How does your ATTITUDE towards sin help/hurt?


New Member
Hey er'ybody. Been gone for a minute now I'm back up in it. Discussions been a little heated on here I see. But I also notice one of the things behind a lot of the more heated discussions seem to be not whats said but the way they are said and the "motivations" behind them. One of the things I think hinders us all and continually commits to our "active" sinning (Active sinning: You know the "did it last night and will be doing it again tonight" sins. It could be anything from fornication to stealing to putting a beatdown on those who look at you wrong) tends to be our attitude.

I myself have noticed that when I have the attitude of humility and think about how weak I am before I put myself in a situation and how God wants to guide me and not to even have me put myself in that situation helps. For instance I have a HUGE problem with my finances and I have to honestly say to myself. YOU KNOW GOOD AND FULL WELL YOU WILL BE SPENDING YOUR ELECTRIC BILL MONEY ON SHOES SO STAY OUT OF ROBINSONS-MAY.

I find I have to have the right attitude and not a careless one and that has helped. God has given me the grace of providing a paycheck every month and it has come to my attention how much I am disrespecting him by squandering so much of it. But correcting my attitude has led to a change in my actions. And a deeper understanding of how much my actions actually affect Gods heart and how much he cares and wants better for me and how disrespectful it was to continually hurt his heart by being disrespectful and flippant about my finances. Because after all God loves me and he knew I wanted to do better.
Anyone experience something similiar with a change of attitude?
(By the way thanks for some of the "get real" talk. I knew he knows my heart and I'm realizing it was hurting him that he also knew I could do better but just chose not to.)

God Bless.
Good Topic. :) I think my guilty conscience assist me in my attitude toward sin. I am prayful that by changing my thought process, environment and circle of friends/family that I will have inner peace and God's continued mercy. The Devil is busy trying to steal my Glory. I rebuke him and shout out I love you Father God! I am making major changes. At times I think it would be easier to live a totally sinful life. Change takes courage, commitment and honesty not everyone is up to the challenge. I've been a work in progess for so long. I get frustrated at times but I know this is God's plan for me. I am letting go and letting God. I admit the battle isn't mine.
latia said:
Good Topic. :) I think my guilty conscience assist me in my attitude toward sin. I am prayful that by changing my thought process, environment and circle of friends/family that I will have inner peace and God's continued mercy. The Devil is busy trying to steal my Glory. I rebuke him and shout out I love you Father God! I am making major changes. At times I think it would be easier to live a totally sinful life. Change takes courage, commitment and honesty not everyone is up to the challenge. I've been a work in progess for so long. I get frustrated at times but I know this is God's plan for me. I am letting go and letting God. I admit the battle isn't mine.

Letting go & letting God- I have been saying this all week. :)
I too have some things that I had to change my attitude about. Actually almost everything that I have thought, said & done while "in the world" I have had to re-evaluate. Although I have been one to "check myself" on a regular basis.
Anyway, I try to avoid places, situations, people so that I can do what God wants me to do. I'm constantly consulting Him & thinking about everything before I do it. I truly desire to exemplify God in all that I do. But, I too am a work in progress.;)
"I try to avoid places, situations, people so that I can do what God wants me to do. I'm constantly consulting Him & thinking about everything before I do it."

Mecca, I realize I need to do the same thing for my spiritual growth and sanity. I am following some of the things Poohbear has posted about in the past ie;ABC's & 5-D's.
latia said:
"I try to avoid places, situations, people so that I can do what God wants me to do. I'm constantly consulting Him & thinking about everything before I do it."

Mecca, I realize I need to do the same thing for my spiritual growth and sanity. I am following some of the things Poohbear has posted about in the past ie;ABC's & 5-D's.

:) Bump that thread, if you can.
And for your sanity, one of members who left once said that she had to learn to forgive herself because God had already forgiven her. That has stuck with me & I share that with others.;)
ABC's to strengthen relations with God

5-D's that delay our growth. Watch out for them.
Doubt *questioning Gods word and love
Discourage *makes you look at the problem rather than God
Diversion *bad and wrong things look attractive
Defeat *makes you feel like a failure so you give up and don't try
Delay *Put off things so it never gets done
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I think a lot of things have helped contribute to my sinning in the past. I hope I'm not off topic when I say this, but I'm realizing that my choice of music and the music that I was brought up with has not helped me in my life.:naughty: I 've been thoroughly convinced that getting a man and knowing how to please him and keep him is what I need in my life and would make me feel good about myself. I'm talking mostly about mainstream R & B. I'm slowly finding that I get disgusted when women and men sing about how their partner is their "world", and that they are "nothing" without them.:ohwell: Many songs about sex (most Rap and mainstream R & B) created a lustful feeling in me, making me want to share my body with someone in that way one day, and I see now that is all wrong. I think I see now why my little sister doesn't listen to this stuff.

I'm learning to turn away from this music onto more christian contemporary and gospel music, tasteful R & B, and positive and uplifting music.:woot: I still love my old school, smooth jazz and other types of music, I am just more careful of what I expose myself to.
Sweetb are you inside my head or what?:eek: I so wanted to throw out cd's this morning but decided I will probably sale them to a pawnshop or something. I pulled out my gospel cd's and plan on picking up Shirley Caesar, Walter Hawking Love Alive, Fred P K and checkout some new stuff. I will listen still listen my jazz and smooth R & B the real stuff! I don't like seesawing back an forth on worldy issues (cursing, lusting and bad thoughts right now) so I got to make a drastic change. The recent events with my son have me with major mood swings and headaches. I have to handle this scandalous spirit that is trying to rob me of my glory. The great thing is knowing God's got my back and I am only in the valley temporarily.