How is this even possible? (Desperate for advice)


Well-Known Member
How is this even possible? (Desperate for advice)(UPDATE)

Okay around a week and a half ago I relaxed my hair after 21 weeks. My stylist, who uses Elucence Super on me, was out of town, so i went to my tursty friend J who has relaxed my hair in the past and did a good job.

I tried to order the Elucence perm on line, but if u live in Florida, you HAVE to have a license. So, I decided to go with Elasta QP regular (lye). I really wanted to use Precise lye (BSS did not have), but I setteled for the Elasta.

So she touches up my hair that night (just the roots) neutrilizes it and applies a rinse. We then put a condioner in and sat under her dryer for 20 min. I then went home, rinsed the conditioner, set and wrapped my hair, and sat under the dyer to let it dry.

I noticed that when I unwrapped it, it felt a little dry. This bothered me a little bit because I'm used to my hair feeling SUPER moisterized whenever I wash it and condition it. So the next night, I mixed Eluncence Extended repair treatment with NTM conditoner and slept with it in a plastic cap over night. The next day I rinsed it out and rollerset it with Salerm 21 and it FINALLY looked and felt how I liked. The only thing was, it looked as though my newgrowth hadn't been touched by a relaxer. I was REALLY underprocessed. It was cool though because my crown was nice and smooth, so no one would even notice the difference.


A week and a half later, not only is my hair breaking like the dickens, but it's pourus as hell. It's TOTALLY thinned out and I'm SO SCARED that I'm going to now have to cut it! It was breaking so bad that I did an EMERGENCEE treatment followed by a deep conditioner. I will give Emergencee Credit, because It did stop the breakage. But unfortunately now, all that I have left on my head is a bunch of broken up damaged hair. I've cut off most of the damaged ends which were a result of the breakage. The thing that has me scared is the fact that how ususally, when I apply conditioner to my sopping wet hair, it waves up automatically. NOW? It does NOTHING! It just sits there.

What I don't understand is, how is it that my newgrowth came out severly UNDERPROCESSED, but now the rest of my hair is reacting to what seems to a situation of it being OVERPROCESSED? Is this possible?

Right now I'm realy hurt and frustrated because I've been taking REALLY good care of my hair for over a year and I thought that it was really thriving, and now in what seems like overnight, it's soooo jacked up. I REALLY do not want to have to cut it all off and start over but someone please help me?

I dont have pics of the damage as of yet, but if u look in my Super Grow out Challenge, you can see that my hair looked fine after the touch up. What the heck happened?
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Miss_Jetsetter said:
Okay around a week and a half ago I relaxed my hair after 21 weeks. My stylist, who uses Elucence Super on me, was out of town, so i went to my tursty friend J who has relaxed my hair in the past and did a good job.

I tried to order the Elucence perm on line, but if u live in Florida, you HAVE to have a license. So, I decided to go with Elasta QP regular (lye). I really wanted to use Precise lye (BSS did not have), but I setteled for the Elasta.

So she touches up my hair that night (just the roots) neutrilizes it and applies a rinse. We then put a condioner in and sat under her dryer for 20 min. I then went home, rinsed the conditioner, set and wrapped my hair, and sat under the dyer to let it dry.

I noticed that when I unwrapped it, it felt a little dry. This bothered me a little bit because I'm used to my hair feeling SUPER moisterized whenever I wash it and condition it. So the next night, I mixed Eluncence Extended repair treatment with NTM conditoner and slept with it in a plastic cap over night. The next day I rinsed it out and rollerset it with Salerm 21 and it FINALLY looked and felt how I liked. The only thing was, it looked as though my newgrowth hadn't been touched by a relaxer. I was REALLY underprocessed. It was cool though because my crown was nice and smooth, so no one would even notice the difference.


A week and a half later, not only is my hair breaking like the dickens, but it's pourus as hell. It's TOTALLY thinned out and I'm SO SCARED that I'm going to now have to cut it! It was breaking so bad that I did an EMERGENCEE treatment followed by a deep conditioner. I will give Emergencee Credit, because It did stop the breakage. But unfortunately now, all that I have left on my head is a bunch of broken up damaged hair. I've cut off most of the damaged ends which were a result of the breakage. The thing that has me scared is the fact that how ususally, when I apply conditioner to my sopping wet hair, it waves up automatically. NOW? It does NOTHING! It just sits there.

What I don't understand is, how is it that my newgrowth came out severly UNDERPROCESSED, but now the rest of my hair is reacting to what seems to a situation of it being OVERPROCESSED? Is this possible?

Right now I'm realy hurt and frustrated because I've been taking REALLY good care of my hair for over a year and I thought that it was really thriving, and now in what seems like overnight, it's soooo jacked up. I REALLY do not want to have to cut it all off and start over but someone please help me?

I dont have pics of the damage as of yet, but if u look in my Super Grow out Challenge, you can see that my hair looked fine after the touch up. What the heck happened?

Oh my goodness MissJ! So sorry about your mishap.

