How long was your trial run?


New Member
When you created your regimen, or bought a new product, how long did you use it/test it out before you decided if it was a keeper?

Did you keep a journal or something similar to record your progress with the regimen or product? TIA:yep:
For me personally, it is all about how my hair feels as I wash the products out of my hair under the shower if we are talking about conditioner, if I can slip my fingers through it then chances are it's not a keeper. As far as hair creme or lotion, it's all about how it sits on my hair.
I judged products after using them once, then I reevaluated after another use. I go by how my hair feels and behaves after using the product.

Things that make my hair feel strong, soft, smooth, moisturized are keepers. Things that don't are not keepers, but I won't throw them out, I'll add oil to them or something, and use them up somehow usually.

With regimens, I never had a very complicated one with many steps, just wash moisturize seal and style, so that stays the same. Just the specific products and the specific style changed.
I started out using the same products that my stylist used for the first 10 months. I thought my hair was dry and hard, so I switched shampoo/condish and daily moisturizer and sealing oil, and it was a great move.

I guess my answer is to give it some time to see how your hair reacts so you don't go broke, or overstress your hair, from changing products too much.

In terms of reggies, it's still the same - wash/DC/rollerset - and I've had great results. Best wishes to you in finding your signature reggie and products. :-)
When you created your regimen, or bought a new product, how long did you use it/test it out before you decided if it was a keeper?

Most products I purchased were used at least 3x to make sure they worked for me. Occasionally, I had a product that was not used after one try.

Did you keep a journal or something similar to record your progress with the regimen or product?

Yes, I still keep a journal. I record protein treatments, changes in products, co-washes - just about anything I think impacts my journey.