How Long Have You Been Shedding?


Well-Known Member
And what I mean by Shedding, I mean EXCESSIVELY!! NONE STOP!!

I am going through this problem now. I was way worse the end of February 09 when I gave myself a touch up. A week after that I co-wash and a lot of hair came out. I mean I had hair all on the shower curtain, walls and tub floor. Not to mention my hands and back. I was like :blush:!!!

I did everything (at least I think) right during the process. I protected my hair with a conditioner, permed my hair in sections, rinsed out perm, put in a reconstructor, rinsed that out then neutralized like 3 times and left the last one on for 5 mins. I used this perm before with no problems. The last two times I used it I started shedding. The first time I started shedding, it lasted about a week I think. But seems like no hope.:nono: Should I change my perm? I never had a problem with ORS.

It had slowed down, meaning not a lot comes out when I wash. But combing it BEFORE I wash (I bun during the week and do not comb) and after (when I rollerset) a lot still comes out. Also, I believe my hair is feeling weak now. I don't see how though because every week I use Aphogee 2 min as my DC mixed with some oils. How could that be?

Products I use are:

~DC=Aphogee 2 min
~Moisturizing Conditioner=WEN
~Moisturize=Hawaiian Silky 14 n 1
~Seal/oils=Madadamia Nut, Castor and EVOO
~Perm=Optimum Care Anti-Breakage Therapy in Regular
~Rollerset after every wash. I RARELY use heat!
~Oh and the "Egg" shake every morning.

So far I tried these in hopes it would help:

~Garlic Pills (still take them twice a day)
~Alter Ego (used twice so far)
~Lipton Tea Rinse
~Dunkin Dounuts Black Coffee Rinse (tried this last night and started feeling sick in my stomach. Left on my head for a half hour. Rinse out, cowashed. Hair felt real soft but still weak and shedding)

None of these helped.

My scalp does not feel irritated at all.

This never happened to me before. Even when My hair was at its worse. Yes it was breaking off but not shedding. I am starting to wonder if it is because of my age? I will be 41 next month.

I do not know what else to do. I was "this" close to tears last night. I felt like I wanted to scream and cry. I am starting to feel like..."OK. Whatever. I guess I just have to live with this ish." All this hard work going down the drain. Why even bother? I know I am not alone with this problem. Sometimes I feel like i am though.

Sorry about the rant and rave. Just needed to vent. Thanks for taking the time to read.
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Your hair looks really healthy and pretty in your pics...I'm sorry to hear you're having issues. Have you seen a doctor? Your issues could be internal (thyroid). Also, are you taking a multivitamin? I know you've been taking the egg shake, etc., but really a multivitamin offers your body what your diet doesn't. Finally, have you taken a pregnancy test recently? Is your montly off whack? Hormones can cause extreme shedding, as well.
Your hair looks really healthy and pretty in your pics...I'm sorry to hear you're having issues. Have you seen a doctor? Your issues could be internal (thyroid). Also, are you taking a multivitamin? I know you've been taking the egg shake, etc., but really a multivitamin offers your body what your diet doesn't. Finally, have you taken a pregnancy test recently? Is your montly off whack? Hormones can cause extreme shedding, as well.
Funny you should ask about my monthly being off. I am spotting right now. I do not know why. I am not under any stress other then right now because of my shedding. I remember spotting before last year around spring. It lasted for at least a month and went to the dr. Took a lot of tests. Everything came back normal. I was not stressed then either. I don't remember if I was shedding at that time.

I am not pregnant. Got my tubes burned about 3 yrs ago.

I have not been to the dr. this time. I was taking a multi and finished the bottle last week sometime.

I am working out more. Eating better (5 fruits and veggies a day) drinking lots of water, etc...
Funny you should ask about my monthly being off. I am spotting right now. I do not know why. I am not under any stress other then right now because of my shedding. I remember spotting before last year around spring. It lasted for at least a month and went to the dr. Took a lot of tests. Everything came back normal. I was not stressed then either. I don't remember if I was shedding at that time.

I am not pregnant. Got my tubes burned about 3 yrs ago.

I have not been to the dr. this time. I was taking a multi and finished the bottle last week sometime.

I am working out more. Eating better (5 fruits and veggies a day) drinking lots of water, etc...

Well, it could be a hormonal change, which our bodies go through all the time. Your hair looks really healthy in your pics. Also, you said you're working out more and eating better, which affects the body as well. Unless you have clumps of hair coming out (and I mean you grab some hair and a chunk comes out), severe thinning, or bald spots you're probably fine.

Humans shed all day every single day, on average 50-100 hairs per day. Now that you're taking care of you hair, you're probably just noticing it more than you have in the past.