Why did you guys go with QP Regular when you usually use Elucence super? Why not a QP Super? Is it the fact that it was a lye relaxer and the Elucence is no-lye? Did she leave it on long enough and smoothed properly? Also, you may have delicate hair that knows what it wants and needs. How long have you been using the Elucence? It my have shocked your hair.

It sounds as if the Regular QP caused the underprocess...just my two cents..
Wow I don't know what to say. Elasta did the same to my hair but not as bad. My hair was dry after putting this relaxer in my hair. It wasn't coming out but the next week it looked like I didn't relax at all. I love Elasta products but this was terrible.
Hang in there MissJettsetter. As I read your post it made me realize why I am so obsessive about my favorite products, always stocking up months at a time. Whenever I found a favorite relaxer I always made sure I had enough product for the next couple of touch ups, always paranoid I wouldn't find the product when I needed it. I would drive hairstylists crazy making sure they were available when I needed them and if they weren't, making back up plans weeks in advance. I'm just sad for you and so many others because I keep seeing this pattern, my hairstylist was out of town so I went to another stylist in the salon who proceeded to give me a haircut... or like you, I couldn't find the product I always used so I used something else. I really hope what you are experiencing is temporary and that you will overcome it. Some people can switch up relaxers all the time and have no problems, some people have to use the exact same products and regimens all the time or else. I don't know why some of us have more sensitive scalps and hair than others. I'm natural now and never had much success with relaxers but I just wanted to tell you how sorry I was to hear your story.:(
Good luck :kiss: Your hair is so pretty and you've been doing such a good job. Try not to let this get you down. Keep moving forward.:Rose:
Maybe a full fledged Moisturizing can help to combat what was going on...
Were you using a no-lye relaxer & then switched to a lye? No-lyes can be very drying & a lye will bring it out more, I don't know why but you can usually tell when the ends are dryer that every thing else...
I know the no-lye & lye battle each other when it comes to dryness.
Try a bunch of CWs & see if that helps with the appearance.
Maybe even an ApHOGEE treatment to really attack any breakage...
You might end up having to cut if it's really bad...
Or Maybe some cornrows that are not too tight will help the situation? :(
I am soo sorry about what happened...
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Thanks hopeful. That was a really sweet thing to say.

Well see, here's the thing: Elucence is an etremely MILD relaxer. Even with me using the SUPeR, it still had a very mild effect on my hair. So with the elasta, I just decided on the regular because the Super would have probably been way to strong.

This is so dang frustrating. I just feel hopeless. You should see the condition my hair is in now. I just don't know what to do...
How would your hair be overpocessed if the relaxer was only in contact with the roots? Are you 100% sure that your hair was properly neutralized?
Porsche19 said:
How would your hair be overpocessed if the relaxer was only in contact with the roots? Are you 100% sure that your hair was properly neutralized?

She washed it out three times and the neut shampoo had a color alarm
Girl I feel your pain. My hair was overprocessed before too. And when I say it was bad, it was BAD. I had two bald spots and my hair was madddd short. I know you don't want to cur your hair but sometimes if your hair is really damaged that's what you have to do. Remember patience is key and don't give up. And don't listen to negative comments either.
If you switched to a no-lye, maybe because the no lye is a calcium hydroxide base which can cause calcium build up on your hair.

I would try a clarifying shampoo first because maybe you need to remove the calcium deposits the best you can. Then I would try moisturizing w/a great moisturizing conditioner followed the next week by a protein treatment to rebuild and then go back to moisturizing/deep conditioning w/each wash.
was the relaxer old ? could that have been the problem... this happened to me a long time ago... but my hair fellout in clumps right after the relaxer .. thank God I have very thick hair and no one could tell ... it was awful ... I used Hi pro pac conditioner is was a lifesaver!

So sorry to here this ...
I am having the same problem, I have been using Elasta QP Regular as well and my hair is so dry!

I have been doing alot of conditioning and not using as much shampoo and staying away from heat, and my hair does not have a problem with heat.

So far just moisturizing everyday and twisting it up at night is keeping the breakage down.

I do not think you will have to cut your hair though. I thought the same thing but it is possible to nurse dry hair back to health just do not use it twice like I did.

Good Luck and don't stress!!
Something similiar happened to me when I recently switched perms. I usually use a no-lye (mostly Affirm) but I decided to switch to a lye perm. My hair felt fine when the perm went on, no burning or anything. But after I got under the dryer I noticed strands and strands of my hair just breaking off, especially at the ends. My stylist couldn't understand why it was breaking at the ends. I think it was how he washed the relaxer out, letting my processed hair come in contact with the perm being rinsed out. I had to beg him to cut, because he doesn't believe in trimming that often. He ended up cutting 1 3/4 inches but needed to cut an inch more. But what sucks the most is that my roots were severly underprocessed and dry. In about a week it didn't even look like I had a touch up.
I'm so sorry this haapened to you. :kiss: I went through the same thing. Mine was becuase I only shampooed only 2 or 3 times, I didn't use any kind of pre-treatment, didn't base the scalp, relaxed from roots-to-ends, and applyed so much heat during and after. :nono: I had also noticed that my perm did not take either. this might have been the problem. I don't use super becuase it is tooo strong for my hair, so I use mild.

