How long have you been single?


Well-Known Member
When was your last relationship?

Mine was my freshman year of college. I was young but I learned A LOT from it. That was 5 years ago. I date a little here and there but nothing serious since.
My relationship was 4 years ago! Like you, OP, I've dated but nothing serious... Had a couple flings but they didn't go anywhere (surprise surprise). But, I've decided that this year will be different. My guy is on his way. :grin:
I would actually say mine was also my freshman year of college...and that was like 8 to 9 years ago...

ive dated but havent found anyone that i would consider to be boyfriend material...

i had one relationship last year for a couple of months but it wasnt really serious...

and i think because of me moving that and concentrating on school and work that i havent concentrated much on having a relationship..
My relationship was 4 years ago! Like you, OP, I've dated but nothing serious... Had a couple flings but they didn't go anywhere (surprise surprise). But, I've decided that this year will be different. My guy is on his way. :grin:

Good for you!

Im scared to answer when people ask me when my last relationship was. 5 years does sound like a lot but during that time I was focused on school, plus it took me a while to get over my ex.

Im anticipating that it will be a long time before I get in another one. I plan on going back to school and for me school and relationships don't mix, so it will be another 5 years, if I plan to get my doctorate.
Good for you!

Im scared to answer when people ask me when my last relationship was. 5 years does sound like a lot but during that time I was focused on school, plus it took me a while to get over my ex.

Im anticipating that it will be a long time before I get in another one. I plan on going back to school and for me school and relationships don't mix, so it will be another 5 years, if I plan to get my doctorate.
I understand about the school and relationships thing. When I was in school, a man was the last thing on my mind. And this was undergrad so I can only imagine for grad school and a doctorate program at that. :nono:
I would actually say mine was also my freshman year of college...and that was like 8 to 9 years ago...

ive dated but havent found anyone that i would consider to be boyfriend material...

i had one relationship last year for a couple of months but it wasnt really serious...

and i think because of me moving that and concentrating on school and work that i havent concentrated much on having a relationship..

yeah sometimes you have to focus on you.

lilakoi when I did one semester of grad school, the girls in ym program would talk about their boyfriends and im like how do deal with a relationship and going through the program? i'd be pulling my hair out:lachen:
My last real relationship was freshman yr, too! That wasn't so long ago, though... 2004. I did go out with someone last year for a few months, but that didn't work out. In my mind, he still doesn't count as a bf. Now that my schedule has slowed down (I'm in my last year of college & taking it easy after busting my *** since fresh. year), I'd love to be in a relationship, but I haven't found anyone yet. :(
OMG!!!!...I must say that i am so happy to know that i am not the only person in my age range that has been single for 5 or more years... I have been officially single since 99'/2000...Dated many, moved a few times but to no avail....but things are going to be different, starting next week....I know i need to focus in school but i need to focus on my personal life as well and with LOA....i'm gonna make it if i could just get the images of the last guy that i dated, seeing me happy and with someone else.......
I've been single for almost a year now....My last relationship ended right before x-mas last year. I still got all my gifts though!:giggle:
Relationship as in boyfriend/girlfriend??? -Clinton was in office... hopefully it was his second term...
I have DATED quite a few guys since then but nothing serious:nono:
Same here.

I'm fairly certain I'm gonna single for a long, long time. :ohwell:


You seem to have a beautiful personality I gather from your posting. Please try hard get that thought out of your head you will be single for a long time your thoughts will become reality. When I was on dating scene did not mind going to concerts,museums and plays alone rather enjoyed myself. Mr.Man will come into your life when you least suspect it. Keep your pretty face out there.

You seem to have a beautiful personality I gather from your posting. Please try hard get that thought out of your head you will be single for a long time your thoughts will become reality. When I was on dating scene did not mind going to concerts,museums and plays alone rather enjoyed myself. Mr.Man will come into your life when you least suspect it. Keep your pretty face out there.

Thank you, girl.

I know you're right, but I'm just really frustrated right now. Seems like even when I am just minding my business, not really looking for anyone, someone comes alot that I'm interested in not only does it not work, it's a total disaster.

It's like these dudes out here don't even know the basics as far as how to treat a woman.

