How fast does YOUR hair grow (w/o growth aids)???

How fast does Your hair grow per month w/o growth aids??

  • .24 in and below a month

    Votes: 15 6.3%
  • .25 in. a month

    Votes: 59 24.8%
  • .5 in a month

    Votes: 127 53.4%
  • .75 in a month

    Votes: 27 11.3%
  • 1 in a month

    Votes: 7 2.9%
  • 1.1 in and above

    Votes: 3 1.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
In excitment over my new discovery, I decided to start this how much does YOUR hair grow w/o the use of aids?? I just discovered my hair grows .75 inches per month, which succeeds the average .5! I don't know why that makes me sooo elated, lol. Maybe the fact that I can possibly reach my goal of APL a little faster:) So VOTE!! And elaborate, if neccesary:) Oh yeah, and if you do use aids, how much faster does that speed ur growth?? Just curious! God Bless!!
My hair grows between .5 and .75, or at least it did up until a month ago when I was WATCHING it grow. I don't use conventional growth aids. I use all natural, lots of love and I mix MSM with amla oil and use that as my growth aid. I guess it works, I've gotten the same growth consistently for 6 months even though sometimes it looks like my hair isn't growing.
I'm natural and shrinkage hides A LOT if you don't stretch it ou. I'm waiting to flat iron so I can REALLY see the growth. No heat until October!
wow! Thats cool, and I can relate with the shrinkage. I am in braids now, so thats how i got measure my growth. I always am discouraged when I look @ the shrinkage, but am excited when i stretch it out lol!
As simple as that sounds, why didn't I think of that. I could braid up for a while and really monitor! This isn't helping me and my problem. LOL! I'm trying to IGNORE my hair(as far as watching it grow)! LOL!
LOL!! WHOAAA....I hope I don't get crazy about measuring my hair **putting ruler down slowly and backing away....* ha!
So slow, that I have to use the growth aides.:ohwell: It got better when i started the ayurvedic products.:yep:
I have no idea---my hair is never straight enough at the root (I try not to relax bone straight and I typically roller set or braid out).
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LOL, i guess I shoulda added the option- "i don't know..." I don't know why that didn' occur to me, b4 today, I didn't know either! and alabama-- WHOAAAA 1-1.5!?! look @ dem genes lol! Do you do anything special or is it just like that??
LOL, i guess I shoulda added the option- "i don't know..." I don't know why that didn' occur to me, b4 today, I didn't know either! and alabama-- WHOAAAA 1-1.5!?! look @ dem genes lol! Do you do anything special or is it just like that??

It's natural I guess. I get more growth when I'm eating healthy, excersing, taking my multi-vitamin and sleeping well. :yep: Like last month I only got .75 but I was eating a lot of junk and not sleeping like I should. school just started so everything is crazy :lol:
i see you! lol. I'm jut now getting back on my healthy regi. I was slackin too! school is killin me!!
I get a steady half inch without growth aids for sure. With growth aids? I'll have to let you know. I'm using them now and I need to give them time to work.
It grows very slowly, maybe because it would break as it got longer. From short cut (twa) to chin length about a year, but past shoulder length, very very slowly.
I chose 0.5 but it depends on the time of the year. summer is my time for growth. Before transistioning I didnt relax till the end of summer otherwise I couldnt stretch for long. In winter it can be bwt 0.25-0.5...
About 1/2 to 3/4 a inch a month for me ..
I'm bad with retaining .. my hair is bra strap .. but i color alot and get scissor happy :drunk:
jst started transitioning for the first time, its been 2months and i have an inch of growth without any growth aid, i feel my hair grows faster when am more relaxed and focus on other things.
My hair grows about 1/3 inch per month - extremely slow. I think I'll try BeeMine next month to help my hair grow faster, especially since I need about a good 1 1/2 inches trimmed off! :perplexed
I dunno. .5 is about average, so I'm guessing that. Could be faster. I don't think it's slower. I haven't measured my hair in ages.
Well it depends really. During the summer my hair seems to grow slow-average, about .25 to .5 inches a month. But in the winter I don't know why but my hair grows quickly. About .5 to .75 inches a month. I'm trying this megatek out now only my 4th day on it. So i'll see what happens.
I always thought I grew half an inch but when I look back and think of how short my hair was when I bc and the lenght I have now ....I think I really underestimate my hair growth. Plus I know I havent been diligent in what I had to do to retain my lenght and still managed to retain lenght I wouldnt answer the question because im really not sure .

One month I have a healthy diet the other month I dont ...everything in my life is like a health , my growth, my emotions,my patience....I feel like a rollercoaster and no im am not BIPOLAR.
