, acquiring some patience, and a little more regimen tweaking, my hair really started responding. I still have a ways to go, but I am very happy with how far I've come. Now that I know it can and will grow, I can focus more on health and thickness.

It took me about one year and six months to see results. It would have been faster...but I didn't learn about texlaxing until one year and six months of being on this board.

Being a complete natural just wasn't for me...since I wear my hair flat ironed straight. Now I barely use heat and I texlax four times a year. I finally see great results!
I noticed my hair was thicker in about three months after starting my journey and washing and DCing regularly and generally taking care of it. But it's an ongoing process because it's even thicker now 15 months later.
I noticed a huge difference in thickness and a lil bit of length within a month and a few days. My hair up to Novermber is posted on my website.

I am now APL so the change will come just keep moving forward.
I started noticing results in the first few weeks--even after two weeks my hair had changed dramatically. The biggest change for me was eliminating all heat and washing 2 x each week. This resulted in very moisturized, thicker and healthier looking hair. Before gaining length, my hair got thicker for several months.
I saw results in three months: ends less dry, maintained freshly trimmed ends longer, less breakage, more growth retention.