What you can try is the Aproghee treatment. This is a wonderful product that will help aid your hair back to health. :yep:
I'm so sorry about your problems. I have a few suggestions, hopefully at least one will help. First off it sounds like all of the relaxer wasn't rinsed out. You have to rinse completley and then neutralize. I know you said she did but did she follow with a moisturizing shampoo? Sometimes hair that tends to be dry needs to have a moisturizing shampoo follow a neutralizing shampoo.

Try some Porosity Control. It comes in a shmpoo and a conditioner You can find it at Sally's. I always use this after relaxing (relax, rinse, neutralize, porosity conditioner, deep condition). It helps to close your hair cuticles and restore elasticity. If you use the conditioner it only needs to stay on for 30 seconds.

I think you did the right thing by using the Nexxus Emergencee. I think you should alternate between protein and moisturizing. When I had breakage I would switch: protein deep condition then moisturizing leave in then the next week moisturizing deep condition and protein leave in. I kept doing this until I got the breakage under control. When you need to touch up again do an Emergencee treatment a week before and a week after your touch up. This seems to help strengthen my hair.

Lastly, I think you should up your moisturizing to every day or even twice a day with protective styles till you get this under control. The less manipulation the better.

Hope this helps.
sugaplum said:
What you can try is the Aproghee treatment. This is a wonderful product that will help aid your hair back to health. :yep:

It happened to me too a long while back before the site. The front part of my hair went bald, but it is growing back now. Sometimes it can not be helped..Just do what you can in the moment. Aproghee is the bad boy for heavy duty work. I would say to deep condition with a protein conditioner sit under dry for 20 mins every week for the next month and follow with a moisturizing conditioner let sit for this for one month and it will help nurse your hair back to health. I did it and it helped, alot. Hope this helps...sorry girl
Im so sorry to hear about your breakage. I too have recently
suffered a setback :cry3: Maybe we should start a club? ;)
sorry to hear about your setback, maybe your hair is more use to the eleucence relaxer. Also, how long was the qp relaxer left in your hair??
I'm so sorry to hear about this. Elasta relaxer did NOTHING for my hair, but I did not experience the problems you have. The ladies gave great advice. You will be better in no time!
Miss Jetsetter,

Maybe you should try neutralising again, or use some Porosity Control

Since the breakage is so bad, another shot of Emergencee may be good along with a really good moisturising conditioner.

Hang in there till your stylist gets back, maybe it's not as bad as you think.
Sorry about your bad experience, The ladies have already given you great advice.

But I wouldnt be so quick to jump on to Aphogee, its a very strong protein a lot harsher than Emergencee.

When my hair was in a bad state I used very heavy treatments back to back for a while and it did more harm than good. I know you want a quick fix but unfortunately there isnt one.

Good Luck
I am so sorry that is happened to you :( . I think that the ladies have given you wonderful advice.
Hey Ladies,

Well, First and foremost, I would just like to send out a heartfelt thanks for all of the advice and support. This hair mini crisis has really had me slightly depressed. My family and friends who I have shared the news with kind of have this attitude like, "What's the big deal?" They don't really understand or comprehend the hard work that it takes to maintain healthy hair as well as the dedication and consistency.

It's amazing how one little mishap can screw EVERYTHING up in a SECOND. But hey, you live and you learn, right.

I've decided toy take your advice as gar as Emergencee and Porousity Control, as well as lots of moisterizing. I'm going to do the Emergencee every 12 days. I'm hoping tha this is all my hair needs to it's elasity back. .I've cut most of the damaged ends from the breakage. All in all, I'd say I've cut about an inch and a half.

Currently I'm out on a trip working, so I pulled my hair back into a phony pony bun. But I brought all my products with me so I will be condion while I'm out the road, which will be about 6 days.

I'll keep u all updated and let you know how it turns out. Thanks again for all your kind words and advice.


Good news!

For the last week or so I've been washing and deep conditioning my hair every other day as well as using Aubrey organics as a protein. 4 days ago, I ordered Elucence's Acidifying Shampoo which is a Neutrilizing Shampoo and washed my hair with that. I followed with Porosity Control and deep conditioned with Elucence MB Conditoner.

I'm happy to say that slowly and surely, my hair's porosity and Elasticity seems to be coming back! Believe me when I tell you, my hair was in TERRIBLE shape and to me, it's actualy a MIRACLE that it's getting back to normal.

I think what happened was that my hair was not properly neutrilized and therefore began to break. Luckily, all I had to cut was about and inch and a half. I'm just SOOOO grateful that my hair strands did not fizzle up and dissapate, beacause judging from the condition that my hair was in, it sure was headed in that direction!

I just want to thank all the ladies who took the time out to read about my hair crisis and offer their support and offer some sound advice.

The MAIN lesson that I've learned from this whole dibocle (sp?) is that BEWARE: One little slip up can set you back and diminish everything you've worked for. Be careful with the chemicals, ladies. If you're doing your own perms, make sure you NEUTRILIZE your hair THOROUGHLY. Wash it TEN times if you have to! I'm sure I'm being redundant, but I do not want this to happen to anyone else!

Thanks Again!