How I ended my breakage: using some substitions for the Joico 17 min miracle


Ready to be APL
I have been suffering from some breakage these past two months (not everyday because I don't comb everyday) and I have just this week started to panic. When I looked at the strands they were either very thin, they looked like they were pieces that had peeled from a strand (which over time can (and have) thinned some of my strands) or they were completely broken pieces. I remember even seeing some shed hair that had a piece hanging off of them that looked like I could peel it, if I pulled the little piece, it would easily separate and that strand would become thinner. I also have some hair from shed hair that started to taper on the ends. Every time I ran my hand down the length of my ponytail my hand came back with broken hair. When I ran my finger down the strands it was very bumpy which meant the cuticle was missing on many parts of the strand. I was really not happy.

It decreased after I used Millcreek Keratin conditioner but then returned two-fold after I used a new conditioner this past weekend to co-wash, it left my hair hard and it felt very course and it would not hold on to any moisture I gave it.

I have been reading about Joico 17 minute miracle on here and I wanted to try it after seeing TAZ007's fab hair. Here is the thread:

I went onto the WWW to find a replacement because Joico is a little too rich for my blood, I do have some products Joico K Pak reconstructor CONDITIONER (not impressive I am not sure if I will be repurchasinig), and the Joico Intense Hydrator (its okay, but I will mix it with a more moisturizing conditioner next time) but whoooo to me there were a tad bit pricey.

The Joico 17 minute miracle requires the user to do use: Joico K pak clarifier, cuticle sealer, reconstructor, and the Intense hydrator.

I came across this site: Home Remedy For Correcting Porous Hair | LIVESTRONG.COM

This is what they suggest:
  • shampoo with keratin shampoo
  • rinse
  • apply 1/2 C acv leave on 5-10 min
  • rinse with warm water
  • apply keratin conditioner/reconstructor)leave on as alloted (NO HEAT)
  • rinse with cool water
  • apply leave-in
  • apply evco on over leave-in
I had all the items needed except the keratin shampoo so I took:
  • 2 oz of my (MILLcreek) keratin conditioner mixed with 2 oz Quantum clarifying shampoo and 2 oz water.
Yesterday (NOV 30 2010)here is what I used and did:
  • shampooed with my mix of clarifying keratin shampoo
  • 1/8 cup acv mixed with 1 cup distilled water left on 10 min
  • rinsed with warm water
  • applyed GVP Joico K pak reconstructor conditioner, left on 5 min (NO HEAT)
  • rinsed with cool water
  • applied Joico Intense Hydrator left on 10-15 min (NO HEAT only put a plastic cap on) rinsed with cool water (this condtioner is not impressive, next time I will mix it with a more moisturizing conditioner, it softened my hair but as much as I am used to)
I applied my leave-in and sealed with my wgo/evoo/almond oil mixture and guess what NO MORE BREAKAGE finally. My hair feels more elastic and just looks and feels better. I keep running my hands down my ponytail because I am still in shock, I am so happy.

I am going to do this again in 2 weeks and then only 1x a month there after.

Next time I MIGHT use the ACV straight like the site suggests (it has a ph of 3-4) I might also just purchase the Millcreek keratin shampoo and do one lather with the Quantum and then one lather with the keratin shampoo.

If you have the porosity control this could be used in the place of the acv. I cant use this because I am allergic. If your hair becomes hard after using PC then you might want to dilute it with water first.

I hope this helps someone.
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Thanks for the info.

As a side note, I wonder if one of our members wrote the article. We have a few Livestrong writers here.