How long, before a touch up, do you stop manipulating your scalp?


New Member
I plan to do a touch up after a 12 week stretch - in 2 weeks.

The last time I did my touch up, I added olive oil to my ORS and also applied Silk Amino Acids to my hair first. But my scalp burned like the dickens:blush: and I had to rinse sooner than normal. As a result, my hair was underprocessed.

Thankfully, Sareca's oil rinse suggestion has helped immensely and I've been able to stop the breakage as well as obtain some serious growth.

I'm excited to do a touch up because I think I have nearly 3 in. of growth, and I want the relaxer to take well.

My scalp is starting to itch a bit, but I'm afraid to touch it at all even though I'm not relaxing for another 2 weeks.

Do you think its okay to scratch here and there?
I normally stop about 2 days before but as soon as I make a conscience effort my hair begins to itch like it's never been washed. So I usually slip up and still end up scratching or combing because it feels good. But you're 2 weeks away so I think you should be fine. When I know I have scratched a section too hard or too close to relaxer time I just put a little grease of some sort on that part of the scalp. I never base my scalp so that little extra attention always helps. I never burn. HTH:yawn:
I normally stop about 2 days before but as soon as I make a conscience effort my hair begins to itch like it's never been washed. So I usually slip up and still end up scratching or combing because it feels good. But you're 2 weeks away so I think you should be fine. When I know I have scratched a section too hard or too close to relaxer time I just put a little grease of some sort on that part of the scalp. I never base my scalp so that little extra attention always helps. I never burn. HTH:yawn:

DITTO!!! But Inormally stop a week (5days) before...and when the itchies occur...i scratch lightly...
I do not scratch at all. I just start patting my head! You know...Pat your weave ladies...Pat Pat Pat your weave ladies! :lachen:
I normally stop about 2 days before but as soon as I make a conscience effort my hair begins to itch like it's never been washed. So I usually slip up and still end up scratching or combing because it feels good. But you're 2 weeks away so I think you should be fine. When I know I have scratched a section too hard or too close to relaxer time I just put a little grease of some sort on that part of the scalp. I never base my scalp so that little extra attention always helps. I never burn. HTH:yawn:

This is about what I do. As soon as I plan the day to do a touch up, my scalp is on fire!!! :burning: It's drives me crazy. I never fail to scratch a little, so I have to do what kittenz does and base some spots. I try to stop itching after my last wash before the touch up.
I stop about a week before I touch up. I also base my scalp with vaseline and I don't have any problems with burning.
I wash my hair 3 days(The amount of time inbetween washing my hair) before a relaxer so my head is clean and It won't be so itchy on the day I relax.
I do not scratch at all. I just start patting my head! You know...Pat your weave ladies...Pat Pat Pat your weave ladies! :lachen:

My daughter always ask me "Momma why you beatin yourself in the head?" :lachen:

I tell her I am not beating, I am patting so I don't scratch. She says...It looks like beating to me :confused:

Oh yeah...when I'm worried about my scalp itching during a relaxer I go to Sally's a buy like 3 little packets of this stuff called Bio cure(I think I can't remember). It's in a green and white pack and it's in the section were the hair color is. They like 1.59 each. They work real well. You put them in the relaxer.
I have a sensitive scalp, so I wash 5 days-1 week before a touchup. I don't manipulate or use anything stimulating on my scalp at this point.

I try not to scratch my scalp at any time, but around touchup time it gets crazy. My remedies are:

Pomade of food grade aloe vera, castor, jojoba oil-very cooling, soothing and keeps scalp from drying out. it also moisturizes my newgrowth.

Put a comb pick with metal teeth on my scalp. The cool feeling soothes temporarily