How long do you leave conditioner in your hair?


New Member
On the back of lots of different conditioner bottles they usually tell you to leave the conditioner for a few minutes and they almost never say to use heat. I just bought a bottle of Nexxus keraphix and they say to leave it in for 3 minutes then wash it out. Do you guys follow the instructions or do you always use conditioners with heat for 15+ minutes like they do in the salon?
i purchase conditioners that specifically say 15-20 minutes and also say 'require heat' as the heat opens up the cuticle and allows the conditioner to deeply penetrate the hair.
i use stuff like the Phyto line, leKair cholesterol, Keracare Humecto
it depends...sometimes i leave conditioners on overnight...sometimes only for a few just depends on how im feeling and how much time i have
As I purchase new products I follow the recommended time. With the Keraphix I've left that on for like 15-20 minutes while showering without any problem. I also follow up Keraphix with a moisturizing conditioner such as Motions Moisture Plus.
When Im deep condtioning I do it for 15-20 and I sometimess use heat. When doing a condtioner wash I just leave it on however long the bottle recommends
I usually leave my conditioners in my hair for as long as I have time. When it's a protein conditioner however, I do go by what the bottles tells me.
I leave Keraphix for 15- 20 mins with heat.I feel like I need to leave my more expensive condits in longer to get my money's worth(weird I know,lol)
I leave the conditioner on for 15-20 min when deep conditioning my hair and for 5 min with co washes.
Depends on how my hair is feeling at the time. Anywhere from 5 min to sleeping in a plastic bag with it on my hair.
Just depends on how much time I have. If I accidentally fall asleep, moisturizing conditioner stays on up to 8 hours. Usually, though, I keep it on for about 30 minutes (usually without heat).

With a strong protein (i.e. DRC), I follow the instructions to the letter.
i use conditioners anyway up to 40 minutes. i was told by my stylist that it's good for your hair to leave certain conditioners in for a long time, she does that when she does deep conditioning treatments on my hair.
When I'm deep conditioning with ORS Hair Mayo, I leave it in for 30 mins, which is the recommended time but with my daily co washes, I leave it in for about an hour or two and then wash it out.

O yea, I have a question...
When I am styling my hair, I like to take Suave Tropical Coconut Conditioner and water, and put it on my hair to make it soft and lay down. Do yall think its ok to do that? and do any of yall do it?

I usually deep condition my hair for 1 hour with a moisturizing conditioner and under the heating cap. I find that my hair is in better condition after I leave it on for this amount of time.
Mysterious said:
On the back of lots of different conditioner bottles they usually tell you to leave the conditioner for a few minutes and they almost never say to use heat. I just bought a bottle of Nexxus keraphix and they say to leave it in for 3 minutes then wash it out. Do you guys follow the instructions or do you always use conditioners with heat for 15+ minutes like they do in the salon?

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Welcome Mysterious!

With the Keraphix (which I use every 4 -6 weeks), I leave it on 15 - 20 minutes only, because of the protein. This is always followed by Humectress Moisturizing conditioner for 30 min. I use Humectress for deep conditioning on every wash day. I just got a microwavable heat cap that I'll be using with it.
I used to do heat and 20-30 minutes with all conditioners. Then I read that you should follow the directions given by the product. As I understand it, the product is made to penetrate the hair within the recommended time and leaving it on longer does not benefit the hair. In most cases this appears to be true. With the Nexxus products, I do the three minute rule and they appear to work fine, plus it saves time!!
Danggit, the way this Suave conditioner enhances my hair texture, I want to leave it in for the whole day.
as much as i pay for my paul mitchell the detangler, i let the stuff sit in from the time i finish shampooing to the time i get ready to leave the
. i don't care what they say, i know what's good for my hair.
I usually follow the instuctions on the bottle..if it says 15-20 then thats what I do, if it says 1-3 or 5 thats what I do
I leave moisturizing conditioners in for 15-20 minutes. Protein conditioners for 10 minutes.
Deep conditioners and reconstructors I sometimes leave in overnight (plastic cap and towel wrapped around head) and rinse out in the morning.
I'll break mine down by conditioners:
I use my humecto w/ a heat cap for 15-20mins

Pantene for 2-10 mins, depends one whethere i'm actually conditioning with it (10mins) or detangling w/ it

20mins w/ heat
I never pay attention to the bottle. I always condition for at least 20 mins. w/heat (an hour w/o). If I condition wash and I'm lazy, I'll do 20 mins w/heat before. Misting my hair w/distilled water to add moisture. I condition wash twice more in the shower and make sure I exceed the time listed on the bottle. I use it as a minimum, not maximum.