How long does it take YOU to BT?

How long does it take YOU to BT?

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Just wondering... :)
When I first began using Boundless Tresses, it took me nearly 2 hours to get it through all my hair! I would section my hair in fours, and clip up the rest and work through each part, massaging as I went. Now, I'm down to about 30 minutes. I do it while I watch tv, so perhaps this slows me down a little..

So how long does it take you to bt?
I voted 10-20 minutes (I am including massage time), but that is when I have just done a wash and am paying extra attention to my hair. Now for those other days, it is like 5 minutes.
DSylla said:
how in the world does it take 1/2 hour to put some oil in your hair?:lol:

What she said? I just put the nozzle to my scalp and rub in takes all of 20 seconds, a minute if i'm taking my time;)
It was taking about 5 minutes but I recently got cornrows so now I'm down to about 2 mins. But I can understand taking your time when you first start, wanting to make sure that you get good coverage. Maybe your pinhole in the nozzle is too small.Maybe the tv is a little distracting. Maybe you should try just you and the mirror.

Do you! Just as long as it gets in there!
Maybe about 1 minute to 1 min. 30. I just massage for a few seconds wrap that sucker up, slap on my silk bonnet and hit the sack.
I feel where you're coming from. I don't use BT (yet, that is :) ), but whenever I oil my scalp with anything, it takes forever. I've been wondering the same thing. When my hair is straight, I can do it in a few minutes, like you all are saying, but when I airdry it's a whole nother story.
About 5- 10 mins if I part it, apply, rub in, comb through every single section, and then I spend about 10 mins massaging. I'm about to post some comparison pics if I can find the BT thread...
I have braided extensions in my hair, so i simply apply BT throughout the parts. takes about 3-5 minutes.
About 30 seconds. I pour some in my palm, dip my fingertips in it and massage it thru one side of my hair. I then switch palms and fingertips and do the other side of hair. I then massage whole scalp for about a minute.
It takes me about 5 minutes to apply ANY oil to my scalp and massage it in. It sounds like those of you that are taking 20, 30 minutes or more are either applying the oil all over your HAIR (which is a waste cuz the product only works on your scalp) or you're applying it in microscopic sections on your scalp (which is also a waste because the massaging gets the oil onto the areas you didn't directly apply it to).

To be efficient about it, just make about six rows in your hair from front to back. Using the spout on the bottle, apply a thin line of the oil along the rows, then massage thoroughly for a few minutes to make sure you've distributed the oil to all areas of the scalp. That's it--you're done!

(I'm sometimes :confused: and even :eek: by how much time folks will spend on their hair... I love my follicles too, but I want a life too!)
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Like 15 seconds to apply and however long after I feel like applying.

I take the nozzle and draw this symbol * in my head. Then just kinda massage it all around. Works so far. :)
omg! it takes some of you as little as 15 seconds?? :eek:
maybe i'm just making the process more complicated than it has to be.. I go through my entire head and make thin diagonal parts and run the oil thru.

So are the rest of you just putting the oil on your fingers and massaging it over your whole head? Does it get on the rest of your hair? I have thin hair so that would definitely way my hair down even more than it already does from the BT.
It takes less than 5 minutes. I don't even use a comb. I wear a braided bun daily so I remove my ponytail holder, undo my braid, use my fingers to pull my hair "aside" vertically to reveal my scalp, spray and rub BT into the part. I do this about six times across my head. Then I apply a little extra to my hairline and nape, smooth and rebraid my hair and bun up for the night. The spray bottle makes the process very neat and fast.
Wasn't there a thread titled "How do you BT", or something? I've been trying to find it with no luck. :( If someone could post it I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks.
hOnii said:
omg! it takes some of you as little as 15 seconds?? :eek:
maybe i'm just making the process more complicated than it has to be.. I go through my entire head and make thin diagonal parts and run the oil thru.

So are the rest of you just putting the oil on your fingers and massaging it over your whole head? Does it get on the rest of your hair? I have thin hair so that would definitely way my hair down even more than it already does from the BT.

Well I know a little goes a long way... I make the asterisk symbol on my scalp (dont add it to the length of my hair) to cover all the corners and just massage it from there. A little gets on my hair but very very little really. :yep:
i used to part my hair and point the nozzle down on the part and go!! i made about 8 parts maybe. only takes a few minutes and i would massage each part
It only takes me about 2 min and that includes the massage time. I start at the front edges then do the crown and an inch or so back from the crown, making side to side swipes. I hope that makes sense. All the while I tilt my head back so it will run backwards and cover all of my scalp and the massage helps cover the rest.

30 min :eek: thats Way too much time. It takes me 30 min to detangle my hair!
umm like a minute :look: The oil and your fingers distributes itself througout the entire head so I dont feel the need to oil every nook and cranny of my scalp...thats calling for a severely oily head on my part :lol:
I would say 3 mins I actually part my hair and massage individually. Now if I was on the rush and didn't really care about thoroughly massaging the hair, 1min or less.