How long until you met his friends?


New Member
Just curious how long you dated your SO/DH before meeting his friends? Just wondering what would be normal length of time. I think friends can give a lot of insight into a person. Would there be a reason you haven't met his friends yet?
I met his friends the same night I met him. I knew his very well before we even started dating.
Our situation was a little unique. I met associates and 2 friends immediately. Then it was nearly a year before I met anymore of his friends and vice versa.
I met his closest friend the night I met him. They came to the party together. I met his other friends over the course of the next few months. The majority of his friends don't live in our state, just like with my friends. So it took some time getting to meet them. I think I've met all of them (if not most) now and we have been dating about 10 months.
Dutch Chocolate is meeting my friends on Sunday. We have been dating three months and exclusive about one month. He was going to taake me to meet his sister a few weeks ago but that fell through.
I met his friends on our 3rd date.

We arrived at the restaurant and he let me know a few of his friends would be joining us. About 20 minutes later 3 middle aged white guys were seated at our table and I was so uncomfortable. We were at a very trendy spot and there were a couple of AA NFL players at the table across from us. Boy were they giving me the evil eye. I guess I looked like a straight up sell out sitting with all those white men (dh is a white hispanic), lol.
some, immediately. (we were in a class with 3 of his closest friends when we met/first started talking)

i've met his other friends over time, depending on the occasion (just walking around campus together, run into them), his best friend flew here to visit him this year so that's when i met him, etc.