How far do you hold your head down to take pics?


New Member
Ive seen some pics on fotkis that looked like their head was slightly above normal eye elngth. Others hold their head lower, and some hold their head straight. How do you position your head to see how long your hair it? How do you know you're holding your head in the same position each time?
I guess that holding your head straight is best to see true length.

However, since everyone can see that you are holding your head up, down, to the side or whatever... I really don't think it matters.

Sometimes I feel like it's just hair... it's not a scientific experiment where every single variable has to be controlled.
For length shots I try to hold my head straight. But for everything else, ya'll get it at whatever angle I twisted my arm behind my head to snap the pic.
I make sure that my chin is not leaning downward or upward. A good trick for me is to turn my chin toward my shoulder, you can feel your chin stabilize as you move your chin to the center. Or you can try balancing a book on the crown of your head. If you balance then your head is positioned correctly.
I try to have my head as straight as possible. More often than not, I'm looking slightly to the side because I'm looking into a mirror. Honestly, taking pictures is getting kind of hard. I snap them and it is what it is. I just try to get a decent shot without anyone else's help. I'm sure I'm not looking way up or down. But I can't say I have my head at exactly the same place each and every photo and I really never even thought of taking THAT much attention. There could be a difference but not enough to matter. It's kind of a general idea I'm giving, instead of an exact measurement.
I hold my head straight all the time for length check pics and I try to take them with the same top on so it can really be the same.
It's so hard not to tilt your head back as far as it will go, but I try to keep my head level. People can usually tell when you're tilting you're head back so I try not to do it.
This is soooo funny, because I noticed many pictures where it looked like people were leaning back, and I was trying to figure out how long their hair is. I try to hold straight, but like others have alluded to, its kinda hard to do.