How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it matter?

What effect does water have on the moisture level of our hair?

  • It has kept my hair so moisturized, i barely need external treatments

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It may be in my head but i "think" that when im consistant w/drinking water (64 oz a day) that within a week my hair is noticably much more moisturized and soft--and when i stop, much more parched.
But im not sure if there is any logic behind drinking more water effecting a whole strand of hair
So that was the reasoing behind the poll, and share if you feel like it:yep:
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

IDK... Some people say it will help the condition of your hair. Which is probably true but I rarely drink water and I have no problems with dryness when it comes to my hair or skin.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

yeah, I dont see any noticeable effects of drinking more water, except more trips to the bathroom. Other than that, nada
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

I think I do notice a difference when I don't drink alot of water. I don't think the difference is big enough to stop my progess but I do believe that when you are fully hydrated, your body is able to circulate all nutrients better. Your scalp gets the leftovers so subpar levels of vitamins/minerals/, protein, fats, water etc... will led to less quality hair production. Now some people don't have a problem growing hair regardless of what they eat but I think most of us would see improvement if we had healthier eating habits.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

My hair and skin are doing a lot better since I started drinking water daily. I drink no less than 80oz. a day on most days....some days (weekends):blush3:, I slack. I think water has really helped.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

My hair and skin are doing a lot better since I started drinking water daily. I drink no less than 80oz. a day on most days....some days (weekends):blush3:, I slack. I think water has really helped.
OT: Is that you in your avatar, if so then you're very pretty!

Water, i dont drink it enough hardly ever but my hair does fine. i'm wondering if it would make a difference for me though...
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

i dont think it helps with moisture at all -- well thats my expierence anyways. my hair was always dry as a bone and i've only drank water my since i was like 10. i dont like soda or juice, blech!!!
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

I drink about 3 liters a day. But it really isn't for haircare. I went away for 10 days and did not drink much of ANYTHING (all I usually drink is water-- no juice or soda) and I noticed a SLIGHT difference.
But then again it was only 10 days....maybe if I went on longer it would have been drier.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

It may be in my head but i "think" that when im consistant w/drinking water (64 oz a day) that within a week my hair is noticably much more moisturized and soft--and when i stop, much more parched.
But im not sure if there is any logic behind drinking more water effecting a whole strand of hair
So that was the reasoing behind the poll, and share if you feel like it:yep:

Maybe the newgrowth, but not the entire strand.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

I think it makes a difference over the long haul (like a lot of other things) LOL. I started drinking more water for health reasons and noticed a difference in how I felt physically right away. Amazing that a well hydrated body can feel so much more balance. Running to the bathroom kinda pain at first but the trade off in a greater sense of well-being is well worth it.

I didn't notice a difference to my hair and skin right away, but after about 6 weeks of drinking 64 oz a day, definitely saw a difference -- skin more supple and less oily. It took even longer to see a difference in my hair, I mean, it took time for the more moisturized hair that grew under more hydrated conditions to manifest. I hope that makes sense. :look: In other words, more water now may not help the hair already on your head much, but will help the new hair coming in.

Here are just a FEW benefits of drinking more water and a link to the full article:

-Water supresses the appetite naturally and helps the body
metabolize stored fat. Studies have shown that a decrease in
water intake will cause fat deposits to increase, while an
increase in water intake can actually reduce fat deposits.

-Water helps to maintain proper muscle tone by giving muscles
their natural ability to contract and by preventing dehydration.
It also helps to prevent the sagging skin that usually follows
weigh loss

-Water helps rid the body of waste.

-Water can help relieve constipation.
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Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

OT: Is that you in your avatar, if so then you're very pretty!

Water, i dont drink it enough hardly ever but my hair does fine. i'm wondering if it would make a difference for me though...

