How long should I wait to do a corrective?


Well-Known Member
I put a relaxer in my hair February 28 after a 15 week stretch and I really underprocessed my hair especally on the left side. I was going to just suck it up and wait until my 15 weeks are up. The problem I am having is the back left side of my hair is real puffy at the roots and I have little broken hairs in my hands after handling my hair while it is wet:confused:. Can anyone PLEASE help?

I have to resurrect this thread because I am having the SAME problem! :mad:

My roots look like I never put perm on them and it's frustrating the hayle out of me.....

(going to search for info to correctives)

Can somebody PLEASE help a sista out??????
I know everyone says to wait 6 weeks, but i couldnt' wait that long. What I did was use a medium protein (Nexxus ER), then shampooed & conditioned w/ Porosity Control. 3 days later I did a corrective which put me at 4 weeks. After rinsing the relaxer out I used Keraphix while the cuticles were still open to allow more protein to enter, then the neutralizing shampoo, etc. I never experienced problems w/ breaking or shedding afterwards. In fact I had more breakage/shedding while trying to deal w/ the underprocessed areas. HTH