How does anyone stand the smell of Casor Oil?


New Member
Okay so I bought two small bottles of castor oil because I heard its really thick and thought I could use it as a pre-poo, but was I wrong or what. The smell is quite nauseating to me:pullhair::mad::mad:, I felt like I was on fear factor or something.

I had to quickly cover it with a cap after I put it on my hair to escape the smell, and rinsing it out in the shower was pure hell for me. So is it just me or does it smell bad to anyone else. I have never used it as a laxative so maybe others are used to the smell.

If you use castor oil, is there a brand that smells nice?
The benefits outweigh the smell. The smell dissipates quickly especially if you use other products that have a pleasant fragrance.
I have used it twice now, maybe my stomach is very sensitive, the first time, I left it on overnight tied up, and when I took off the scarf the next morning the smell was still there. If anyone knows a nice smelling type that would help me; I was almost puking guys, it has a bad effect on my GI system
Hmm. I only use the Home Health brand. It doesn't smell like anything to me. I guess castor oil has a specific smell but it's not bad or good. It's definitely not strong to me. Is yours pure castor oil? I know JBCO supposedly has a strong smell.

I use it everyday on my wet hair and I leave it in and it doesn't bother me. Maybe you're just sensitive.
Try adding a few drops of essential oil like ylang ylang or some other scent that you like to the bottle of castor oil.
I have the Home Health brand also and I just had to open it and sniff since I couldn't recall a smell. Doesn't smell like anything to me.
Yeah it does have a very..well, I cant describe the smell, but its not strong enough for me to get sick over. The brand I use is not sold in the US. I find that the swan brand isnt as strong as the one I use..the color (of Swan) is also lighter so maybe thats why.
Ditto on the Home Health brand not stinking. I use castor oil exclusively for my pre-poo hot oil treatments. Even after sitting under the dryer with a plastic cap for 30 minutes, I still don't notice a smell!
For me, I was able to cover the smell up for 1 or 2 days by adding a nice smelling leave-in conditioner. After that, it had a strange strong smell that I could only get rid of with shampooing. The castor oil caused me to have acne so I had to stop using it anyways.
I feel you. I get the kind from Wal-Mart and I hardly use it cuz the smell is disgusting. Even if I mix it with Strawberry or Green Apple hair products, the CO smells busts through.
I don't think it smells that bad. I have EKO Castor Oil. When I tried the Jamaican Black I thought it smelled horrible. I ended up just wasting it to get rid of it.
I usually order mine from but on occasion (out of desperation :look:) I've bought the drugstore brand and I've never noticed any smell at all from either of them. Maybe I'm just crazy :spinning:
Thanks for all the replies, I really like how soft my hair feels after the treatment. Maybe I should try to get one of these organic brands. As for the two bottles I own, they are going in the trash.
I cant remember the brand of the one i have but i know the label is white and the smell is strong but since i have been using MTG the smell of the JBCO is nothing to me.
Thanks for all the replies, I really like how soft my hair feels after the treatment. Maybe I should try to get one of these organic brands. As for the two bottles I own, they are going in the trash.

Don't trash them... go to the exchange board and see if someone wants them.

i use this brand: Palma Christi Castor oil

no scent at all.....actually i didn't know castor oil had a smell until i read this thread
I use castor oil by now and it's odorless! The smell JBCO doesn't bother me either.
Your nose is really sensitive:yep: I buy my CO form and it just smells like "oil". I use it from head to toe by the the quart, and we're in deep love:grin:
I actually love the!! That stuff is so thick I wouldn't use it to prepoo though, only as a sealer when I'm done.
I hadn't even noticed the smell. You must have a brand that has a really strong scent.
I haven't used my castor oil in a while, so I had to go find and smell it. Mine is over a year old, purchased from and has no scent at all. When my hair was shorter, I used it to keep the edges and nape tame worked like a dream.
I definitely don't think you have the odorless castor oil. Try looking for an odorless version. I got mine from Walmart, and it has absolutely no smell whatsoever. HTH!
I use JBCO and that smell doesn't bother me at all. I also used to use the Palm Christi brand and it is odorless.