Shedding is natural. And just think, all those follicles are getting ready to push out new hairs. That's a good thing!
I'm sorry...I still think you should take a multi-vitamin, and I would go see your doc again...sounds like it could be a thyroid issue...I would also see your ob/gyn, because the spotting could mean there is a hormonal issue. Either of these will cause the hair to shed. Have you tried Nioxin Shampoo and Conditioner? I used to have extreme shedding, and I started using this shampoo and it really helped with the shedding. It's really expensive, but apparently it is used for cancer patients to help with their hair growth, so it's worth a try.
Likely you need to go to the dr for blood tests to determine if its

- high testosterone which turns into dht which attacks the hair follicles and mk them fall out

- thyroid

- low iron

I've been shedding a little more than usual since about...14. It's just increased over time. Now my hair grows like weed. But it also sheds like a dog. It's the high test. thingy that i mentioned above.

I do know using Nizoral shampoo (2% is better, have to order online from another country to buy w/o a Rx) will help if it's a test/dht problem.

If it's a low iron prob, start cooking in a cast iron skillet and take iron tabs with a high vit c (for iron absorption)

I don't know how to deal with a thyroid issue.

question ...are you sure you washed the perm out really well after the relaxing? Just asking...
Likely you need to go to the dr for blood tests to determine if its

- high testosterone which turns into dht which attacks the hair follicles and mk them fall out

- thyroid

- low iron

I've been shedding a little more than usual since about...14. It's just increased over time. Now my hair grows like weed. But it also sheds like a dog. It's the high test. thingy that i mentioned above.

I do know using Nizoral shampoo (2% is better, have to order online from another country to buy w/o a Rx) will help if it's a test/dht problem.

If it's a low iron prob, start cooking in a cast iron skillet and take iron tabs with a high vit c (for iron absorption)

I don't know how to deal with a thyroid issue.

question ...are you sure you washed the perm out really well after the relaxing? Just asking...

If you take a multivitamin, you'll combat anemia (low iron).... :yep:
Likely you need to go to the dr for blood tests to determine if its

- high testosterone which turns into dht which attacks the hair follicles and mk them fall out

- thyroid

- low iron

I've been shedding a little more than usual since about...14. It's just increased over time. Now my hair grows like weed. But it also sheds like a dog. It's the high test. thingy that i mentioned above.

I do know using Nizoral shampoo (2% is better, have to order online from another country to buy w/o a Rx) will help if it's a test/dht problem.

If it's a low iron prob, start cooking in a cast iron skillet and take iron tabs with a high vit c (for iron absorption)

I don't know how to deal with a thyroid issue.

question ...are you sure you washed the perm out really well after the relaxing? Just asking...

I believe I did. Scrubbed really good 3 times and left the las wash on for 5 mins.

I will look into this shampoo. Thx.
I am going to make an appt. with the dr. tomorrow. I will also bring a list of the things you ladies mentioned to be tested on too.

Liege, I will buy a bottle of multi tonight after work. Thx

Is Nizoral shampoo the same as Nioxin Shampoo?
No...nizoral is for dandruff...nioxin is for people with fine or thin has a lot of protein in it to thicken the strands, but it also has some agents that work at the scalp to help stimulate growth and stop excessive can buy a little bottle, which isn't as expensive, just to see if it works. I still think you have really pretty hair, though :)
No...nizoral is for dandruff...nioxin is for people with fine or thin has a lot of protein in it to thicken the strands, but it also has some agents that work at the scalp to help stimulate growth and stop excessive can buy a little bottle, which isn't as expensive, just to see if it works. I still think you have really pretty hair, though :)
Thanks hun re my hair being pretty. And thanks for explaining the difference.:yep:
Okay these girls are on it! You have gotten excellent advice......I was gonna suggest Garlic......but you are already doing that.

Hmmmm.....what about Alter Ego Hot Oil Treatment, that works for shedding? There is also a recipe that you can do with olive oil and mix in some garlic powder until you get a pastey consistency and then grease your scalp with it and sit under the dryer for like 30 min, then wash it out.

I am so sorry that you are going though this. Please try to get to your Doctor asap, one other thing and you are still young at 41- but menopause can also cause hair loss.

One more thing- Ditch that relaxer it does not sound like it is agreeing with you. If ORS worked in the past go bact to that one.
Okay these girls are on it! You have gotten excellent advice......I was gonna suggest Garlic......but you are already doing that.

Hmmmm.....what about Alter Ego Hot Oil Treatment, that works for shedding? There is also a recipe that you can do with olive oil and mix in some garlic powder until you get a pastey consistency and then grease your scalp with it and sit under the dryer for like 30 min, then wash it out.

