How long does it take to have like shoulder length or longer natural 4a/4b hair when the hair is unchemically treated, not straightened, and not wet? I have been growing out a relaxer for about 10 months. My relaxed hair reaches to a few inches short of bra-strap length when straightened. My natural hair grows in very thick and at normal rate when stretched, but it seems that it is going to take a long long time before I have a glorious head full of natural hair.
I didn't want to cut off my relaxed hair until I had a LOT of natural hair, and I have been patiently enduring the entire transitioning process for almost a year. My long-term desire is to have bra-strap long natural hair
, and seeing all the shrinkage issues - I am wondering - is this a reasonable goal? How much longer will I be waiting? 1 year, 2 years, 5 years? Does anyone on this forum have 4a/4b bra strap long natural hair when unstraightened?
I didn't want to cut off my relaxed hair until I had a LOT of natural hair, and I have been patiently enduring the entire transitioning process for almost a year. My long-term desire is to have bra-strap long natural hair