How long does it take a growth aid to work?


Well-Known Member
I am trying to decide which product to use as a growth aid
but I was wondering no matter which one I try. How much time do I need to give the Aid before I can determine if it will work for me or not.

When did you first notice a growth worked for you?
Cayenne Pepper
those are the 3 are leaning towards
They dont work for me, but im bumping for you.....

Also - small review...
MTG - the smell doesnt bother me, BUT it bothers everyone else around me and makes me smell like cooked meat
MN - i love the cooling feeling on my scalp but couldnt find any w/out mineral oil
BT - nice smell, didnt work for me
BM - didnt like the smell, so i stopped using
MT - still using, but hasnt worked so far. i just like the smell and am going to use it up like reg condish mixed with oils.
Cayenne - used briefly topically - felt like i was dirtying my hair with it, didnt use very long
Cayenne - used internally - burned a whole in my stomach no matter how low a dose or with what food or drink i took it with - couldnt handle it.
Vitamins (too many to name) - improved overall health but growth rate remains the same. i still take them

From what i've heard - 3 months of use is a good amount of time to judge the effectiveness of a growth aid (internal or external). good luck finding the right one!
I'm probably over analysing your question but I think it would take at least a year to determine if a growth aid is causing growth above and beyond what you would normally get. A year because this will allow for seasonal growth spurts and then you could compare the prior year if all other factors are the same.
I'm probably over analysing your question but I think it would take at least a year to determine if a growth aid is causing growth above and beyond what you would normally get. A year because this will allow for seasonal growth spurts and then you could compare the prior year if all other factors are the same.

Great post. :yep: I completely agree.
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I've tried Boundless Tresses and MTG with no results. MN made my scalp itch like crazy so I stopped it immediately. I used OCT and MT with results within 2 weeks that remained consistent over a 6 month period. So (for me) those DEFINITELY worked.
I don't think I have an attention span that would stay focused for 1 year. but i definately see your point.

I'm probably over analysing your question but I think it would take at least a year to determine if a growth aid is causing growth above and beyond what you would normally get. A year because this will allow for seasonal growth spurts and then you could compare the prior year if all other factors are the same.
You should wait about 3 - 6 months depending on the growth aid. I saw results from MN after 2 months. I am also taking Nioxin, biotin 5mg, MSM 1000mg, & silica (biotin & silica have always worked for me & helped me grow my hair from SL to BSL in a year) and I am going to give it until the end of the year to see how it is going (I started last month).

You also have to remain consistent. You can't expect results if you don't stick with something and keep up with a routine.
I noticed results with BT after about 2 weeks of consistent use, length and filling in edges.

I noticed results with OCT after a month of weekly washes using the system.
I knew after 3 weeks of using OCT that my hair was growing faster than it had ever before. However, it gave me protein overload.

I knew after 2 months that Biotin was improving the strength of my hair. However, it gave me cystic acne.

I knew after 6 weeks that MSM was softening the texture of my new growth. So far, no side effects. However there is a thread floating around now saying that MSM makes your boobs bigger. I have not experienced this. *dang it!!*

I took all three at different times of my life, not overlapping.

The best advice I can give is to keep a DAILY hair diary while you are evaluating a product, take pictures, and find a reliable and consistent way to measure your progress.