:lachen: Girl, that is Tocarra from ANTM! :lachen: She is my inspiration....I think she is gorgeous. And so does my hubby, he really has a thang for her :rofl:
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

I read somewhere recently that if one's hair is cool to the touch, it signifies that there is enough moisture in the hair and that the person is receiving an adequate intake of water.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

:lachen: Girl, that is Tocarra from ANTM! :lachen: She is my inspiration....I think she is gorgeous. And so does my hubby, he really has a thang for her :rofl:
:blush:OOPS!:lachen::lachen::lachen:. Well I agree that Toccarra is gorgeous, I wonder how much water she drinks:spinning:
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

I think water does help the hair and skin both, but you would probably have to be seriously dehydrated to notice a major difference. We get small amounts of water in vegetables and other things we eat and drink so all of that would prolly have to be cut out as well. But I still try to drink about 5 -16 oz bottles a day if I can because not only is it good for your hair and skin, its good for weight loss too, like someone else pointed out....So Im all for that!!:yep:
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

I drink about 91 ounces of water per day (including tea, natural juices etc). Most of the ounces come from pure water. I'd say it helps a lot with hair and skin. I notice that I don't really need to moisturize between washes really. I just try to protect my ends by putting a little moisture or oil on them (LIGHTLY). So, yes, it helps I think....I say I think because I'm not sure if its the products Im using, the water, or a combination of both. I'd like to think it's a combo.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

i drink about 2 liters (about 68oz) daily. I think it has made a difference with my skin and my hair. I think it affects growth more than moisture though and prevents me from breaking out since i'm taking b supplements.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

I'm not sure of the connection between being hydrated internally and having moisturized strands since hair is dead. But I bet it promotes new growth as much as all these vitamins I'm taking.

I barely drink any water though, maybe 20oz per day. And even worse, I drink coffee like a crackhead since I started my new job which I'm sure dehydrates me. I'm going to try to triple my intake and cut back on caffeine for my hair's sake.

I noticed too that my lips are always dry?? Hey, maybe that's a clue I need more water!
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

Drinking enough water each day (1/2 your weight in ounces daily) absolutely moisturizes the hair and skin from the inside out. :yep:
There are numerous other benefits also.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

I haven't noticed a difference in my hair w/ upping my water intake, but i'm going to continue because i just feel better!
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

I do not think it moisturizes hair, but it allows the body to self clean more efficiently and help with a cleaner overall system which benefits the proper absorption of hair benefiting nutrients/vitamins. I think drinking lots of water is probably more beneficial to actual hair growth than hair moisture.

I notice the biggest impact when I added lemon to my water.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

One of the things that I've done in the past few months is drink significantly more water. I take in a measured 66oz. of water each day and then anything else I gain from eating and drinking is extra.

Myscalp is more moisturized, along with the rest of the skin on my body, and my relaxer didn't burn at all last week. My facial skin is much better, my sinuses are better, my digestion is better. My hair feels more moisturized, maybe it isn't, but it feels like it. I don't think you can go wrong with upping your water intake.

I always add fresh lemon just b/c I hate the taste of plain water.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

I drink about 64 oz a day...not sure if I see a difference in moisture as a result
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

When I drink more water my hair grows faster. I haven't noticed a change in moisture the level though.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

I do not think it moisturizes hair, but it allows the body to self clean more efficiently and help with a cleaner overall system which benefits the proper absorption of hair benefiting nutrients/vitamins. I think drinking lots of water is probably more beneficial to actual hair growth than hair moisture.

I notice the biggest impact when I added lemon to my water.


what you said sounds true although I am part of a water challenge right now and I haven't seen any difference really although its only been a few weeks. Please tell me what other things you noticed when adding lemon?
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

I notice if I don't drink water, my new growth comes in hard and very dry. However, the rest of the strands are fine.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

I try to drink at least 90-100oz of water per day (water and unsweetened teas are pretty much all I drink), and I definitely notice a difference in my hair manageability-wise if I don't get my water intake in or I drink sugary beverages. I still don't know how to explain it because I figure the only thing me drinking water internally can do is hydrate my follicles or support them, but not the strands that are already grown out of my head. But I tried telling that to my hair, and it doesn't seem to be listening :grin:. My hair looks and feels better to me when I get my water intake in, and especially when I drink teas like green tea, nettle tea, and rose hips tea.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

I can't say that it helps my hair per se but when I drink enough water by weight and skin seem to fall in line.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

Weight control, hair and skin moisturization depend upon my water intake. I have to flavor it or half and half it with green tea or some other healthy additive to get my 64 ounces minimum..
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

Well the shampoo lady at the salon told me that my hair was so dry because I never drank enough water. I think she's right but I havent been consistent with drinking 64 oz a day.
Re: How does drinking H20 effect moisture of hair? How much do you drink? Does it mat

I went from drinking 0oz of pure water to 80oz a day. My hair is still so dry, you can take a stand, rub a stick against it and viola you have yourself a fire.

The only thing drinking a bunch of water does for me is make me go to the bathroom 10+ times a day.