How does your man act when he's upset

...and how do you react to his mood?

My DH gets quiet. It drives me nuts, because even though I'm upset, I like to talk it out until I feel better. He, on the other hand, doesn't say anything, likes to bottle up his feelings, I don't think that's healthy, but he's very calm, quiet, and doesn't like to cause any conflicts.
My man will go on and on and on talking about the same thing for hours. Sometimes he's quiet. When he goes on and on I tell him that's enough already then I tune him out and shut up because I don't want to get him going again if I say something. When he's quiet I leave him alone for a good while.
My DH gets quiet. It drives me nuts, because even though I'm upset, I like to talk it out until I feel better. He, on the other hand, doesn't say anything, likes to bottle up his feelings, I don't think that's healthy, but he's very calm, quiet, and doesn't like to cause any conflicts.

I am like you and our men are similar. it drives me nuts too. Ihave to talk to things out. Then, I wind up nagging him because he's sitting there with an attitude. Maybe I need to get a hobby or come online so i can ignore his butt.
mine sits like a garden gnome too!!!:lachen: So i ignore him too, and i go about life like i don't see him there poutin'
Like a dang fool. If he is driving, he becomes erratic, pulling out in front of people, flying, cutting corners, tailgating, hitting the white line. If we are at home, depending on how upset he gets, he may just say alright i am pissed off or he may go flying through the house like a mad man slamming doors. I usually ignore him or walk away. I am not big on arguing, so it really takes a lot for me to get at him about something so I usually just ignore him when he is acting like a fool.
He'll complain a lot about the situation and being the stronger person that I'am :grin:, I console him and we work it out together. I think it's adorable though with his lil dimples.
Oh he lets me know; I get a lecture that has me thinking "Yes, sir" :look:
If I'm upset too, I do this: :tantrum:

If I'm real upset though? I don't say ****

Then we make-up :eyebrows2
Like an ass. Saying stuff he'll have to buy, apologize, and dig himself out of later. :nuts:

Like during our last argument, he went around the house and took down all of the mirrors saying that it was bad "feng shui" in the house. He could feel it. What? :nuts:
I agree with "like a fool" but it's really funny to me. It's worse when I'm mad b/c when he's mad I'm laughing inside. He normally talks loud anyway, but when he's upset he gets even more loud and he starts talking extra fast and trips over his words. His eyes get all big and he gets extra animated. :lachen: I just sit there and watch/listen/and look at him like he's crazy ESPECIALLY if he's upset with me...because that has a calming effect on him. He gets whatever it is out. And then it's over and we laugh and move on. 9/10 he knows he's being EXTRA.
My DH gets quiet. It drives me nuts, because even though I'm upset, I like to talk it out until I feel better. He, on the other hand, doesn't say anything, likes to bottle up his feelings, I don't think that's healthy, but he's very calm, quiet, and doesn't like to cause any conflicts.

OMG my DH IS THE SAME :wallbash: It's soooo frustrating, and the less he talks the more I do :spinning:
He gets a really really bad, just stank....
Then he just gets quiet...
Sometimes I just hate it when he gets into his lil attitude, then I'll get upset and have my attitude....then we're just 2 mad people lol
Like a crack head in need of a hit :spinning:.

I just go in another room or leave. He wants be to get upset with him but I usually keep my cool and he gets over it.
he generally only gets mad, when I get mad, so he just copies me.
If i yell he yells, if i pout he pouts :lachen:
he'll say why and won't say nothing for about 30 minutes, then will kiss me and say "i love you" like he was never mad, lol
Boo starts the long lecture about whatever it is that is bothering him while pacing back and forth. He is very precise with his words but it can go on and on and on. I just sit and nod. When he's done he wants to be all lovey-dovey but I'm probably still pissed and exhausted from his freakin lecture!!!!
My DH gets quiet. It drives me nuts, because even though I'm upset, I like to talk it out until I feel better. He, on the other hand, doesn't say anything, likes to bottle up his feelings, I don't think that's healthy, but he's very calm, quiet, and doesn't like to cause any conflicts.

Mine is like that too. Its so annoying some times.
I don't even want to talk about what my last LITTLE friend did.:nono:

But I think that I am going to try to take some pointers from you guys because when you see how a man reacts to something when he is angry, you can see into him as a person.

So, if he I see a pattern in his anger, there is no way he can become my man and/or little friend.:nono:
My SO pouts and gets quiet and doesn't want to talk. So, I just let him be and give him his space. I go do my own thing and wait until he comes to me. It seems to work for us.
He becomes quiet, so I leave him alone and he comes around when he is ready. He will usually give me a kiss on the back of the neck or hug :)