I am so sorry that you are going though this. Please try to get to your Doctor asap, one other thing and you are still young at 41- but menopause can also cause hair loss.

Yea. I was wondering re the menopause. :ohwell:

I tried the Alter Ego. Nothing happened. I think I might try the olive oil and garlic thingy. Should I heat it up before putting it on?
I am going to make an appt. with the dr. tomorrow. I will also bring a list of the things you ladies mentioned to be tested on too.

Liege, I will buy a bottle of multi tonight after work. Thx

Is Nizoral shampoo the same as Nioxin Shampoo?

No Nizoral is for shedding and dandruff. It's approved for dandruff but most on hair sites and hair blogs use this also for shedding. The key ingredient keto has been shown to wash off dht from the scalp. I was skepticle but it is the only thing thats helped me. It's a God send. The 1% you can get from Walmart and Walgreens.

Nioxin is used for shedding to but i hear if you stop using it will cause all the hair it kept, to shed. Nizoral doesn't do this.

No...nizoral is for dandruff...nioxin is for people with fine or thin has a lot of protein in it to thicken the strands, but it also has some agents that work at the scalp to help stimulate growth and stop excessive can buy a little bottle, which isn't as expensive, just to see if it works. I still think you have really pretty hair, though :)

Believe it or not Nizoral is just as effective as Nioxin for removing dht from the scalp. I use 2% that I order online. I learned of this from others who have shedding problems. It's a known helper.

Also there is a dht blocker thread that may help. I'm trying the garlic pills the oil based ones. The hard ones did nothing for me. Let me know if i can help further.
I've been shedding since the end of 2008. i've lost a noticeable amount of thickness. You can't tell when my hair is natural and out but when I braid or when I flat iron, i notice the difference. I'm going to the doctor in a couple of weeks so we'll see. Garlic pills/garlic treatment didn't work for me so I'm gonna buy some nioxin and see if that helps in the meantime. I'm trialing neem oil now, so far it's not doing much but i've only used it once.
My shedding is directly related to me being 4 months postpartum. However, I'm still trying to combat it by taking garlic supplements. I've only been taking them for about 2 weeks, so I want to give them a chance to see if they help.

Along with my shedding , I have breakage too. :wallbash: I'm just keeping the fingers out of the head for now. Keeping my hair twisted and braided. Hoping that this will pass soon.
OP, I experience shedding just like you described in your post...I have tried Alter Ego garlic and I take a multi-vit too. It's recently increased. I'm trying to figure out whats causing my shedding too.

I think I'll try the Nizoral. I hope it doesn't have sulfates in it.

ETA: My hair sheds when wet and dry. It's a major nuisance.
Thanks ladies for sharing your experience with this shedding.

Have anyone of you heard of Nu-Gro hair products? Sounds a little interesting...
My shedding is directly related to me being 4 months postpartum. However, I'm still trying to combat it by taking garlic supplements. I've only been taking them for about 2 weeks, so I want to give them a chance to see if they help.

Along with my shedding , I have breakage too. :wallbash: I'm just keeping the fingers out of the head for now. Keeping my hair twisted and braided.
Hoping that this will pass soon.

I have been taking my garlic pills for over a month now. so far nothing for me either.

Have you tried any tea or coffee rinses?
OP, I experience shedding just like you described in your post...I have tried Alter Ego garlic and I take a multi-vit too. It's recently increased. I'm trying to figure out whats causing my shedding too.

I think I'll try the Nizoral. I hope it doesn't have sulfates in it.

ETA: My hair sheds when wet and dry. It's a major nuisance.
OMG. This is sooo crazy!!! I literally want to go :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: If it ain't one thing it is another!!!

Pls keep my updated on your progress. OT: Your hair is sooo pretty and lush!
OMG. This is sooo crazy!!! I literally want to go :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: If it ain't one thing it is another!!!

Pls keep my updated on your progress. OT: Your hair is sooo pretty and lush!

I will and thanks (although it won't stay this way if this shedding keeps up!) :wallbash:

Oh and yours is too...:grin: Your buns are sooo nice!
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Well I have good news and bad news...

Good News: My test results of everything mentioned came back NEGATIVE!!!:grin::grin::grin:

Bad News: Still don't know what is the root of my shedding problem!:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

But on a lighter note, my Nu Gro just arrived today :grin::grin::grin: and I will use it this weekend. I just co-washed last night and don't know if I should wash again tonight. Even though I am anxious/tempted to wash it again since my products came.

Thank I should wait or wash again tonight? :look: