How long without trimming??

How long have you gone without trimming?

  • 0-3 months

    Votes: 65 15.8%
  • 3-6 months

    Votes: 139 33.8%
  • 6-9 months

    Votes: 76 18.5%
  • 9-12 months

    Votes: 131 31.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It's no wonder my hair never seemed to get very long I was trimming too often, because I thought that this is what you are supposed to do to keep the ends healthy. Well I guess if you ladies can make it months to a year without trimming then I can too, I don't have any split ends now so I think I will just try to see how long I can make it without trimming. I'm hoping I can make it at least 6 months, but we'll see.
RabiaElaine said:
It's no wonder my hair never seemed to get very long I was trimming too often, because I thought that this is what you are supposed to do to keep the ends healthy. Well I guess if you ladies can make it months to a year without trimming then I can too, I don't have any split ends now so I think I will just try to see how long I can make it without trimming. I'm hoping I can make it at least 6 months, but we'll see.

Yes I know what you mean this is why my hair has only ever been shoulder length at the most and also why most of the black women I see with 'long' hair in London is shoulder length at the most. I can count the number of times I have seen black women with mid back or bra strap hair.

I think that we are just taught that u must trim every six weeks so no wonder we don't see much length in our hair, but having said that, we can only acheive length when we bun it up / baggie / wash more often /cut down or give up heat, then and only then can we can escape trims which I have only just discovered since finding LHCF. Once I have achieved my desired length which is bra-strap, then i will go back to trimming every 6 - 8 weeks as it will then become essential because I will be wearing my hair down every day and my hair will stay the same length which I won't mind because it will be at the length I am finally happy with.

It makes me so frustrated when i think how long my hair could have been by now :ohwell:
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Dubois007 said:
Can the fact that you don't trim very often make your ends thinner? I did a experience and I went 7 months without a trim and now ends are thin. I feel like cutting all of it but I'll be sacrifying a lot of length, I don't have split ends, it's just that I fell like my ends are weaker then the rest of my hair.
What else are you doing to your hair? If you are not wearing protective styles, using heat, using combs that are not seamless and brushing, then your ends could be getting thinner for those reasons. Are you get Dominican blowouts? All that heat and the roundbrush thinned out my hair right quick. :ohwell:
0-3 months for me. My fine hair breaks when I wait too long between trims no matter how loving I am to my hair. I tried going beyond 3+ months and it didn't work for me. Everyones hair is different.

My cousin whose hair is a lot denser than mine trims whenever necessary which may be 6-9 months w/o suffering breakage.
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I get a dusting every 8-10 weeks. I can't go any longer w/o having to get a major trim, which sets my length retention back.
12 months... that's the longest i've ever gone. I owe all my "endz" success to tigi ego boost and profectiv healthy ends :)
Well my stylist feels the need to trim me up every time I get a relaxer which is usually every 8-12 (mostly 8) weeks but since Im going to start stretching my relaxer to 12 weeks (trying) then it will probaly be then. My hair is growing healthy since Ive been getting it done every 8 weeks but not as fast as I think it could because of it.
You can't just pull a number out of the air. each person is different, If you see split ends, have problems running a comb through hair are good signs you need a trim.
hairmaster said:
You can't just pull a number out of the air. each person is different, If you see split ends, have problems running a comb through hair are good signs you need a trim.

What if, after a trim, you still have problems running a comb through your hair?
I only trim 1 or 2 times a year only when it's really necessary. I am not a scissor happy person when it comes to my strands.
I don't go any longer than about 2 months without some kind of dusting/trim. Some people's hair can go longer than that, but mine can't and no amount of protective hairstyling or moisterizing will change that.


the scissors are my friend in the end.
the scissors are my friend in the end.
the scissors are my friend in the end.
the scissors are my friend in the end.
I wear my hair out everyday, and use heat (maxi-glide on low) twice a month so I think I'm going to trim 4x a year. My ends look really good but I like evenness. I was going to stretch it recently but I noticed I was loosing some of my "fullness" so I took off a 1/2 inch and viola! I want length, but I really want even, full hair. I use to trim 1/2" every 6 weeks- no wonder my hair barely grew. It will be 16 weeks until my next relaxer and I'll trim then.
I have not had scissors to my hair since November 2005.

I do think I will try frequesnt dustings, though, in 2007. This year, my focus was more on retaining length. Next year, I think I will focus more on thickening it up and growing out layers.

Oh, I do not have split ends. My hair has probably been in some sort of protective style at least about 85-90% of that time.
I haven’t had my hair trimmed since May 06. I feel I am due for one, and I have tried dusting. I think after I finish up dusting tonight I will probably have my ends “lightly” trimmed in 2 weeks to prepare for hiding my hair until next year.
my ends are not even and honestly they are starting to feel raggity to me :mad: i think its because i wear my hair down all the time.
My last trim was in March or April. I am trying to retain as much lenght until December. In January I will trim again and then do it every six months. So far so good. So long as there are no split ends, I am okay.
I picked 3 to 6 months. I don't like to go longer than 4 because I feel I'm doing more damage than good. I can't stand splits. No heat definitely helps stretch the trims though!
I have not trim/cut/dust my hair since November of 05.
Next month will be year *yay*. I'm trying to make it to two year with out a trim/cut /dust.

wish me luck because I"m my own SHS.
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OOps, I polled in the wrong one.
Anyway, this is the first time ever going more than 3 months.

So far, I've gone 10 months and counting.
Basically since joining LHCF in Jan.

I want to trim so bad :ohwell: I hate uneven hair on my head and personally I think it just looks healthier and better.
The longest I went was 6 months. I had to recently cut my hair because I had some breakage in the middle of my hair. I think it was because of too much protein. So I'm starting over.
I tend to wait at least 12 wks. My mother is an old school beautician and she believes in healthy hair. When, I say old school, I mean underno circumstances will she relax your hair before 8wks, she deep conditions your hair on every visit. She also consults with you about what is best before she actually does anything to your hair. I trust her, because she has not let me down yet. :) So, this is what she recommends.
I go a long time without trimming, and I probably won't trim, until after I reach my goal, and then I'll trim a great deal off----but after washing, I look through my ends and trim off knots, splits and weak/thin looking ends.