How long were you with your DH b4 engagement?

Dated for a little over a year before he proposed and the engagement is a little less than a year from the proposal date.
delitefulmane and MizAvalon It is definitely possible to plan a wedding in less than nine months. :yep: I planned mine in 3 1/2 weeks and it was a success, but the key was all the (free) help I got from friends and family. I was stressed out but only for a short amount of time.

eta: so many typos!

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MrsMe, Please explain HOW you planned it in 3 1/2 weeks? Was it a small wedding (i.e under 70-80 people).
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Loving these stories! Lets see we dated for 2.5 yrs got engaged 5/12 well be married next June apart of me just wants to elope when I'm done w grad school this summer
2 yrs dating, 1 yr engagement, early 20s when we married

Actually less than 1 yr engagement, more like 8-9 mo.
We courted three months before we got engaged and we were married 4 months later. We've been married for seven and a half years.
We courted three months before we got engaged and we were married 4 months later. We've been married for seven and a half years.

I think a major factor with all of these stories is that these couples were COURTING (not some aimless "lets hang out and see what happens" or "be friends with benefits" crap) with marriage as the ultimate intention.
We were courting a year before our engage not and he proposed on our one year anniversary. We have been married for 8 years happily!

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Like a previous poster, 16 months from first contact to wedding. About 9 months after meeting we were engaged.
Got engaged 4 months after we started dating, got married 4 months later. So 8 months total. Got divorced 3 yrs and 9 months later. Will NEVER do that again.
Let's see.... first engagement was after 3 years of dating.

Second one.... we didn't date. We knew each other years ago then we out of the blue got reunited and got engaged almost immediately. Booked location and made plans then I pulled out... couldn't go through with it because I'd probably have killed him

with DH..we were together 3 years. He didn't want to be married so I left. 2 years later we rekindled the relationship. Got back together in November, proposal in December...married following April.
currently we are talking about getting engaged by November. so that will be 11 months before engagement.
We were together for 18 months before got engaged. We married 5 months later. Married 12 years as of last month. :)
Bumpity :bump:

I'm afraid (in a good way) that I'm on the fast track;
I like what one poster said: "When you know, you know" [and without a lengthy list of compromises you must make to make it work ]; and best of all "He" has a serious mindset about his future and future with you.

The latter was a shocker for me because the Lord knows I don't have the mindset to try to convince anyone that we/he should be headed toward marriage.
Dated for 5 years until proposal - both of us completed our graduate degrees at that time. We did long distance, living in the same city and then lived together for around 6 months prior to the ring (I know shackin' is controversial in these parts but it worked for us :look:).

Married a year later. That was 5 years and 3 kids ago - still going strong. :yep:
First date: April 6 1996
Engagement Date: June 30 1996
Marriage: December 23 1996

Still married after almost 17 years and growing.
We were both 30 years old.
Got engaged 7 months after first date.
Got married 7 months later. So we were married 14 months after our first date.