How does Henna and OCT thicken "existing" hair?


New Member
Just curious...thinking ok, OCT/MegaTek is doing something internally so the new hair grows thicker.

...but curious how Henna and OCT/Mega thicken existing hair? Seriously, how can something that was thin yesterday, when used today, 'thicken' your hair?

Is that really possible?

Grant it, I Henna'd yesterday and when the entire 6 hour process (start, application and clean up :ohwell:) was finished my hair did look thicker.

Perplexed :perplexed
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Ah, I was wondering...thought it might have something to do with attaching to the hairs structure.

So, it's more of the product adhering and therefore it 'seems' thicker.

Makes sense :yep:
Ah, I was wondering...thought it might have something to do with attaching to the hairs structure.

So, it's more of the product adhering and therefore it 'seems' thicker.

Makes sense :yep:

Exactly, it's a protein, just like volumizing condish/poo the protein "fills in the holes" in your hair creating a fuller thicker look and feel.
Yeah - I know how it works with henna - it's almost like a cellophane, so it 'coats' each strand of hair - that's what leaves the color, and that's why the darker your hair is, the 'harder' the henna color will be to see. It can wear off, over time, but it doesn't wash out......

The OCT/Megatek though - I've no clue how that works..... It DOES, but I don't know how....
..SO it just binds around the existing hair - like a mask/ each time you henna your hair it gets thicker and thicker...the more times you henna the thicker your hair gets?