You seem to have a beautiful personality I gather from your posting. Please try hard get that thought out of your head you will be single for a long time your thoughts will become reality. When I was on dating scene did not mind going to concerts,museums and plays alone rather enjoyed myself. Mr.Man will come into your life when you least suspect it. Keep your pretty face out there.
YOu know those are things I really love doing but I just can't bring myself to do them alone! I used to do things like that with my ex bf all the time. My ex bf was an artist so we used to go to museums and he would explain the style of the painters and the time period and art history. And since I'm a musician we used to go to classical concerts all the time. I just couldn't imagine doing those things alone and not having some one to talk about it with.. Sounds so empty...
Thank you, girl.

I know you're right, but I'm just really frustrated right now. Seems like even when I am just minding my business, not really looking for anyone, someone comes alot that I'm interested in not only does it not work, it's a total disaster.

It's like these dudes out here don't even know the basics as far as how to treat a woman.
ITA with the bolded words :nono:
Relationship as in boyfriend/girlfriend??? -Clinton was in office... hopefully it was his second term...
I have DATED quite a few guys since then but nothing serious:nono:

Yeah, same here. I was a junior in college... I graduated from college in 1999, so you do the math. :look:

I do date a lot though and have had some 3-month pseudo-relationships here and there... but for some reason, I think this is about to change... I'm drunk on LOA! :drunk:
I've been single for over 7-8 years. Don't see a relationship in my future ever. Maybe when my son gets older and off to college. But right now, no.
I've been single for about five years now (hadn't realized how long it has been til I counted it out in my head :lol:)

I don't plan on changing my single status for another 2 or 3 yrs. I'd prefer to be finished with my graduate degree and established in my career before I enter back in to the world of relationship drama. Men tend to make me lose focus and shake up my self-esteem, stuff I don't need to be dealing with when I'm trying to achieve important goals.
Mine was 6 months ago (unless you count a guy I got very close to for a little over a month and then ran away from when his true personality started to come out). Before I broke up with my ex, I hadn't been single since my early teens (back to back boyfriends) and I'm in my early 20s now, so you know I'm enjoying my freedom and not about to let the tricky men out there lock me down.
I was not in a serious relationship for almost 10 years before I met my current SO. Yes, I had a fling here or there, but nothing serious.

I am actually happy for those days now, because I got a gift that not many younger people get in life, even though I hated it at times. There were some stuff I needed to deal with and apparently I could only do it on my own.

I used to be ashamed of being single and I felt like leftovers was humbling! Like a true Capricorn, my hardest years were the first part of my life. After 30, my life just got better and better :yep:

When I finally decided it was time, it didn't take long before he was in my life :)

It's very difficult to go from being a single person to being part of a couple, checking in the ego at the door towards that new part of your life. But it's worth it! When it's good, it's good :D
I was not in a serious relationship for almost 10 years before I met my current SO. Yes, I had a fling here or there, but nothing serious.

I am actually happy for those days now, because I got a gift that not many younger people get in life, even though I hated it at times. There were some stuff I needed to deal with and apparently I could only do it on my own.

I used to be ashamed of being single and I felt like leftovers was humbling! Like a true Capricorn, my hardest years were the first part of my life. After 30, my life just got better and better :yep:

When I finally decided it was time, it didn't take long before he was in my life :)

It's very difficult to go from being a single person to being part of a couple, checking in the ego at the door towards that new part of your life. But it's worth it! When it's good, it's good :D

Yeah it seem slike the longer im single the harder it is to even think about being in a relationship. you have to change your mindeset, it's not all about you anymore.
do any of you feel embarrased (not that you should) to tell guys how long you've been single?

Yes! :look:

One guy who was interested in me asked me why a "fine girl" like myself hadn't found anyone yet. Most guys just assume that I'm "picky". :rolleyes: But sometimes...I'm should have standards, and yes I DO have standards. I don't consider myself picky (I'm not shallow in other words), but there are some things I will not "settle" for in a relationship/in a guy that I seriously intend to date and be with for a long time.
My scenario is weird. I had a hard breakup in Feb 06 but then i had a long distance relationship where we saw each other for about 5 months once a month. Then this year we still talked but the visits could not continue due to finances. It was actually in October this year I am done with it for a lot of reasons. But no one acknowledged me being in a relationship that was long distance. Sometimes it was hard for me too. Soooo I guess I considered myself single single since around March of this year.
Thank you, girl.

I know you're right, but I'm just really frustrated right now. Seems like even when I am just minding my business, not really looking for anyone, someone comes alot that I'm interested in not only does it not work, it's a total disaster.

It's like these dudes out here don't even know the basics as far as how to treat a woman.

Thanks for saving me from typing that, lol. I've been single for 2 1/2 years. I need to be since I'm trying to finish school.